Increased activity at Ecuador’s Sangay volcano

January 27, 2012ECUADOR Since Monday 23 January 2012, there has been an intensification of Sangay volcano’s activity, as indicated by reports from pilots who reported the presence of ash from the volcano drifting S-SE. In addition, satellite images from 24 Jan show the presence of thermal anomalies at the volcano. Sangay is one of the most active volcanoes in Ecuador, in frequent activity since the 17th century when it was discovered. However, due to its very remote location, at the eastern end of the Andes cordillera, its monitoring is limited to occasional field observations and observations by aircraft and from satellite. –Volcano Discovery
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1 Response to Increased activity at Ecuador’s Sangay volcano

  1. Gene says:

    I have been watching the Geysers area in Northern California for a long time. In the past, there has been continued activity at a low level. Now, in the last several weeks there are small seismic events one to three a day very close to each other. This is the site of a geothermal plant and many fault lines.
    Keep up the great observations!


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