Sun unleashes M9.3 Class Solar Flare – July 30, 2011

Scale: Scientists classify solar flares according to their x-ray brightness in the wavelength range 1 to 8 Angstroms. There are 3 categories: X-class flares are big; they are major events that can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. M-class flares are medium-sized; they can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth’s polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes follow an M-class flare. Compared to X– and M-class events, C-class flares are small with few noticeable consequences here on Earth. –Space Weather  
contribution Luisport
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16 Responses to Sun unleashes M9.3 Class Solar Flare – July 30, 2011

  1. pam says:

    This should trigger some gorgeous auroras.


  2. Anthony says:

    I don’t worship the Sun, but it really is some sort of fascinating carnival game. This giant object of energy that spins around shooting death rays at different intervals. Definitely some sort of game about timing.


  3. Tim Wargo says:

    Any word yet whether a CME occured as well with this?


  4. penny says:

    Love the piece of music , what is it?


  5. mark says:

    that sun looks like its ready to explode any day


  6. Brandon says:

    What was that thing that scientists said about the sun going into a quiet period??? They need to remind the sun that she’s supposed to be quieting down now!


  7. luisport says:

    Geomagnetic K-index of 5 alert is issued by Space Weather Prediction Center. Kp-indices of 5 or greater indicate storm-level geomagnetic activity. Geomagnetic storms have been associated with satellite surface charging and increased atmospheric drag.

    Speed of solar winds is curently 465.1 km/sec with density of 4.8 protons/cm3. R2 radio blackout level is in effect ( Limited blackout of HF radio communication on sunlit side, loss of radio contact for tens of minutes and degradation of low-frequency navigation signals for tens of minutes). watch also:


  8. Golfdad641 says:

    “Our days on the net are numbered as I’ve said repeatedly. Pick up a copy of the book and we should all be working to build network and coop communities. What we’ve ignited here, keep it burning because a storm is coming…” Alvin

    I would be the first to say anyone in Washington State, I would like to help and build a network and coop communities. Again Thank You! And God Bless You!!!



  9. Carol says:

    This barely got a mention on the Solar Activity Report. What effects can we expect from this Alvin?


    • I think it bears watching as this is a large sunspot chain and it’s facing us to such a degree that it could expel so nasty surprises our way. We will just have to watch it and see. I’ll keep an eye on it. Carol.



  10. J.M says:

    Yes I think it´s time to see if some Faraday Boxes can help, Alvin do you think such devices can help preserve electronics in a solar flare provoked shutdown of the grid?


    • luisport says:

      First of all – ‘Crepuscular Rays’:
      Crepuscular rays (also known as God Rays), in atmospheric optics, are rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from a single point in the sky. These rays, which stream through gaps in clouds or between other objects, are columns of sunlit air separated by darker cloud-shadowed regions. The name comes from their frequent occurrences during crepuscular hours (those around dawn and dusk), when the contrasts between light and dark are the most obvious.

      Crepuscular rays are near-parallel, but appear to diverge because of linear perspective. They often occur when objects such as mountain peaks or clouds partially shadow the sun’s rays like a cloud cover. Various airborne compounds scatter the sunlight and make these rays visible, due to diffraction, reflection, and scattering.

      ‘Anticrepuscular rays’:

      Crepuscular and anticrepuscular rays are generated in the same way. The rays in some cases may extend across the sky and appear to converge at the antisolar point, which is the point on the sky sphere directly opposite the sun, and they are called anticrepuscular rays. Like crepuscular rays, they are parallel shafts of sunlight from holes in the clouds, and their apparent convergence is a perspective effect. They are not as easily spotted as crepuscular rays.


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