13 Responses to Americans stockpiling firearms in record numbers since 2009

  1. Brandon says:

    The man who occupies the White House is the greatest gun salesman of all time. Rightfully so Americans are feeling the crunch…


  2. Elizabeth says:

    I guess they were mislead , I am a Candian and I see it now, I also was fooled by Obamas charisma. ?.


  3. Elizabeth says:

    I wish I had half a chance to speak my mind in all aspects of the world we live in, but I fear..as I see things ..were headed fo real turbulance and chaos. ?.May God be with us, God cannot lie..God will be there, believe…were not alone.


  4. TexasRedNeck says:

    We know what obama is going to try to do to us. Why else would his private army (DHS) have purchased nore than 2 billion rounds of ammo, enough to wage a 24 year war.
    We know what’s coming.


  5. Dennis E. says:

    Stockpiling for what?
    Let us cut through the chase. People are buying weapons because they are afraid. Afraid of what?
    If you come to this site, read the publications and visited other sites, a prudent person would see the need for protection as society breaks down to include an expected law enforcement response.
    Most of us have read on the internet some county sheriffs are encouraging home owners to defend themselves due to budgetary cut backs which is true in some states. Each person should be familiar with their states/county “Castle Laws” in regard to home defense and self defense.

    I recently read that a gun is being sold/bought on the average every 1.2 seconds in America.
    People are buying guns and cannot get ammunition at the gunshops or on-line.
    In the past three years, the Department of Homeland Security has purchased enough ammunition,
    5.56/.223–.40 cal—-and .308/7.62 to shoot every American 5 times or wage a domestic war for 7 years at least or more. Who are they after? What are they worried about?

    In regard to Sandy Hook. This was a awful event but we have to consider if this was a black-operations. I still cannot fathom in my mind, how any person or persons could do such a evil/hateful act. But we must remember that in World war II, what The Nazis in Germany did to live people to include women and children. We all know the story, I believe The Nazis were demonic possessed and it is a possibility of the shooter(s) in this matter, not to exclude mind altering drugs.

    At this time, The United States lives on a hair trigger. Some of the people I speak with are deeply concerned about The Goverment banishing the Constitution and Civil Rights of Citizens and are willing to fight, it seems. Then there are others that fear a race war and they cite the divisiveness
    of the current administration and its war on the american culture and exceptionalism.
    It seems that someone is pushing for trouble in the USA.

    We must understand, what is getting ready to happen……The world is getting ready for the appearance of the anti-christ and his false prophet and will be brought under his control.
    The USA will also be brought under his control. Many people will rebell and many will die.
    But, as I have read, The Lords plan for this world will unfold. I can see gun owners protecting their families/properties in times of natural destruction or as a civilian part of law enforcement during a terrorist attack to maintain order. But to join an uprising against the goverment would not be a good idea because not only is our way of life going to disappear, the entire living style of the world is going to change…..and they have too many recourses that can reach out and touch you..

    Each person must make their own choices………It is possible many of us bloging here and who follow Jesus could be imprisoned/killed for the faith. But, The Lord’s plan will not change and if you or I take matters in my own hands, then I can hinder the Lords protection when/I try to do it myself. His angelic host is far more powerful than any gun.

    But, it is a dangerous time in the country. Almost as bad as before the civil rights marches and anti-war marches in the 60’s……. I am not telling anyone to turn in their arms……would not do that.
    But, I would consider my associations …………….and their intentions……..

    Just my opinion


    • egoodrich244 says:

      I have often felt as though “things are getting worse” but then I sit back and consider that media and information is moving at an incredibly high rate. Sure there may be despicable acts being carried out but the news media is planting the seeds of fear on a daily, hourly, or even minute by minute basis. It’s incredibly easy to find catastrophe, tragedy, and the like just by turning on the tv or going to the internet. I would surmise that there are many reasons why things are the way they are but I think some contributing factors include the media giving us what people seem to “want”, being pulled along by sponsors, governmental influence and so on. If we stop giving the news the impression that we wanna be anxious and fearful under our own thinking about wanting to be “better prepared”, its gonna keep happening and I would guess could get worse. All this to say, I know that it might feel like the world is ending but it might also just be that it is easier to know about the bad things happening home and abroad.


    • Irene C says:

      I agree that the United States will be brought under his (antichrist/world leader) control. As long as the U.S. was strong, we would never allow anyone to take away our sovereignty. I have been studying eschatology for many years, and I also believe that those who believe in Biblical prophesy will also have to be removed, either the Rapture, imprisonment, or death, since we are also watching the signs.

      Personally, I do not own a gun, but I do support our 2nd amendment rights. When we lose that right, we will soon lose the rest of our rights (which is also slowly happening). The only weapon I carry is the sword of the Word of God. Unfortunately, too many people have become complacent and taken our rights and our Lord for granted. I love my country but I am grieved to see what is happening.


      • Dennis E. says:

        Irene C.Dennis E. Here:. The country is polarized. It seems that people are hesitant to speak their minds/beliefs even in the Pulpit. You would think that we lived in The Former Soviet Union. Fear can make a person or a nation do something they normally might not do if they thought it through. I fully support the second amendment, but do you know who told president Obama we had too many weapons? China….. But, this recent weapon buying frenzy was like watching a crowd that has been awaiting all night for the store to open and to get that new IPAD or cash in on those Christmas sales.

        Now, pay attention to this…………If there was a major earthquake and the delivery of food was interrupted or another type of natural disaster occurred, we would see the same type of activity
        at the local grocery store……as we have seen here. I don’t like what I am seeing, but it is a generated crisis, I believe.

        God bless you Irene………….


  6. egoodrich244 says:

    So many things about contemporary folks being upset, anxious, angry, paranoid about the state of our ability, rights, and laws about owning guns. I feel that there is a disconnect between owning a gun and having/needing/wanting to use it. They are made to destroy. That’s what the oppressors (whether they be “terrorists”, burglars, enemy soldiers, tyrants/tryannical governments, etc.) plan to do with them. Let’s ask ourselves: “Do we want to shoot, kill, destroy or can we look beyond ourselves to relieve our mentality of material wants. We are all human but there are so many opportunities/ways for us to shed our self-centered/self-satisfying ways of thinking and behaving. I mean not to judge others but I can say for myself that unchecked zeal for defending “my rights” boils down to selfish motives (at least in my conclusion). I cannot say that people should be encouraged to blindly and aggressively defend their rights to the point where violence, reverse oppression, etc. start coming about. No one is owed anything, in my humble estimation. People certainly are entitled to feel the way they do about the rights they wish to have but I feel like there is an inflated sense of entitlement that masquerades itself of inalleable rights. Just a thought…


  7. Beam me up Scotty! says:

    I personally think the rush to buy guns is driven by fear of an uncertain future. People are terrified of not being employed, inflation and not being able to feed their families while government lives elaborate life styles and argues over petty things for their political parties. Nothing has changed over human history. We seem to be blind when it comes to the mistakes of former empires. There is nothing I can do to fix this other than tie my shoe laces together and fall down the stairs once again!


    • egoodrich244 says:

      That fear is driving this and many other behaviors. A potential issue is when people have knee-jerk, shoot from the hip reflexive reactions. This fear seems to typically be something that the media and the government wish to alleviate. Sadly, fear and perpetuating fear has become a part of industry. Things may seem bad, and make no mistake: they often are very bad, but we needn’t play into it necessarily. We can also find ways to make ourselves less afraid or at least less negatively affected by fear.


  8. joemozden says:

    I’ve been going to gun shows and stores pretty much my whole life (I’m 43), and I’ve never seen anything like this. We have one of the Midwest’s largest gun dealers in my area, and they have nothing in an AR-15 or AK platform. No M1’s. No semi auto pistols to speak of, no magazines, and no 9mm ammo. In fact, I can’t find 9mm anywhere, and I’ve been looking for over a month. All the tactical weapons and calibers are gone, period. No reloading components. Basically, if you’re looking for 223, 9mm, or .22 rimfire, you’re out of luck. There isn’t any for sale. The interesting thing about all of this is that I haven’t talked to a single person that said they were buying because they were afraid of confiscation or new laws. We are buying because we are very pissed off.


  9. tonic says:

    Guns either injure or kill. Trust in God does neither. But you must TRUST IN GOD.

    Otherwise buy a gun.


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