Are honey bees headed towards extinction?

March 12, 2012WORLDWe have all heard about several animal species becoming extinct, even in the modern world, humans have seen whole generations of some animals disappear. Will bees become one of them? Some experts believe that the bees could be about to die and at least one third of our food depends on pollination of flowering plants. Einstein once said: “If the bees disappear, mankind would have only 4 more years of life.” Over 3 million colonies of bees have died in the USA since 2006 and over a thousand millions of bees have died in this period in the world. Scientists believe that the main reason could be the pesticides (found more than 121 pesticides in samples of bees, pollen, and wax). Another phenomenon that has perplexed scientists is that many of the colonies are abandoned, but they are the bodies of bees, in what has been called the Mary Celeste Syndrome (as inexplicably abandoned ship). Some studies relate the effect produced by telecommunications towers with the disorientation of the bees, leaving them unable to return to their hive. Many of the companies engaged in beekeeping are facing serious economic problems while the research to find the causes of the disappearance of millions of bees has a number of funds proportionate to the seriousness of the problem. –News Pakistan
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31 Responses to Are honey bees headed towards extinction?

  1. Dennis E. says:

    Well, something is going on. 1/3 of the food we eat is involved.
    Could it be certain frequencies are effecting them unknowingly.
    Could it be on purpose?
    Will it cause famine and food control?

    Only time will tell………..


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Dennis

      You don`t realise how close your are to the real answer but not with intent by the powers that be, just unknowingly.



  2. I believe itst he cell phone towers but there is so much money in the cell phone business that the government would rather see the bees dead and us starve then do anything about them.


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Phyllis

      It is nothing to do with cell phone towers, honeybees were dying before mobiles were invented.



  3. Food and Water should be our number one priority. It’s time to stop Monsanto, the first step is to get them out of Washington.


    • John Harding says:

      Hello John
      Yes I agree with food and water but Monsanto is not the reason for the demise of honeybees.


  4. I am so pleased you posted this topic/ concern, I have been following the growing concern over the bee’s dwindling population as well as some spices of butterflies for sometime, and see very little news about it. You would think with the consequences being so high, this might take precedence over the many many trivial things our Goverment’s place importance on,
    When the basic nessasary for human life are ignored, clean water, clean soil and conditions that encourage the growth and development of everything tied to the cycle of growing.

    ( I watched just recently a clip on the this problem in England and they mentioned a virus? )


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Patricie
      If a scholar states there is “dwindling population” of anything the media believe what he states.
      If a farmer/country person state there are loads of these dwindling species in my back yard nobody wants to know.
      The study of dwindling species is very hit and miss forgetting that even butterflies migrate thousands of miles but may return to a better position due to our very slow changing climate.
      Why are my honeybees not dying out?
      Why do I produce a crop 2 to 3 times greater than normal?
      Why is the paracitic mite varroa not a problen to me, but devastating honeybees around the globe.

      The virus you refer to is brought about due to varroa, get rid of varroa and the virus dissapears.
      Science is looking for after the horse has bolted syndrome and not looking for the cause which I have done successfully, this is why my beehives do not suffer from CCD or Varroa.

      I hope you will realise how much science is governed by chemical funding which begs the question “does science want the money or the answer?”

      A natural answer is avaliable, mine.



  5. Much like over use of anti-biotics, the near Global saturation of 100’s of pesticides is beginning to wreak Broad Spectrum Havoc on the Biosphere.


    *°▼/;>)~ ☺


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Jamie
      As much as I agree with your passionate plee, it is not the reason why honeybees are dying.


  6. Honey Bees are something I happen to know a lot about. Ive kept bees for over 50 years. First honeybees are not native to the americas. The bees where imported by europeans. The problem that killing the bees is a small tick like parasite called the Avorra Mite. Not all the hives are killed by them some are resistant. The African killer bees are resistant. Many domestic hives in europe are resistant to the mite. We have been placing bee hives in orchards & crop fields for many decades and the pesticides never damaged the bees. A worker bee during a honey flow only lives a few days (they literally wear themselves out) not long enough to build up any residual poision.


  7. Education says:

    And Einstein’s name was falsely attributed to the quote about the bees, during a search through his texts and quotes long after his death no reference was found to this.


  8. Kindred Spirit says:

    Although pesticides are detrimental to ALL living beings I believe the much larger issue concerning the disappearance and die-off of bees is due to the Earth’s ‘affected’ magnetosphere…bees & all other insects, dolphins & whales, birds, & fish are ALL governed by the magnetosphere…solar flares/storms, which affect the magnetosphere, have been increasing significantly within the past couple years & it’s only forecast to get worse, through 2013…millions of animals in the recent past, & continuing to this present day, have been ‘mysteriously’ dying-off en masse…


  9. Blessed says:

    Skeptical citzen – Thanks for the lesson on Bees. I use to have a hive behind my avocado tree in an old Verizon equipment, but the neighbor said it was doing something to her phone service. The got rid of the bees. My tree did so well with the honey bees. I have to say I miss them they are a blessing to your flowers and fruit trees.


  10. Julie says:

    Haven’t they been going extinct for years now?


  11. jeff a. says:

    Interesting, I too am a bee keeper, but only for about ten years. The varroa mite is the reason we no longer have wild honey bee hives in the NW USA. yes I understand our honey bees have been brought over from Europe so have a lot of our crops. I understand that up to 70% of our food crops need these pollinators, maybe not to produce food , but to create viable seed for the next generation. There are bees in Asia who are resistant to mites, but I am unaware of any Africanized or European species being tolerant. The Asian bees actually evolved with the mites and have learned to just pick them off of themselves. Imagine how hard it would be to tolerate a bug the same size as your thigh attaching itself to your body and staying there until your sucked dry. Most of the damage actually happens inside the comb where a mite will climb in with a larva before they are capped and then consume the brood as they pupate.
    This explanation however does not explain Colony collapse disorder and my personal belief is that radio waves and cell phone communications are causing much of the trouble. There is also the very strong possibility that being rushed around state to state by professional bee keepers and being exposed to and contaminated by pesticides is causing this dilemma. This maybe explains why your bees only live a couple of days-whereas mine spend about eight days living almost exclusively inside the hive, where they tend to the young and feed the queen (nursing) before they join the workers and start harvesting the pollens and sugars needed to create honey. They then stay as workers until their death and usually die from being over worked. A kind of death I’ll never have to worry about. lol.
    P 37-40 First lessons on bee keeping by C.P. Dadant.
    Jeff A.


  12. Mike says:

    Na, Monsanto will just genetically engineer them, and create a bread that can’t populate on it’s own, the sell them to whole country’s. The will pollinate plants once, then die. Then Monsanto will sell them another batch.


  13. Yes I agree its a big problem. However the extinction of the honey bee wouldnt spell doom for humans, Other insects do pollinate although not as effeciently as the honeybee. lots of times when there is a valid reasonable explaniation some folks simply wont believe it. Like the tale of the frogs are dissappearing and that frogs are the baramoter of nature. Used to be in the spring all the ponds & other water had lots of frog eggs present. Well the peta folks destroyed the fur market. So raccoon numers increased those critters easily eat the frog eggs. Then the goverment protected all the cranes storks & other water turkeys. Those eat the frog eggs, tadpoles and frogs. Its a result of too many predators.


    • John Harding says:

      I agree, it would`nt, but a large number of overgrown crops that rely on honeybees will cause a huge shortage of present day food in supermarkets.
      Would you become the predator or would you become the food for the predator, life will go on, possibly not as we know it, but it will go on.
      My hypothesis will stop honeybees dying around the world so will give humanity a longer period of time on this wonderful planet enjoying all the food that it produces.
      Evolution has and is happening for a reason, flowers and bees have evolved over millions of years for its own purpose and all this happened pre-mankind.
      We think we know it all but we have a lot to learn, perhaps if we took money and greed out of the equation and watched at what nature can offer, perhaps we may survive just a little longer.


  14. Steve in CT says:

    Its not chemicals or cell towers. It’s the interference of low frequencies @ 18hz (called the HUM) of the waggle dance and thorax communication in the hive colonies. The source is ILFN radiating from the high pressure natural gas lines spanning all over. Reasonating in the hives.


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Steve

      You are on the right track, it is not chemicals or any man-made product, that is killing honeybees.

      Until my discovery we, mankind, have not looked close enough to the requirements of the honeybee. My research and observation has spanned 30 years to find the real answer. I would be happy to send it to you, my email address is above. It is 6000 words long so to big for this site unless the website owner agrees.



      • Steve in CT says:

        Hi John, I can be reached at My research is tied into a source no one is very informed about. The major high pressure natural gas line grid running all over. Research began to find teh source of a low frequency hum that started here in CT mid 2009. And come to find out that millions of people are now hearing and feeling it. Begs the reason about the honey bee CCD, with simple research about their LF communications in teh hive.


  15. Skyler says:

    John, could you send me a copy of your findings also? I have been reading articles about this for the past few weeks and you seem to know what your talking about. I would love to read what you have found. My email is
    I cannot find your email address anywhere on this page so I won’t be emailing you.


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Skyler
      Below is the missing info it is on another page on this site, however I will contact you direct with further information.

      Kind regards



      I have found the answer and solution to help honeybees deal with the parasitic mite varroa and stop honeybees dying worldwide needlessly, using a bio-dynamic natural phenomenon, without using chemicals or man-made product.
      It is a world exclusive!
      I have been using this hypothesis for many years without any honeybee colonies dying out.
      This makes all my honeybees, regardless of specie, varroa resistant.

      During my research I have found Chemical companies, in the UK, have a stranglehold on beekeeping associations and honeybee science. So if a natural answer was found, like mine, it would never or could not be accepted.

      It is controversial, political and topical but very important for mankind. What I have found allows honeybees to deal with varroa naturally, so I have very few mites or none at all.
      Is that impossible? No, not at all, you just have to go back to beyond mankind, before we tried to domesticate honeybees and watch what they do, the logic is easy, and then common sense prevails.

      I have kept honeybees for 30 years, up to 300 colonies, always looking outside the box always questioning, why?
      Please remember I am not a Professional Scientist, I am just a passionate beekeeper that has used observation, time, experimentation and research, and hence, why it has taken so long.

      20 years ago when the parasitic mite varroa hit our shores we, beekeepers, were told by the BBKA to use chemicals by Bayer, the same company that part funds the BBKA. (British Beekeepers Association).
      At the beginning, for 2 years, I treated with these approved chemicals but each year I lost 30% of my queens, not the workers, just the queens, queen cells were made but as this was out of season, there were few or no drones for mating, so it could not be supercedure.

      I complained to the BBKA and to Bayer, naturally I was told to go away as no-one else had complained, and prove it…….How could an individual do that?????
      Most hobby beekeepers which the BBKA represent, only keep less than 10 hives so if they lost one or two, then that was acceptable, at that time I was running over a hundred so 30% was a huge loss.
      I had no choice; I immediately stopped all treatment of chemicals and sugar, much to the disgust of fellow beekeepers, hoping that one day I would find a natural answer. After 20 years of individual heartache and research I have found that answer which is a world exclusive.

      It is unfortunate that when I approach companies like the BBC, ITV or large organisation supporting honeybees (W I or Co-op) they refer to the BBKA, for advice, who are biased due to chemical funding, for some sort of ratification that I am bone-fide.
      You must realise the BBKA, IBRA or DEFRA have their own financial agenda so are unwilling to be associated with me or my book, as a natural answer is allegedly NOT a top priority or acceptable to them, due to chemical infiltration of funding.
      I hope I am making myself clear. I am a single beekeeper up against the might of the hierarchy of beekeeping and a chemical giant that has too much influence.

      My book was the only way I could be heard, that is now selling around the world,
      “An HOLISTIC Way in Saving the Honeybee”.
      Available through Northern Bee Books or Amazon.
      I am at present re-writing the above due to the original book was not proof-read or edited by the publisher, a little naive on my part, being written 5 years ago, 2007, and published January 2011. The new E-book, with further information, will be called “How to create a Varroa Resistant Honeybee”.

      I hope you can now see how difficult it is to tell mainstream public that an answer is available without using chemicals.
      When the rest of the beekeeping world catches up with my hypothesis, I may well be just a memory, but my hypothesis will become normal practice in 20 or 30 years time, if not before.
      I do not mean to be a threat to anyone; pioneers happen unexpectedly, I am just a passionate beekeeper that has found the answer to save honeybees worldwide.
      Just ask yourself. Why are my bees not dying? Why is varroa no longer a problem in my hives? Why do my honeybees supercede rather than swarm? Why is my honey crop greater?
      If I can help you in any way in saving your honeybees, by reducing varroa, increase your honey crop or if you would like my help to assist in any way, do not hesitate in contacting me.
      My quest will never finish. All I want to do is help the honeybee and ask you to help me spread the word.
      If you would like varroa resistant honeybees and more free information, an updated summary of my book for publication on websites, newsletters or for TV or Radio production, please do not hesitate to contact me.

      Thank you for your time.

      Kind regards

      John Harding
      The Clavies
      38A Hungary Hill
      West Midlands
      England, UK
      07974121472 or 01384 423557
      Copy write 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012


  16. Emanni says:

    I Keep Finding Dead Bees Everywhere!


  17. Jehielvazquez says:

    There is no way that if tje bees die we wont becaues the birds,butterflies ect… Theay could do the polanation for them.


  18. Jerry Rivers says:

    If the honeybees are gone, there want be no food and honey to feed the world..there will be food riots,mass panic,confusions, farmers abandon their land or sale. and martial law. pollution, climate change and ozone depletion and disease that kill all the honeybees.


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Jerry
      It will not happen as drastic as you say, but it will happen as other insects have a very much shorter lifespan than honeybees so it would be impossible to pollinate the food crops to sustain 7 billion people.

      However an English beekeeper has found the answer to stop honeybees dying, google………
      John Harding/honeybees

      Unfortunately it is a natural answer so will never be accepted by the chemicaly funded beekeeping associations or beekeeping science.

      With this discovery honeybees will never die out, ever.



  19. Aristotle says:

    Space weather could possibly play a role, solar storms, cmes’, etc.. the increase of the intensity of UV rays could possibly be the reason, possibly the increase of dry climate.


    • John Harding says:

      Hello Aristotle

      Sorry it is nothing to do with your comment.

      I have reseached this very topic for over 30 years and I have found the finite answer.



  20. Jools says:

    Hi John,

    Appreciate your wealth of knowledge, less so the accompanying condescension. Why not approach a university to study for a research degree (PhD) on the subject, you have a far greater chance of having your information taken seriously if it is part of an official study. I would read it.


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