Spring dumps blizzards on United Kingdom: the coldest March in 50 years

March 23, 2013UNITED KINGDOM Britain is bracing itself for more horrendous weather conditions which are believed to have claimed a first victim, closed hundreds of schools and brought travel chaos. A landslide and floodwater in Cornwall, thought to have been triggered by torrential rain, smashed through a block of flats partially collapsing the building. Emergency crews and specialist investigators found a woman’s body after picking through debris at the Veronica flats in Looe. The body is believed to be that of Susan Norman, who is in her 60s and police said was unaccounted for, having not been heard from since returning to the flats on Thursday night. More than a dozen residents in Sandplace Road were evacuated after most of the building’s front-facing wall crumbled away, with debris and mud crashing on to the back of the property from the road behind it. More flooding is expected in the South West as heavy rain continued while residents mopped up. Further north, snow blanketed many areas and closed several hundred schools. As forecasters warned this month could be the coldest March in 50 years, officials issued weather and travel warnings dashing any hopes of spring. Thousands of youngsters got a day off school as several hundred shut their doors. Up to 8in (20.3cm) of snow is expected to hit the worst-affected parts of North West England, North Wales and south west Scotland. Higher areas could even see up to 16in (40.6cm), while bitterly cold gale-force winds create blizzard-like conditions and plunge temperatures down to well below freezing. John Lee, forecaster with MeteoGroup, said it could be the coldest March in 50 years. He said the average temperature expected for central England at this time of year is 6C (42.8F), but so far this month the average is 2.2 degrees below that – at 3.8C (38.8F). That is significantly colder than last March, when averages were 8.3C (46.9F) – 2.3 degrees above the expected average. “Comparing it to similar winters, it’s provisionally going to be the coldest March in 50 years, although that can’t be confirmed until we reach the end of the month,” Mr Lee said. He referred to 1962 – when average temperatures were even colder, at 2.8C (37F), adding: “That will take some beating. But the way we are going it looks like we are heading towards being the coldest March since then.” –Independent
                                                                    Welcome to Spring, 2013 – BBC
This entry was posted in Blizzard, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Deluge from torrential rains, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Extreme Weather Event, Gale-force winds and gusts, Infrastructure collapse, Landslide & geological deformation, Magnetic pole migration, Prophecies referenced, Rare snowfall, Record Cold temperatures, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Spring dumps blizzards on United Kingdom: the coldest March in 50 years

  1. richfish30 says:

    America is having the same exact problem spring is seeming more like winter!!! The weather patterns are all confused….signs of the poles shifting or something worse??


    • Joseph t. Repas says:

      Hi richfish30 ! No, nothing confused…This is exactly the weather I predicted for us in the USA for 2013. It will stay rather wet and cool for most of April as well and then turn to summer heat about middle of May,[ which is unusually early ] and especially towards end of May, and then everyone will be freaking out about that. It has much more to do with the lunar cycle than anything else.


    • I am 46 years old and I just said this was the coldest march that i can remember in my lifetime,and i am freezing!


  2. tellthetruth1 says:

    Ah well, at least I got a laugh out of it today when I went out shopping: I told people it was only a week to go until British Summer Time. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Well, it does make me laugh. 😉


  3. Emilie LaFave says:

    My daughter teaches school near London and has to walk to and from school. Emilie in NC, USA


  4. tonic says:

    This time last year temperatures were around 20c, and a hose pipe ban was a real possibility. This year there is an east wind blowing from Siberia (or close by), and it is seriously cold!
    There may not be a transition period, in otherwords, this week it’s minus 5. And next week we could all be baking in sunshine. In truth we have not seen a springtime.
    If the weather continues to behave like this, we will soon have to deal with a lot of consequences. Like crop germination, good land turning into swampland, and ever increseing mudslides, and landslides.
    The real worry becoming more and more apparent, is there is no prediction about when this cold snap will stop, and what will follow it. Farmers are having to deal with a lot, right now.


  5. kevin says:

    yep it freezing and had on off snow since friday here in merseyside. no sign of the weather warming up anytime soon either.


  6. Cheryl says:

    Everywhere you look people are helping each other dig cars out of drive ways. The people to really worry about are the elderly who can’t afford heating.


  7. Gail says:

    Obama will send in his Global Warming brigade to save the day!


  8. tonic says:

    Latest news is the Jet Stream is still too far south. Still no real end in sight.
    So why is the Jet Stream acting like this?


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