5.1 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of Oregon

June 19, 2012OREGON – A shallow 5.1 magnitude earthquake rattled the ocean floor off the coast of Oregon. The depth of the earthquake was 13.5 km (8.4 miles). The epicenter of the earthquake was approximately 239 km (148 miles) W of Bandon, Oregon. The earthquake is the latest in a series of stress eruptions that have been building along the Juan de Fuca and Pacific tectonic plates of the U.S. West Pacific coast. There was no tsunami threat issued with today’s earthquake. –The Extinction Protocol
contribution Josh B.
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to 5.1 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of Oregon

  1. Cookie's mum says:

    I knew it…I had shared with a friend last night that something was ‘up’ in our neck of the woods, I could sense it…I wish I could understand how the West Coast volcano’s activity ties in with all this Mt. St. Helens .. Old Dome, seems to be a wall of activity recently with just a day off here and there….last night the PNSN webicorders were showing increased activity almost across the board. I wonder if we will see something off shore BC in the next couple of days..these off shore Oregon quakes seem to coincide…


  2. Grace says:

    6.0 In Alaska. Odd that alaska earthquake monitoring site shows it as unknown magnitutde.


  3. shaun says:

    6.0 Alaska


  4. davidgreybeard says:

    A 5.1 quake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone isn’t all that big, but if you watch the USGS site regularly you’ll see that there has been regular activity all along the zone during the past few months, most of it in the 3.5-4.5 magnitude range. One of the warning signs of a major (7.0) quake is an increase of activity along the fault zone in question. The equivalent of last year’s Sendai quake in Japan is an inevitability along the Cascadia Zone, and if some of the seismologists are correct in stating that a major quake is usually preceded by a number of moderate quakes along that fault, then I believe that we are much closer to our own massive quake off the Oregon coast than many of us think…


  5. Ger says:

    5.2 Melbourne


  6. Stewart says:

    Noticed a lot of earthquakes being removed or changed on the usgs list lately


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