31 Responses to U.S. declares drought-stricken states largest natural disaster area ever

  1. And we will be seeing the prices of food sky rocket


    • Melinda says:

      Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
      6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.


    • Valerie Ann says:

      Yes, I agree. I went to the local store for a loaf of whole wheat bread and I have seen the price as high as $5.00.


  2. nanoduck says:

    Sounds like a repeat of the dust bowl of 1930’s.


  3. Korheg says:

    Here we go. So the solar flares are intensifying all the while food will become scarce, and war at the same time. The prophesied 2012 storm is comin.


  4. molassis says:

    Hmmm…. seems like things are happening that will allow obama to declare martial law and halt the presidential election…. leaving him president indefinitely. I’m waiting for something really big to happen and I find it interesting that he has closed some of the border patrol stations!


  5. omniversling says:

    Scorched earth policy? Hegelian model: problem>reaction>solution. Extreme weather ‘false flag’ = ongoing natural disasters = civil chaos ie food riots a la ‘Arab Spring’ = ushering in martial law a la Katrina….

    Or just a very large object getting closer and closer to our Solar System/planet?

    Watching this space…

    Many many thanks Alvin for your enormous contribution to the raising of our awareness of the signs..


  6. Jungle Mitty says:

    As this drought continues more states and counties will be included. The next 2 weeks is very important for this is when the corn does its pollination cycle to survive. Many food items use corn and corn syrup in their ingrediants. Forcasters predict that if there is no pollination, food prices will soar 40 to 60 percent in the coming months.


  7. The country you now see governing the world will become a trackless desert, laid waste for all to see. (2 Esdras 5:3)


  8. Dennis E. says:

    An economic watchdog said that we could see 100 per cent inflation within this year or the next and 50 per cent unemployment. Plus, there is another housing bubble about to bust.
    Have to wait and see.


  9. Marc E Grecco says:

    Floods and droughts all over the Globe, extreme weather every where, it is only going to get worse. Let us pray……


  10. Herkimer Diamond says:

    How many years did the dust bowl of the 1930’s last? In the 1930’s was there similar solar activity happening and do you think there is a connection between the hot dry weather and the sun?


    • nanoduck says:

      I think it did not rain in some parts for ten years, and it was made worse by careless farming methods that accelrated soil loss. I dont know about sun activity, but if we are having dry spell like in 1930’s, it does not bode well with our current and shaky economy, burdegoning population, wars, and natural events….recipe for a perfect storm.


  11. John says:

    and remember the Dust Bowl was totally preventable and was caused by bad farming practices that were supposed to be dealt w/by our gov’t….needless to say if there’s another of this type..it’ll be caused again! Obama is the new FDR!


  12. Tom says:

    Earth changes in action. So far the spring o summer where i live in middle of sweden has been pretty good(normal)
    I suspect that more methane is being released from the earth though and then the prophecies of heat and fire will be fulfilled.
    But then the gulfstream could stop and that means new iceage in europe(northern hemisphere)


  13. Tracey says:

    Who will send aid?????????????????


  14. Candice says:

    Global warming at it’s best…


  15. MIke says:

    WHAT A BUNCH OF BULL. It has been raining here in Florida something terrible. We have had terrible flash storms that flood many parts of various counties.


  16. James says:

    It was 100 degrees here yesterday and I live in Montana. Triple digit temps are very unusual here. Being from the south I am used to it but most of the crazies around here are not used to it. When my wife was in the hospital last week they slapped a barcoded id bracelet on her left wrist. It just depends on if it is on your right or left. Whichever hand you give them. My wife handed her left to them, every time they come in a room they scan your barcode and ask you to state your name and birthday, otherwise you will not get treatment. The only time the did not do that was when my wife had the pulmonary embolism and had to be rushed to the ICU. They probably scanned her wrist when I had to leave the room but I did not see them do it. The end is near and each day draws us closer. They are acclimating people into accepting the mark and will be implementing it soon under the disguise of Obamacare! The tribulation is about to begin. The skies are beginning to shut up and refuse to give rain. We are on the cusp of the great tribulation. The only hope is repentance.


    • elijahsmom3 says:

      I pray that your wife is ok. May God send down his angels to comfort her, you, and the baby.
      God bless.


      • James says:

        Thank you so much Ronni, God has been slowly but surely healing her. We have been so blessed to have so many people praying for us and we still need the prayers too.


  17. jen says:

    This drought is not my enemy but my teacher and it has taught me much. I have lost crops – but the ones I lost were modern hybrids, my pure heritage corns withered with the heat (101-105 degrees F) and are now thriving with the overdue rains we are getting. I’ve given up on my burnt wheat but am excited about the blue bonnet rice that is thriving in regular soil with a little mulch. I will use the teaching of this year to plan next years planting cycle and techniques for the summer planting. Sometimes the teacher comes when the student does not realize they need to learn. I hope our farmers and livestock producers take advantage of this opportunity to learn from this drought so that they can improve their production methods for the future.


    • tonic says:

      Jen, This is facinating and explains why some of my veg is so weak. Thank you.


    • merle says:

      Wow Jen, What an optomistic outlook in a stressful situation! You are the poster child for how we in America should conduct our lives when faced with distress. I pray to God for you to have fruitful crops in the future years. This is the ATTITUDE we all must adapt to survive in the best way!


  18. Candice says:

    This has been going on for years. James, I don’t understand what your wife’s wristband has to do with the world ending. It’s actually a security measure to make sure you are the person you say you are and haven’t switched wristbands. I work in healthcare…..
    It’s all global warming that HUMANS created. We are killing our planet.


  19. Candice — Believe as you wish, but humans did not create the superstorm on Saturn. We have been going through solar system warming since at least 1998. So you know how the longest day of the year is June 21st, but the hottest day of the year doesn’t come for a couple of months? Well, I imagine the same thing is going on. There’s the year we go past the galactic equator and then there are the cumulative effects to follow. The worst is yet to come. And you could wipe out all humanity today and the worst volcanoes and earthquakes would still show up in the near future … followed shortly by an ice age that comes every fifth precession or so (like the present). The people that gnash their teeth over human effects are the ones who want to raise your taxes to support their carbon credit companies and keep us addicted to fossil fuels a bit longer.


  20. Tina Beal says:

    This is not true, its been raining non-stop for two weeks here in Houston. We’ve had more rain this year than last year, the entire south eastern coast of Texas.


  21. Rush Limburger says:

    Now why would the government claim there’s a drought which would seriously affect food prices? Hmmmm…What I do know is there’s lots of former Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan brokers in government now and it seems they’re still playing the speculation game. Which means – we pay more and they get our money.


  22. Columbine says:

    For those saying that this drought is not true – one season of rain does not break a drought. Are the resevoirs full again? Are the underground aquafers full again? Have the trees come back to full inner moisture? Is the earth where you live soaked deep down so that more than one year of crops have enough moisture to survive and produce? We were told once that it would take several years of “normal” rainfall for the long standing drought here in Colorado to be over simply because everything is so dry. Even a good rainstorm here does not produce much humidity in the air because the trees, buildings, grasses, etc. soak in what little humidity is left in the air afterward, leaving the air very dry again and everything only paritally moisturized. You may be getting rain now – but is the earth soaking it up or is it running off and causing flooding instead because the ground is too dry and hard to absorb it? In Florida, is the water table back to normal or are sink holes still happening due to the water table being so low?


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