Moderate quakes strike China, Indonesia, Alaska and Chile


A string of moderate earthquakes have erupted in rapid succession across the globe all at depth below 50 km, suggesting tectonic plates are in a state of high agitation. The potential for seismic events in high-risk seismic regions is high.
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Planetary Tremor Event, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

34 Responses to Moderate quakes strike China, Indonesia, Alaska and Chile

  1. Jennifer says:

    I see it too Alvin. I am praying the New Madrid is stable for a while longer. I know its hard to predict but what are your thoughts leading to in regards to the depth and happenings of the Earth shaking?


    • We are extremely vulnerable to an earthquake event or events perhaps over the next 48 hours. We will see if this dissipates are if there is further breakouts. Coastal regions near plate boundaries are particularly susceptible.

      blessings and grace,


  2. It is quite amazing that they all align across the globe. Defiantly, a sign of the times. Posted by Rev. Daniel W. Blair, author of Final Warning


  3. ashuka says:

    Alvin whats going on with all these earthquakes happening all at once. What do you see happening in the 48 hours. These earthquakes really concerns me.


    • The tectonic plates are moving a lot.. We’ll have to wait and see what becomes of it. Tension mounts and builds, plates are stressed—– there is a wind-up then a release and alot of the stress in equilibrated along plates until the process starts again. We could have one large quake, or several or it could be more tremors along tectonic plate boundaries similar to what we’re seeing. I’m not trying to predict an earthquake, I’m just saying the factors are increasingly favorable for such an event to happen.


  4. PansPermia says:

    Just found this:

    Is The New Madrid Fault Earthquake Zone Coming To Life?

    Yes, Alvin I agree wholeheartly blessings and grace


  5. ashuka says:

    Thank you!! I know we can always count on you for information. Don’t know what we would do without you.


    • That’s a very kind thing to say. I’m touched. If not me, God would find another. The most important thing is the wonderful community of acquaintences that have come together over these events. I hope some of the bonds of friendship will carry many of us through this crisis.

      You’re welcome and glad to be of service,


  6. David says:

    I am not going to get to concerned till we start to see frequent 5.0 earth quakes in the California areas and the New Madrid areas and anything 5.0 or higher around any of the super volcanoes in the world. When and if this becomes the case,then I myself believe the beginning of the end has started.


    • David says:

      The ocean

      If you click on the little gray box in the upper right corner just above the video, it will allow you to make the picture bigger. DO IT! It’s worth it. Watch the octopus at the end; it will blow your mind! Something beautiful to watch enjoy.


  7. Brandon says:

    David, I’m not concerned either. These quakes are normal. I believe we have at least a century.


  8. Sheila S. says:

    Don’t know if there is any scientific basis to the “earthquake” rainbows that have appeared in the clouds prior to some of the big earthquakes, but we just had one Southeast of Seattle. Never seen one before – beautiful.


  9. TTB says:

    Why is fear the first reaction of most? Besides fear of the Lord, fear never helped anything. It is also the ‘rational reasoning’ governments of the world use for not giving total disclosure.


    • whatchagonnado? says:

      TTB.. While I have just recently started reading this site, for some reason I don’t sense “fear” here. I feel like most people on this site share information, provide status of current events. I don’t feel anyone is “afraid”, just wanting to prepare the best way they can. It seems most folks here are prepared for the Lord when he does come.
      I can see the prespective on your comment of government and rational reasoning, however I also I think that they have been providing subliminal messages in the forms of movies, FEMA and their “zombie readiness, etc.
      While I do agree with the fact that everyone must live, and work as normally as possible to keep the supply/demand chain going. I do think if governments “presented knowledge of current conditions” in a professional manner that the world’s peope would not panic. Maybe that presentation could bring about harmony and peace with all nations to strive towards a common good as best we could all hope for!
      It would also be nice if all governments provide people their “concerns” of earth changes. We may not know all they do, but we do have many people “Alvin” for one, that provides information that others do not share.


  10. B. Höglund says:

    Can this be something for You to write about? I don’t think things like this happens at the same time by coincidence..
    It’s very interesting and frightening, to read Your blog.


  11. Carol says:



  12. Peter says:

    Hello Alvin,I thought you might like this link from our better class newspaper ‘The Independant’.It is quite alarming.All these dead creatures and millions of dead fish.Something is dreadfully wrong somewhere and the current eco-systems.If radio activity were leaking into the sea from the Nuclear Plant from the Japan Earthquake might that contaminate many areas and coastal towns globally and eventually anihilate aand poison all or many living things starting with oceanic creatures ???

    You refer to more activity again over the next 48 hours. Is it significant that the date is the 21st of June one wonders and the closeness to this date. Finally with this ‘Earth Shaking’ and possibly more seismic activity would only the local regions be affected or are you suggesting EVERYWHERE might start ‘rattling’ and would that include this pitiful little Island they call the UK ??? The 21st of any month seems to be significant or is it incidental ???

    Warm Regards to you all my friends

    Peter London UK


    • I think if we see anything, it could be a sudden event or it may just continue along the lines it is now with moderate quakes. I was speaking more of a tension-breaker given the current seismic dynamism rattling plates across the globe. The date of June 21st is significant. I think coastal areas in high-risk seismic zones would be most susceptible if anything happens. Radioisotopes or enough plutonium could kill off life in the oceans including what provides most of the oxygen for the planet- Phytoplankton. It’s a gruesome thought that has unimaginable consequences.

      thanks for the note- All the best,


  13. Gen says:

    TTB, fear is a natural response. Animals have a fear and flight instinct and run before they think about what is happening.


    • TTB says:

      I am sure you mean, fight or flight. Yes this is a natural response, we as humans are meant to overcome this though, not succumb to it. Consider David when facing Goliath, or Daniel in the lions den. Fear will never help us defeat.


  14. radiogirl says:

    Why June 21 ?


  15. Garth Whelan says:

    Just read Psalm 91 people….

    Remain close to God, and He will protect you. Then while people of the world fear, this will be a great opportunity to share to them the Gospel…

    Remember the whole of the words for the end-times; there will also be a great harvest. Let’s bring the souls in to the Kingdom.


    • Joel 2:28 and Revelation 18:1 both foretell of God’s supernatural intervention in Earth’s waning history before the close of time as was the case on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. Signs, wonders, and miracles will follow in the power of the Spirit just as it attended the Apostles. They will be a last great harvest- as many faithful followers and seekers will be guided by the visitation of angels. Said the beatitude of Christ on the mount, ‘Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.’ Matthew 5:6 Now is a fitting-up time to prepare ourselves for the sweeping events that will transpire under the governance of God and will work to usher the planet’s history to a close.


  16. Dennis says:

    As we race towards our destiny, I think it is important to retain a sense of balance.
    Avery good article alvin that you wrote above.
    As earth changes progress and violence in the earth increases, there will be a global shout for help from anybody who can bring order to chaos.
    Be careful, Satan is the king of deception and the desire of his heart, if he has one, is to be worshiped as God.
    We all need to be careful and judge matters by the spirit and not necessarily by our senses or gut.
    God Bless everyone who comes to this site.


    • Satan’s deceptions reach their zenith in these times and we are admonished to stand ever firmly on the word of God and it alone. Christ’s victory over the tempter in the wilderness is to be our guide- It is written. We wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places and these forces will be marshaled together under the tutelage of the fallen Lucifer and through the pretext of religion to enforce a one-world order in an attempt to curb the disasters threatening to destroy the planet. You’re right Dennis; the controversy that begin in heaven was centered over worship and thus it will end on Earth over the same issue. “As many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15


  17. Luca says:

    God Bless you Alvin.


  18. Shawnta says:

    Japan issues tsunami advisory for part of northeast coast after magnitude 6.7 quake hits offshore


  19. ray says:

    It looks like we could see an earthquake. It might not be ‘big’ , but should be noticeable. These things do happen in ‘cycles’, so it’s is an all ‘natural’ event. The Cascadia fault and the San Andreas fault, both on the U S west coast, are vulnerable. Still, we will have to wait and see.


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