Cosmic ray levels are rising again- NASA set to find out why

Solar wind
speed: 319.9 km/sec
density: 0.7 protons/cm3
They are energetically-charged subatomic particles and their origins are about as mysterious as their long-term effects on life and processes on both on Earth and the Sun. Our solar system is being bombarded by these particles from some unknown origin. Evidence they are streaming from somewhere outside our solar system is indicative of the fact that cosmic radiation levels spike every time the solar winds and more importantly, the heliosphere, the protective bubble which surrounds our solar system deflates. We likely have the remnants of super-nova or dark-matter on our doorsteps and its effects on Earth could become more pronounced with time. A device due to launch aboard the space shuttle Endeavour from Florida on Friday is designed to give scientists their first detailed study of the electrically charged particles streaming through the cosmos.
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22 Responses to Cosmic ray levels are rising again- NASA set to find out why

  1. Bullmarket says:

    So let me get this right! Our solar system is being bombarded by some type of matter that we don’t know or have no knowledge of where it is coming. On this last space shuttle mission Friday, we will be caring a device that gives us additional info on this “mystery” galactic event. Intriguing and if true, and these cosmic rays are geeting stronger, we need to begin to find some way to protect us, if possible, from its effects. I’m game!


    • Corrie says:

      It is, have you seen the news on the Crab Nebula today? New info and new observations which in reality is quite scary. Taking that Jupiter is entering to Taurus next month, Crab Nebula is also in Taurus and Nostradamus – Makes me really worried now.


  2. Corrie says:

    This is very interesting. Where can I get this Cosmic Radaition graph updates? Please.


  3. A_lad says:

    Wow now that is intense! Dark matter? Life has officially indeed become the twighlight zone. I should have paid more attention to Star Trek 🙂

    I’m looking forward to reading your book Alvin. I ordered it today and I am sure I will have a better understanding of what is happening on a scientific level. Thanks


  4. Scandinavian says:

    This might be because we are approaching the high-intensity beams from the black hole in the center of the milky way as we approach the position in the middle of this “gammabeam” (I think its gamma) that eminates from the black hole?


  5. DuncanEllis says:

    I’m guessing the most logical explanation of this is the tidal forces we’re begining to see by passing through the galactic rift?


    • Corrie says:

      Possible, but to actually pass through this rift or Galactic plane will take a few decades so we wil not really see it in our daily graphs.


      • DuncanEllis says:


        How long does the residual radiation from a stelar event take to pass through us then? These may be the left-overs from a far past supernova or passing blackhole.


      • Stars nova more frequently than most believe after their energy cycles are exhausted. We’re being bombared with radiation constantly from stars, and even dead star remnants could propagate energetic particles in our direction for hundreds of years. 50 to 70 trilllion neutrinos pass though our body every second. We literally live in a sea of energy. Dark matter, gamma ray bursts, and black holes also emit radiation.


  6. Dennis says:

    Question: Has not the earth always been bombarded by cosmic rays from space in some degree? What makes this so special? What am I missing about this?


    • Corrie says:

      Yes, that is true. For a long period of time we got records from ice cores. Now there is a constant increase in radiation levels. Neutron as per this graph is only part of the parcel we are receiving. BUT this is an indicator that more cosmic radiation is getting through to Earth. So what does it matter? It tells us that the Heliopause is weaker and the Magnetosphere is weaker. Those are potentially serious if there is a major solar flare or major cosmic event.


  7. radiogirl says:

    I’m just throwing this out there….having a hole in the magnetic field on the day side of the earth that is said to be 4x the size of earth is a huge problem on many levels.I have not read of a correction taken place yet in this area of the field but if my information is incorrect …please set me straight. It seems to me that scientists of late have been confounded by all kinds of unusual data they have collected recently.

    Rapid increase in just about everything.Take Care All, R


    • Jamescarson says:

      Yea and if that was true all life below that hole would be dead so that theory is clearly a lie.


    • Corrie says:

      It is not really a hole in full sence. It is a weakening.
      Practically it means the magnetic flux is less protective, solar rays does get closer to Earth before it is reflecting. It is somewhat alarming because if there are major X-class solar flares, like two within short period – it could breach the magnetosphere – then we will have serious Armaghedon like problems. First you will notice no communications, TV, Internet dead – then you will see space station and satelites falling. However – at present, there are no foreseen dangers.


  8. Trevor says:

    There is a point here, being missed. Take note of the fact that the graph shows a continual fluctuation, at regular intervals – a pulsing? Is there anything been brought up about this? e.g. pulsar rotational frequency, in connection with the Gamma radiation?


  9. Trevor says:

    p.s. What about the relationship between the rotation of the Sun’s core and changes in the half-lives of radioactive elements. Could the Sun be causing this?


  10. katesisco says:

    The bombardment is neutrinos, the same neutrinos that arrive every 5,000 y in a repeating cycle. Why are they different? Because Sol’s heliosphere is compressed due to the neutrino energy heating the gas cloud Fluff we are embedded within. This compression alters the neutrino appearance. Compression implies a release. Flowers for Algernon.


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