2 Responses to Fed bank stress test: 13% unemployment, 50% stock market drop wipes some banks out

  1. Richard says:

    Alvin, while shooting footage for my documentary I am producing. I captured these objects in the Cincinnati area. I shot this on a high end camera and was able to blow the object. Whatever it is, it is moving so fast that it is condensing the air around it. I shot this a few weeks ago, but I dismissed it until I was unloading footage today. I did not notice the very fast moving objects until I boosted the color a bit. I had to slow it down 700% to make it stay on the screen long enough. This is hot off the press…no hoax. I have the original footage shot in Sony XD Cam format that can only be created with the camera itself. It is time stamped as well. Looking at it, only a solid object could condense the air. It must be moving incredibly fast to do that. The still frame I took clearly shows a cloud with a shadow on the bottom of it. Which indicates that it is not something tiny floating in the air, but something rather large. The light would rap around a small object if it was something close to the camera floating in the air.



  2. Gordian Knot says:

    It appears the Fed knows what is about to take place with the banks by witnessing the slow deterioration of PIIGS. At some point the U.S. financial system will accelerate then collapse with little warning. Be vigilant.


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