Cloudburst storm dumps record rainfall on Chicago

July 23, 2011CHICAGO – Those looking for some kind of a break from the heat of the last week got it overnight — a rainstorm that dropped temperatures into the low 70s. But like the heat wave that preceded it, this rainstorm was anything but ordinary. According to, the total rainfall at O’Hare — 6.91 inches as of about 6:50 a.m. — is the largest single-day rainfall since records began in 1871. The highest previous daily total was 6.64 inches on Sept. 12, 2008. And more rain is on the way. There were rainfall totals as high as 7 inches as the storm moved noisily through the Chicago area after midnight, resulting in flash flood warnings from the National Weather Service and enough flooded roads and highways to make life miserable for passengers headed to or from O’Hare International Airport and make a mess of traffic overnight and into Saturday morning. The flash flood warning is in effect until 1:30 p.m. Saturday for most of the northern part of the region, though the rain did end up falling pretty much everywhere. The north side got the brunt of it, though, with O’Hare International airport getting 5.53 inches in two hours, according to Some other totals of note reported by the Weather Center: 6.41 inches in Glenview, 5.4 inches in Arlington Heights and 5.49 inches in Elk Grove Village. –Chicago Tribune
Growing phenomenon: We first reported on this phenomenon weeks ago when stories of these storms began pouring in from all around the world. We call them cloudburst storms. They are very intense thunderstorms which, in many occasions, appear to come out of nowhere. Most of these storms develop late at night where the atmosphere has been heated by record daytime temperatures. These storms are characterized by very intense lightning strikes. Some unleash hailstones and monstrous amounts of rainfall which often lead to dramatic flash flooding events. See Cloudburst storms.
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15 Responses to Cloudburst storm dumps record rainfall on Chicago

  1. luisport says:

    Tony M says:
    July 23, 2011 at 21:06
    The tremor levels on seem to have been clicking up a lot during the day on all three frequency bands. But not many earthquakes to go with this. Is this magma on the move under Myrdalsjokull?


    • Let’s keep a close eye on it Luisport. It’s presently ebbing. Interesting, seismic activity in Iceland appears to wane with sunset. I think we are seeing more magmatic movement along the Reykjanes ridge and MAR rift. The chart is indicative of something unfolding. Nice work…



  2. marcopolo says:

    Yea im from chicago it was really bad my whole block including mines basment had like 2 feet of water it was crazy


    • Kathy says:

      I also, live in Chicago. This storm was crazy! The lightning, thunder and rain lasted for about 2 hours. It was NONSTOP. It then continued to rain for another hour. I can’t remember ever seeing that much lightning, for that long.


  3. Golfdad641 says:

    Hi Alvin,

    I don’t know where to post this but let us not forget The Lord’s Beauty and Grace, here is a new trail I ran today, almost up to 400 miles of trail running this year. I would like to share His Beauty and Grace, I have more to upload but hopefully you all enjoy.



  4. Mark T. says:

    I know what this is like. Experiencing them in Knoxville, TN right now as I type this. The day time heat just pops these storms up out of now where around 7 or 8 PM or later at night. The storms don’t seem to move, the just drift in place for long periods of time. They dump a tremendous amount of rain in a short period of time in a very local area.

    This has been the norm all summer. Very strange indeed.


  5. Golfdad641 says:

    well call me blonde i forgot to attach the link 🙂

    Otter and Big Creek Falls – Taylor River Trail


  6. sinoed says:

    We live in England and this weather has been happening here for all of my life… but we call them spanish plumes…they always come after a period of over hot weather and are very intense. Having said that they have been getting far more intense for the last 20 years or so…it would appear from these storms that we have yet to face more of them as the weather come across the atlantic ….oh well just have to leave my flood defense’s in place…am starting to wonder if we’ll ever be able to take them down!! mmmm time to buy a boat me thinks


  7. Alvin, I love this site also as I have read so many say. It’s the only place I feel I am getting the truth. Just a question. Does anyone else see a face in this cloud? Kind of creepy. Thanks again Alvin.


  8. Gen says:

    Golfdad641, thank you for sharing that beauty with us. May the Lord watch over your family and all those who contribute to this wonderful site.

    Thank you again Alvin for your great work and allowing us to share information and knowledge.


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