Philippines major volcanoes now all showing signs of increased unrest

Taal Volcano – Restive Taal Volcano continued to show signs of activity, as state volcanologists recorded at least five volcanic quakes there in the last 24 hours. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) on Wednesday said it also observed weak steaming activity at the thermal area of the main crater-lake. Phivolcs also reiterated its warning against carbon dioxide in the area, saying gas measurements in March amounted to 4,670 tons per day – double the 2,250 tons per day in January. “The remarkable increase in C02 [Carbon dioxide] concentration indicates anomalous gas release from the magma at depth,” it said. It added Alert Level 1 remains over Taal Volcano, saying no eruption is imminent but the public should strictly observe some safety precautions.
Bulusan Volcano – Phivolcs also recorded at least three volcanic quakes around Bulusan Volcano in Bicol in the last 24 hours. It also noted a “wispy to weak emission of white steam” at the southeast and northwest thermal vents while the summit crater was cloud-covered during the past observation period. No lahar event was reported or observed. Phivolcs said Bulusan Volcano’s status remains at Alert Level 1, meaning the source of activity is hydrothermal and shallow. “Entry to the 4-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) is strictly prohibited, since the area is at risk to sudden steam and ash explosions. Due to the prevailing wind direction, residents in the northwest and southwest sectors of the volcano are reminded to take precautions against ash falls,” it said. Civil aviation authorities were also urged to warn pilots to avoid flying close to the volcano’s summit as ejected ash and volcanic fragments from sudden explosions may be hazardous to aircraft.
Mayon Volcano – Phivolcs said Mayon Volcano in Albay did not detect any volcanic earthquake during the past 24 hours, while steam from the crater varied from wispy to weak and drifted towards west-southwest. But it said a fair crater glow (Intensity II, can be seen by naked eye) was observed Tuesday night. Alert Level 1 is also in effect over Mayon Volcano, Phivolcs said. “Although this means that no eruption is imminent, it is recommended that the public should not enter the 6-kilometer radius PDZ due to the continuing threat from sudden small explosions and rockfalls from the upper and middle slopes of the volcano,” it said. –GMA News    –April 7, 2011
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7 Responses to Philippines major volcanoes now all showing signs of increased unrest

  1. joel says:

    HOLA HERMANO ALVIN ! te saludo con amor . Vivo en Oaxaca, Mexico , en mi pais tenemos varios volcanes como el Popocatepetl , Chichonal , crees que se lleguen a activar ? .
    saludos .


    • Saludo hermano Joel. Creo que sólo será cuestión de tiempo antes que la mayoría de los principales volcanes más grandes fosas magma se activará. Gracias por leer acerca de nosotros.

      Dios los bendiga, Alvin


    • México, existe una profecía que un hermano indígena (cristiano) me dio en los noventas mientras trabajamos juntos en proyectos que tenían que ver con las 13 bibliotecas de los registros de la tierra. Él fue asesinado y lo lamento pero lo que me compartió fue algo que sucederá en el corazón de México.

      “El Illuminati ha estado excavando y perforando en el centro de México, cerca del Popocatépetl (El Popo) y el Iztaccihuatl (El Izta) en busca de petróleo. Según ellos quieren accesar la lava para crear una fuente de energía geotérmica. Pero la realidad es que ellos quieren destruir una de estas bibliotecas sagradas y cerrar el acceso a un túnel que conecta Norte, Centro y Sud América.” Dijo.

      “El acceso al sitio está al sudeste, justo en las afueras de la Ciudad de México. El Illuminati conoce muy bien la profecía de que ambos volcanes van a estallar al mismo tiempo. Esto provocaría que se despierte la Abuela de todos los Volcanes que está debajo de la Ciudad de México. Este hará erupción y literalmente disparará a toda la Ciudad de México por los aires y sus temblores crearán la cola de la tortuga, Centro América, se desplome al océano. Sus erupciones harán que el Abuelo de todos los Volcanes, el Monte Rainier haga erupción y libere las placas occidentales que provocarán los sismos tan anticipados que provocan que la mayoría de California se desplome al océano.”

      “Una vez que Rainier haga erupción, el Gran Pájaro de Fuego (El Fénix) cobra vida e incendia el anillo de fuego en el Océano Pacifico. El calor dentro del agua matará a todos los animales (¿peces?), derretirá el hielo en el polo norte y el desbalance en la rotación hace que la Tierra se incline 14° (¿hacia Rusia?). ”


      • Our blog is translated in many different languages around the world and people often send in comments or questions in their native tongue. Essentially, here is the translation and greetings Alexander: Mexico, there is a prophecy that an indigenous brother (Christian) hit me in the nineties while working together on projects that had to do with the 13 libraries in the land records. He was killed and I’m sorry but what I shared was something that will happen in the heart of Mexico. “The Illuminati has been digging and drilling in central Mexico, near the Popocatepetl (El Popo) and Iztaccihuatl (The Izta) for oil. As they want to access the lava to create a source of geothermal energy. But the reality is that they want to destroy one of these libraries sacred and close access to a tunnel connecting North, Central and South America. “He said. “Access to the site in the southeast, just outside Mexico City. The Illuminati is very familiar with the prophecy that both volcanoes will erupt at the same time. This would cause you to wake up the granddaddy of all volcanoes beneath Mexico City. This will erupt and literally shoot the entire Mexico City through the air and created tremors turtle tail, Central America, to plunge into the ocean. Eruptions will make the granddaddy of all volcanoes, Mount Rainier erupts and release plates that cause earthquakes Western highly anticipated that cause most of California will collapse into the ocean.” “Once Rainier erupts, the Great Bird of Fire (The Phoenix) comes to life and burns the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean. The heat in the water will kill all the animals (fish “?), Melt the ice at the North Pole and the imbalance in the rotation causes the earth is tilted 14 ° (Towards Russia?). “


  2. Alvin my subscription disapeared right after I sent you an article on dog packs attacking farm animals in Tum Tum WA ????


  3. OMG it’s almost like they know what there doing.


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