May surprise: wintery conditions blast central Canada

May 1, 2011MANITOBA – It may be spring, but it appears winter isn’t finished with the Prairies just yet as a blizzard threatens to dump between 10 and 50 centimeters of snow on parts of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Winter storm and snowfall warnings were in effect Saturday for southeastern Saskatchewan, as well as much of western and central Manitoba, as a late-season storm system over North Dakota moved into the region. Environment Canada warned of a combination of strong northerly winds gusting up to 90 kilometers per hour and falling snow “producing blizzard conditions over much of southeastern Saskatchewan…Travel is not advised over much of the area and residents should adjust travel plans accordingly. In addition the combination of heavy snow and high winds are producing power outages in some areas.” According to the agency, between 10 and 20 centimeters of snow may fall in some areas, with as much as 30 cm forecasted at higher elevations, before the storm moves out of the region Saturday evening. Temperatures are expected to remain below normal for the remainder of the weekend. In Yorkton, for example, temperatures dipped to -4 Celsius, or -14 C with the wind-chill. A normal temperature for this time of year is 14 C. The storm was still expected to pack a punch as it moved into Manitoba, with Environment Canada warning that between 10 and 20 centimeters of snow could be expected over much of the central and western part of the province by Sunday morning. Between 30 and 50 centimeters of snow are forecasted for higher elevations in the western part of the province. “In addition, the strong northerly winds, which have gusted at times as high as 90 km/h, are resulting in near-zero visibility in snow and blowing snow, primarily in west-central Manitoba,” the agency warned. “Highway travel has become difficult over much of the region and residents should be prepared to adjust travel plans accordingly. The combination of heavy snow and strong winds may also cause power outages.” –CTV.ta
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14 Responses to May surprise: wintery conditions blast central Canada

  1. clvyrclovyr says:

    Texas fires, Mississippi flooding, winter in the Praries, sounds like the potential for major crop failures…I live in Ontario, our temperatures this spring are on average 5 degrees below normal, no crops in the ground yet…


  2. Terri Lockmiller Jacobus says:

    I live in central Illinois, way out in the Boonies where they grow all the corn and soybeans our fields are flooded and so are my conservation effort gardens. Let us hope and pray all that melting of the ice on the poles ice stops drowning out all the farmers- who grow all our food. I grew up around here the soil erosion and the loss of topsoil has made this once rich black soil a dust crack when it is dry and floods when it is wet. I keep wondering how many years we have left to grow on this over tilled soil. Most of the earthworms are gone and when they drown the ground with toxic chemicals our little patch of land in set aside indigenous prairie grass for the environment draws birds, and butterflies and it is the only place there is left in our area for the animals to go (they dug up every safe haven for ethanol). It makes me cry every spring rarely see a honeybee or many of the species I once knew as a child, have not seen a frog since the 90’s. when I read these articles I am thankful there is a place to go to find the real news but it all makes me weep, I’ve seen the signs for many years, been writing about it for decades. Some of us- knew it was all —coming and we wish the world did not make fun of us decades ago- when we tried to sound the trumpet but they all called us a bunch of tree hugging earth friendly weirdoes perhaps if people listened the world would not be in such chaos? if you’d like to visit my little website I take pictures of my area and keep track of it and write of it all on occasion, lately I pretty much gave up trying to wake people up! At least we have a website that helps those of us who are aware keep in touch with reality and we have a place we can find the news we are interested in. Thank you Alvin I really appreciate being on your mailing list it saves valuable time digging to find the real news- I get sick of the phony headlines news about royal weddings and the gossip of the stars. Thanks for keeping us informed – — on this site. Ms Terri


    • Terri, you’re a gem. Thank you. I hope one day I am honored with the pleasure of your company.

      peace and blessings always,


      • Terri Lockmiller Jacobus says:

        Dear Alvin,
        The day I found your website, I sat and read every article on it and I was touched by the beautiful souls commenting and your heart felt efforts to inform people- I know how tireless these type of efforts are and how much work goes into them- FOR FREE . Years ago I wrote an article online about the poles shifting- people made fun of me and eventually I deleted it. The odd thing was within a few years many were writing about it¬- therefore dropping info online does eventually reach people. When I was a young girl, I read Edgar Casey and his prediction of a pole shift making me aware decades ago the devastation that could come from it. I have always felt there is an algorithm to the theory of the chaos- if people ban together and care I feels we can stop a total extinction but obviously not the whole thing. I also worked on an algorithms theory it goes like this the earth is a living breathing entity and so are we- when the people are off balance – so is the earth. Too many people live in denial and feel they can do nothing- it is a defeatist attitude- we as humans cannot afford. Each person can do something – and if everyone did a little, it adds up to a lot, we can recycle, plant trees- a small garden plot can do so much to help restore balance within a few seasons and as a couple others said- build, it and they will come- the problem is if you are the only one with the plot trying to restore balance- one has to fight every season from the imbalances of the others around you. People really need to get past dumping toxic chemicals in their yards and living by my- grass must be greener attitude, and what is wrong with dandelions the bees love them. Over the weekend my daughter and I went to visit my eldest daughter, somehow the conversation at my daughters house went to 2012 I was shocked to hear my youngest and my daughters husband conversation went to they think and feel the earth will end perhaps not by 2012 but in their lifetime. It all made my heart sick that my own children believe they will not live out their lives- nor their children. My son’s major in college was chemistry and biology our conversations of the earth’s destruction go on for hours. There are too many people and not enough resources, and the extinction of species has accelerated and it has annoyed me for many years most people do not notice or seem to care and somehow think or are blind to the trickledown effect that means to human animals. I try to stay in my heart the belief people will wake up and humankind will survive, however after researching it my entire life I have to go with the theory- a vast majority of people will die for our selfishness and pollution of our mother EARTH… Alvin from the moment I read your website- I KNEW I had found a kindred spirit and clearly felt in my heart the people who care are gravitating here- I predict your website will grow- but keep in mind we must send a positive message- if we build it perhaps- we have hope of survival- and we must keep the faith of survival for our children and our children’s children. Apocalypse means an unveiling not Armageddon it is a codex to survive not die- I have always felt prophesy of biblical proportions are warnings that are not set in stone. I’d love to meet you also- often I read things and think I should sent this to Alvin, odd huh considering I don’t know you and haven’t read your book- I plan to because it’s obvious to me- by your website- you are aware and AWAKE. TOO MANY SLEEP.


      • Terri, thank you for your kind sentiment. We have some monumental challenges ahead of us as a species and we’re in a star system that is now being severly stress by major changes. Humanity has never faced a more daunting amd uncertain future. Though we have passed the frequency on the dial to change the course of events as a collective; I think the journey is now up to us individually, spiritually, to find the path of light and redemption that leads out of the darkness of this present world.

        Please stay in touch and I hope we’ll have a chance to meet


    • Pagan says:

      What a beautiful soul you are

      I remember being called a tree hugging hippy in the 80’s when we annoyed developers by chaining ourselves to trees when the dozers came through in the name of “progress” – And now, still the same as all those years ago – give me a forest & I can draw infinite strength from those trees. It does hurt watching an Earth that you love & help nourish & protect change dramatically before your eyes, it hurts knowing that you cannot halt Mother Nature & this unimaginable fury, no matter how many candles you light, how many prayers you say & how many children, trees, oceans, whales, gorillas & tigers you commit to save. This is the sorrow that is breaking my heart. All I can do now is continue to be strong & not doubt my strength, for in this gathering twilight I am going to need it all to see my loved ones & myself through the Reckoning ahead.



      • Terri Lockmiller Jacobus says:

        A tree is the oldest living thing on earth they call it Methuselah it is in California however, a mistake was made- in online dictionary references- the eldest living tree is actually in California. I just finished the Methuselah tree I sculpted it took years- it is currently in an art gallery- its debut is this week. Trees speak to all us earth lovers they are the cure to global warming- everyone needs to start planting them – pronto.


    • jamie says:

      Omg! I just visited your site and cannot tell you how much I love your sculpted tree and the fairy. I am not a fan of “angel/fairy” dolls but yours is the most exquisite example of this genre that I have ever seen . I love that the face is “real” ( no button nose and exaggerated mouth ). Very inspiring work.
      I have many framed pictures of winter trees ( dormant ) throughout my home and that sculpture of the tree had me mesmerized. I could just look at your works all day long. Thank you for sharing your work.


      • Terri Lockmiller Jacobus says:

        Actually I don’t sculpt fairies I sculpt high end art dolls- thank you so- for your compliments I am not worthy of such praise. My website is an effort of madness that tried to wake the world up many of the windows are in hiding for fear of ridicule because I found my warnings made the world think I was madd and I am at everyone including myself – we are all guilty of earths destruction- these days art feels like worthless vanity but I hope in it to send a message with it- I have matured as an artist. I try to be on the love earth page rather than the vanity I use to invest in – in my days of youth.


  3. Bundy says:

    Terri, that was so beautiful and heartfelt. I couldn’t stop crying when I was reading it to my husband.Truly, truly a beautiful piece of writing!


  4. Northwalker333 says:

    Moving to Illinois in 2001(from Wyoming), I too am absolutely shocked with dismay at the abuse of the land here in Illinois, when long ago…it was so beautiful. The grass was 8′-10′ tall and they trained their horses to lay down when a fire came through which would sweep over the tops of the grass. I have sounded the trumpet (like you )several times – with no results. What is weird is the gov’t has dumbed down the farmers and they just won’t think or make a move outside the box…but great praise to God for this experience – it was truly my desert walk. On an upbeat note, I put in a small, deep pond 3 years ago…and have some of the largest beautiful frogs ever seen!!! Build it and they will come. I planted Vitex (a bush from the middle east) and the bees cover it in the spring and summer. Our God blesses us still. Hang in there, the earth does need to be debrided…we have lost our ways of fearing God and applying his wisdom to our lives. Alvin, I am totally blessed to receive the knowledge and encouragement this website brings!!! The book is absolutely a must read, thanks so much Alvin.


    • Thank you Northwalker333.

      Glad you found the site and the book resonates with relevancy.

      May God continue to guide your steps and endeavors,


    • jamie says:

      Good morning, NW333! I put in a small preformed pond 5 years ago ( well my husband and son did ) and have the pleasure of hosting a large frog family every year. The squirrels and birds also enjoy refreshing themselves by the waterfall ( a trickle really ) during the hot days. Since planting copious amounts of herbs and plants I am blessed with hummingbirds, bumblebees and honeybees. All of this in a 30×66 plot!
      You are right, NW333! Build it/plant it and they will come.


  5. ProphetOnTheWeekends says:

    Here in Sweden it was a pretty nice april but the last couple of days its been freezing and snowfall
    I think were moving towards a new iceage within 100-300years, but global temperature will most certain rise in the short term. Book of revelation speaks of massive hails that will torment the humans and I think were beginning to see that. Very hot air+extreme cold air=storms/hail/tornado


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