Submitting a link for a relevant Earthchanges story

Have a link you’ld like to see submitted as a relevant post? Make sure the subject is something having to do with the type of Earthchange or current events that could be impactful on many people across a wide-area. First, use our search box on the homepage to find the subject about your story and see if we already have a post on it….If we do; post your link in the comments. The thread become active again for readers once a new comment is added. If there is no subject, hit the 1 Submit story button under the categories column to use this page to submit your story link. Because of the high number of submissions received, we cannot post all stories. If you post a comment and link in a non-relevant subject, it may not be considered for submission as we cannot continue to move the high number of such comments we receive that doesn’t retain to the subject post. Thank you…
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71 Responses to Submitting a link for a relevant Earthchanges story

  1. Julie says:

    Hey Alvin –

    Check this:

    Special attention to the “don’t know why we have anthrax after 3 decades of no anthrax in colorado”

    Have a great day, Alvin! Julie


  2. Johnny says:

    “The one on April 11 caused what scientists termed an “astonishing” increase in dangerous quake activity across five continents for at least six days, with temblors triggered, among other places, in Japan, Alaska, Mexico, and off the coast of Oregon.”


  3. Lawrence Dunn says:

    Greetings Alvin-

    I really enjoy your incredible work on the EP Blog…I’ve read ALL of your books. They are jam-packed full of fascinating stuff. I would recommend all EP posters to read at the very least “The Extinction Protocol” and “Sparkle” to gain an even more indepth understanding of what is now happening to us and our Planet!

    Your most recent stories regarding “Turkey, Syria, Russia, Israel & Iran” can be very confusing to many readers still trying to grasp what is happening in the middle east and how it relates to Bible prophecy. I found this very good article which pretty much puts these current events in context. The link is:

    Thank you again for your hard work, your brilliance and the light that you are shining on us all. Bless you and your work!


  4. Caroline in WV says:

    Hi Alvin,

    Maine earthquake rattles New England
    The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter of the 4.6 magnitude quake was about 3 miles west of Hollis Center, Maine, and about 3 miles deep. That location is about 20 miles west of Portland.

    The quake was felt in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, including Boston, and as far south as Rhode Island and Connecticut.

    Incidentally, the estimated return times for an earthquake of 4.6 magnitude in Maine is every 24 years.

    From Maine Geological Survey:


  5. Caroline in WV says:

    USGS reports 6.3-magnitude earthquake 172km SSW of Port Hardy, Canada.. about 30 minutes ago. No Tsunami warning at this time.


  6. niebo says:

    Hey, Alvin! Here’s another, an update to the recent article about the storms in the Pacific northwest:


  7. niebo says:

    Not funny: New study: H7N9 may mutate 8x faster than typical flu

    This thing is too “perfect”, Alvin

    and add this to that mix: huge car show in Shanghai, with visitors from all over the world


    • IMG

      I think scientists are scared senseless over this virus. I’ve been writing about viruses for over a decade, and I’ve never seen anything like it. The path of evolution of this virus from initial first case human transmission to pathogenicity is frankly mind-boggling. It’s like this virus arrived on the door-step as a killer. It’s already possesses the genetic means to effective bind to human protein receptors in a very complex manner, while appearing asymptomatic in the host—- which means any potential vaccine is likely to possibly only aid in the virus’s potential evolutionary leap to its enigmatic next level of complexity. If this isn’t the bullet that takes out a third of the human race; it’s certainly its ominous apotheosis and if this virus acquires the ability of a transmissible human index, it’s going to drawf any tragedy we’ve ever seen on this planet.


      • niebo says:

        Yes, yes, in the worst kind of way. Unlike, say, Ebola, which kills with such efficiency that it chokes the rate of spread, that this does not kill its host is a big part of why I say “perfect”; the birds are carriers, not victims. (Reminds me of Typhoid Mary but on a much grander scale.) And, some things I have not heard/read addressed: 1) What is the rate of infection bird-to-bird, and 2) what if (this is just an idea) the virus is also vector-borne? A couple of stories have addressed that a number of the sick have NOT had contact with poultry or birds, but what if they don’t have to? Bird mites are very similar to ticks, are almost microscopic, and they can and will bite humans.

        Halfway into the article @ the following link are two studies of note, one in regards to mite infestations in chicken-wranglers, the other from Anhui province, China, regarding a mite that thrives in humans, and at the bottom of the page, the next to last study is out of Sweden regarding the poultry red mite, a suspected vector of pathogenic bacteria in birds that has been documented to infect swine and other mammals.

        And, thank you for taking a moment!


      • tonic says:

        “That does not mean that H5N1 or H7N9 could never become airborne human infections; last year scientists showed that it would take around five mutations for bird flu to do just that. H7N9 has already undergone two of the mutations needed in the space of a month. But whether it will go any further is impossible to predict.”

        “It’s like rolling the dice or winning the lottery. The more you do it, the more likely the mutations are to crop up and therefore limiting the number who are getting infected by this virus at the moment is the best thing that we can do to minimise the chance that this virus could ever turn into a pandemic,” said Prof Wendy Barclay, chair of influenza virology, Imperial College London.


      • I
        Has the unthinkable already happened?

        And that may not be the worst of it. This appears to have already happened. Pulitizer prize winning author of the NY Times best seller The Coming Plague, Laurie Garrett wrote April 29, 2013: “The H7N9 virus, a new strain of the bird flu in China, has so far claimed twenty-two victims (27 now) and officials are watching its spread closely. Most worrying, at least one case has turned up in Taiwan, and three of the victim’s healthcare workers have developed flu symptoms, suggesting both that this epidemic has crossed country borders and that it can pass from person to person. Even more distressing, the healthcare workers wore full protective gear.”

        There are a lot of things about this virus we don’t know…including the range of transmissibility.



  8. kpastelle says:

    Hi Alvin,

    Hope you’re doing ok:) I am here everyday reading what’s up with the world news (that’s how I refer to your posts with my freinds) for I share the news you post with some co-workeers at work and they’re always very eager to get them.

    Now something happened here in Ottawa yesturday that got everyone wondering what happened.
    A bus driver with no record, always in a good mood, loved by family and freinds, who commited the
    unthinkable yesturday and nobody knows why?

    No I have a theroy, maybe its a little crazy but we do live in crazy times right? 🙂
    I wonder if when people do things like this and you can’t figure out why, could it be
    that something “evil” takes over them and they are not even aware of what they are doing at that time?
    Could it be that the devils demons can do things like this more randomly and easily know that we are approching the designated time and date?

    Here is the link to what happened


  9. jenny mcneal says:

    The disease that killed a million piglets in China has spread to the US, and no one knows why


  10. niebo says:

    Hey, Alvin: H7N9 in Hong Kong

    Great “show” Saturday – You have a voice for radio! Also, I laughed out loud at the, er, “steering” by the host; she really didn’t want to consider that God might be “mad at us”. IF it comes up again, I have two responses to suggest:
    1) “Only some of us, the heretics, idolaters, and the unrepentant rebels.”
    2) “There is a system that is in place that is, at its core, anti-God, one that pursues greed, lust, and hedonism without regard for the sanctity of life and without respect for nature, its resources, or peace among men, and this is a problem, because God is not mocked.”

    I hope all is well!


  11. jenny mcneal says:

    it isn’t just birds that are dying. As you will see below, something is causing mass death events among various populations of fish as well. In addition, it has been reported that large numbers of polar bears, seals and walruses in Alaska are being affected by hair loss and “oozing sores


    • Terry Culp says:

      i believe the answer you’re looking for may be in this link its kind of spooky but very feasible, it warrants looking into. It would be good if other people would try same experiment.


  12. niebo says:

    Hey, Alvin . . . I seeem to recall in “Extinction” that you discussed issues of oceanic and sub-oceanic crustal pressures (I lent it to a friend so do not have it to consult), but I stumbled across this discussion on BeforeIt’sNews and went to source on Youtube, and it is both fascinating and frightening because the issues involved MIGHT explain some of the other things (preparations by FEMA, etc.) that are happening (aside from the charge to start another war). Anyway, I submit this because, well, you’re the geologist, and I . . . ain’t. Also, do you know anything about comet Linear? And. . . are you on hiatus from the radio show, or . . .?

    Thanks, Alvin. I hope you are well.


  13. niebo says:

    Also, have missed the radio show. What’s up?


  14. Spain says a Madrid hospital nurse has tested positive for Ebola; emergency protocol put into place –


  15. niebo says:

    And this doesn’t help, either: the US military has an Ebola detection machine . . . but the FDA won’t allow hospitals to use it:


  16. niebo says:

    Hey Alvin, have you seen/heard about this?

    HONOLULU —The coral bleaching at the Kapoho tide pools on the windward side of the Big Island is the worst scientists have seen. “80 percent of coral is under stress.”


  17. niebo says:

    Sorry, that’s Montana and ND, NOT Wyoming. Yellowstone River in MT not WY. Thanks


  18. Manuel says:

    Suspected Ebola patient hospitalised in Lisbon. A woman from Guinea may be Portugal’s first Ebola patient.National media is currently reporting that the woman, who doesn’t speak Portuguese, was taken into the Barreiro-Montijo Hospital today presenting “many symptoms” of Ebola, having already been transferred to an isolation room at Curry Cabral Hospital in Lisbon. It is reported that the woman will now undergo medical exams at the Ricardo Jorge Institute to confirm whether or not she is infected with the deadly virus.


  19. niebo says:

    OK OK, in an update, Zerohedge reports that LakeMeadWater is VEHEMENTLY denying the accuracy of the water-level reports. . . . There is no crisis, really REALLY.


  20. niebo says:

    Hey, Alvin . . . it wasn’t so long ago (2013?), during the Texas drought, that you had a story similar to this about how receding waters were revealing grave sites; now this, from Houston: probably not headline worthy, just fyi, in, “the waters will give up their dead” kinda way:


  21. niebo says:

    Hey Alvin! A few weeks ago, I moved to an area with NO internet service, and I have been too busy at work to do anything but . . . drink (had to say that). Am on borrowed pad on a pirated network 🙂 so have no idea how to drag a link, but have you looked into the recent train derailments? Just wondering, and God bless you!


  22. niebo says:

    Hello, Alvin!

    THis is a follow-up to the recent antibiotic resistant bacteria; according to Forbes, the gene is linked to antibiotic use in the livestock industry:


  23. niebo says:

    Given less than 48 hours to read the bill (and zero chance to debate), the public never had opportunity to oppose it as they have for several years: CISA is included in the “omnibus” bill. So, now it’s law.


  24. JENNY MCNEAL says:



  25. niebo says:

    Hello, Alvin, sir: the title of the article says it all: “Secret Text in Senate Bill Would Give FBI Warrantless Access to Email Records”


  26. niebo says:

    Hey, Alvin! Hope you are well. I seem to remember this “concept” as part of EP, but my copy is in storage, or I might save us both a minute. Regardless, have you looked into this?

    “. . . The peaks of cycles of population abundance [of locusts] are correlated with periods of minimal sunspot abundance.”

    According to NASA,

    “. . . the current forecast calls for the weakest solar activity in the last 200 years.”

    In addition,

    “Almost all recorded influenza/possible pandemics have occurred in time frames corresponding to sunspot extremes, or +/– 1 year within such extremes.”

    and, cross-referred with this paper, which suggests that these “new” pathogens (viral or bacterial) may be EXTRATERRESTRIAL, the consequence of panspermia (a term to which I first heard here):

    “The final descent phase through the troposphere would be mostly controlled by meteorological events. It is also of interest to note that the first descent of viral-sized particles deposited in the stratosphere will occur at places WHERE THE STRATOSPHERE IS THINNEST; and by this argument populated AREAS OF CHINA lying eastward of the Himalayan mountain range would present the best candidates. It is therefore not surprising to find that first strikes of new or renewed viral diseases are often recorded in China.”

    Wuhan lies due east of the Himalayas.

    The same author who wrote the first paper was a co-author of the second, and they were published in 2016 and 2017, respectively; given the circumstances under which we find ourselves, I am quite intrigued by the findings, even as I am concerned that these events are interconnected. Fires, floods, and “flu’s”, oh my.


  27. niebo says:

    I’m not sure if this fits a “Mad Max” scenario, exactly, but it may prove a more accurate barometer for the state of China (in the generic) than what is being reported by state media:


  28. niebo says:

    Japanese “health expert” who helped with quarantine aboard Diamond Princess says the situation was chaotic; “Bureaucrats were in charge of everything”:

    Liked by 1 person

  29. niebo says:

    Hello, Alvin!

    You’ve probably seen this but there’s a tweet in here, a pic of a front page of a paper in Canada: “This is the Gretzky of viruses” so, next rename:



  30. niebo says:

    WHAT IF it (e’rything Corona) is all FAKE?


  31. niebo says:

    Hey Alvin . . . this from the UN:

    “Unless immediate action is taken, it is increasingly clear that there is an impending global food emergency that could have long term impacts on hundreds of millions of children and adults,”


  32. niebo says:

    Hey Alvin . . . another “sun-diver” comet ‘survives” its encounter with the sun (its core, at least); so i pass along:

    Liked by 1 person

  33. niebo says:

    Alvin! Two more interesting tidbits:

    “The hypothetical particle that could potentially explain the XENON data is one that is much too heavy to be dark matter, but could be created by the sun,” Sean Carroll, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology who is not affiliated with XENON, told Business Insider. “If that were true, it would be hugely important — it would be a Nobel Prize-winning finding.”

    and, in India, a metallic meteorite falls to the ground; about halfway down the article is a picture of a group pf men standing around the object – which MAY be three inches long (assuming no optic distortions) . . . yet it weighs 2.78 kilograms.


    Liked by 1 person

  34. niebo says:

    Hey Alvin . . . wow, just, wow . . . After berating western media for hype, China raises flooding to highest level


  35. niebo says:

    Hey Alvin! Hope you are well. From ZH – the video is astonishing – Huge explosion in Beirut:


  36. niebo says:

    . methinks there’s a part 3 and 4 coming in regards to “Violence, pestilence, and natural disasters”; IMO, food will be a major issue in the near future:

    “Tens of thousands of acres of corn was destroyed in the derecho, mainly across Iowa and Illinois. If that wasn’t bad enough, many grain elevators and bins were damaged or destroyed as well.”

    176 positive covid cases on 1 farm in CA (80 percent of workers):

    Covid positive tests among many workers in apple, cherry markets:

    On this farm, everyone tested positive:

    85 percent of Lebanon’s grain storage destroyed in blast:


    China’s woes continue:

    Liked by 1 person

  37. niebo says:

    Hey, Alvin, in regards to my previous submission . . . today, this: states are stockpiling food.

    In an interview, Derek Sandison, director of Washington State Department of Agriculture, admits, “We are competing with EVERY OTHER STATE, and, in some cases, with NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS that are trying to feed America .” (emphasis mine)

    The story in print:

    Also, in this video, Christian at IceAgeFarmer – out of sheer frustration – exclaims, “But all this time, THEY have been blaming US for these shortages!” . . . Yeah.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. niebo says:

    Closest flyby of an asteroid on record; it wasn’t very big (10-20 feet) but would make a spectacular fireball. God forbid it hit anybody in the face.


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