New dangers and earthquake risks found in Washington

April 27, 2012 WASHINGTONTectonically speaking, there’s a lot going on in the Pacific Northwest. Now add to that three more potentially dangerous faults in the Bellingham Basin, a tectonically active area along the coast of Washington, near the Canadian border. A team of researchers has discovered active tectonic faults in this region nearly 40 miles (60 kilometers) north of any previously known faults. The faults Blakely and his colleagues found are reverse faults — a type of tectonic fault where one side is shoved up over the other side — and the team estimates they’re capable of triggering magnitude-6.0 to -6.5 earthquakes. “That’s big enough to cause damage and hurt people, but it’s not as severe as a magnitude-7 earthquake, such as the one that occurred on the Seattle fault 1,100 years ago,” Blakely told OurAmazingPlanet. The team found the new faults through a bit of collaborative luck, Blakely said. He had been examining maps of magnetic anomalies in the region and noticed clues pointing to several unidentified faults in the area. When his colleagues in Washington showed him LiDAR images — data collected by an airborne laser tool that showed scarps (steep banks formed when a fault ruptures) in exactly the same areas — and paleoseismic records that indicated past earthquakes had shoved the ground upward several feet, they knew they had found something. The three faults the team identified are located near Birch Bay, Sandy Point and Drayton Harbor, all along the Pacific coast of northern Washington, about 20 miles (32 km) north of the city of Bellingham. –MSNBC
contribution Sue
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to New dangers and earthquake risks found in Washington

  1. That’s my home turf and my grandson lives in Bellingham. Sad. But I wonder if there’s any place they won’t find “faults” and dangers. We had three 5.8 earthquakes last year on the Rio Grande rift near where I live now. Not expected.


  2. This bit of news strikes very close to home as I live on the canadian side of the border and can see the northern side of Birch Bay from my home,
    I’d be very interested in any data about activity related to these new found fault lines.
    Thank you as always Alvin and God bless !


  3. Just to add,
    It looks like Drayton Harbor is the one that passes almost along our shoreline…..
    Good to be prepared!


  4. this is interesting: We now have the 49th volcano erupting this year and the year is young. Ecuador’s Sangay volcano unleashed a 2 km ash cloud the other day and if you don’t believe in global cooling it’s a good time to start because of the enormous amounts of ash and gaseous chemicals being spewed into the atmosphere. Since starting this essay, as you will see below, we have had another eruption making a grand total of 50 for the year. Perhaps before this is published it will be 51.

    sorry ALVIN did not know where else to post this……. Clare in Tassie


  5. Olivia Wyatt says:

    All these events taking place in nature, earthquakes, tornados, volcanos, hurricanes, etc, are the birth pangs spoken of by our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord wants all of us to not live in fear; but to look up, for our redemption draweth near. Amen, and Amen!!!


  6. Mikey says:

    What’s worrying on the Pacific coast is that the faults seem to be slipping in the far north and the far south of the north American continent. If you consider this whilst looking at George Scallions’ future map….there’s just ocean in between these two regions……….


  7. Warren says:

    Hi Alvin!

    Living here in the Seattle Area I think it is a more of a rare occiasion to see the sun for a full day than a earthquake happening :). Keep up the good work as I enjoy checking your site daily! 🙂

    God Bless You,



  8. suz says:

    I check this site everyday too. We think we’re safe in Canada from earthquakes and such. It just goes to show you we’re not safe anywhere.


  9. Awwww man, I got hopeful for a minute. I thought it was talking about Washington, DC.


  10. RedPanda says:

    Hi Alvin, the news is reporting:
    There is a light swarm of earthquakes occurring offshore of Vancouver Island. The largest event was a magnitude 4.7 earthquake on Apr 22 and six other earthquakes in the magnitude 4 range on Apr 27. Just though you could do a quick article about this, since most people live in denial on the BC west coast. Thanks!


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