40 Responses to Financial Meltdown: The men who crashed the world – video

  1. Curtis Folts says:

    I learned alot from these 4 videos. Thanks for spreading the information!


    • Bruce says:

      this video show how our leaders betrayed us in jobs pensions and oil…we’ve had the largest supply of oil, but our leaders forced us to buy from Arabs while they sent our jobs to china and borrowed trillions of dollars to collapse our economy…purposefully…we should remeber that Clinto, Bush and now Obama have betrayed us…….their names should be well remembered


      • Bruce says:

        In essense, the bailouts were really bonuses in desguise, for having achieved the goal..the jobs were gone, and the economy in it’s death spiral. The banks had succeeded in creating a false economy long enough to seal our demise with trillions of debt to china who now wants our very land for payment, and of course, the U.N. already has legislation which creates “FREE TRADE” zones for CHINA, essentially a land swap…


  2. Barba says:

    It figures that Al Jezeera would be the one news agency to organize and upload the real story since the Western new agencies are now no more than yet another happy face assuring us that that noise like a cracking dam is nothing to worry about.


  3. Richard says:

    Maxine Waters is guilty, as is Bill Clinton who forced Fanny and Freddie to give sub-prime mortgages to people that could not afford them. It was those laws imposed by Clinton that forced these mortgage giants to become quasi government entities.


  4. David says:

    Excellent video series! They really help you understand who’s at fault.

    Unfortunately the economic crisis is only getting worse, as food and energy prices continue to rise.

    The job situation isn’t improving, so people need to look at alternative ways to increase their income and reduce their taxes, just to stay ahead of inflation.


    • Jamie says:

      We are all at fault, David, although, we would like to think it is someone else who did this to us. I do not want to play a victim so am aware that, either through ignorance or willful intention, I am to blame for this current pornographic paradigm as much as anyone else. So perhaps we are all, simultaneously, victim and perpetrator?


      • Marshallrn says:

        We are not ALL at fault. In 2007 I was a teen highschool graduate paying my own way through community college after my father died from a sudden heart attack. How is it fair for me to be forced to grow up and take on the new challenges of this unfair world. I still go to school today and work six days a week to pay my bills. Afraid of any bank loan I wait to see a GOOD opportunity to pay my way through a university (who’s tuition is ever increasing). And once I rise to be a fully graduated student with what ever my degree will focus on, finding AND landing a GOOD job will be the hardest thing yet. Fighting with my peers for that ONE position just to survive. And if the weight becomes too much, all I could do would be to sercome to the waves let it pull me under and hope to god that on the other side I can still find shelter and food for me and my family. Who’s at fault? Not I. I wish I could do more for others yet right now that is not possible and I’m not alone. Fault goes to most who in 2008 were 30 . sorry peace and OCCUPY !!!!!!


      • Jamie says:

        Marshallrn, I am very glad that you spoke up here. My parents complied with the system. Their parents complied with the system. I complied with the system and now I have lost a son who complied with the system. We keep passing off this “culture” or paradigm as a legacy to our children. I would hazard to say that we ( those who have a voice ) have neglected our duties to our children. We have taught them capitalism and greed as a way of life and then sent them into a vicious cycle of spiritual degradation.

        I can blame my parents and grandparents and so forth but I would rather take responsibility for the current situation by addressing what part i played in all of this.
        Have you ever heard that song by Billy Joel, ‘We didn’t start the fire’? Well, that is a good analogy of our situation. You and I and a billion others may not have created this paradigm but we have complied through giving up the only 3 things that actually mattered. We gave up our minds ( schools are used for indoctrination ) our hearts and souls. We have remained willfully ignorant even in the face of such egregious crimes against humanity…implemented by the ancient ‘High Priests’ of old.

        There are so many good books ( as well as Alvin’s site ) that help to clear the fog.

        You are the future, Marshall, and I wish you all that is good and loving.


    • Bruce says:

      What people fail to realize, is that the housing bubble was created to keep people from noticing the jobs going to china…if not for the dot com and housing bubble, the economy would have begun to colapse as the jobs went to china…..people would have demanded a stop to the slave trade agreements….the housing bubble ensured that the false economy would go on long enough to finish the transfer of American jobs to china….meanwhile we borrowed a trillion more from china so that now we owe them money we could never pay…..but our politicians make huge paychecks selling out the people…….it’s not just bankers, they were doing the job our leaders demanded they do……remember, both Bush and Clinton went with the slave-trade agreements…who do you think ordered the banks to lend money to the housing industry, “WITHOUT REGULATIONS” so there could be no legal recourse…the task at hand was to destroy the american worker……Clinton and Bush succeeded…and Obama is here to finish us off. whatever is left our economy will now be mandated to flow into healthcare


      • Great comments Bruce! So many people blame just Bush Jr. and Obama, but Clinton played a huge role when he allowed the repeal of Glass-Steagall, which was enacted after the Great Depression to prevent investment companies from gambling with the banks money.

        These companies made record profits and bonuses on risky mortgages, and then they bundled them into derivatives to make more profits, without any accountability.

        Then these the banks got trillions in bailouts. And they were allowed to scoop up the failed companies for pennies on the Dollar. All at our expense.

        And NAFTA was started by Bush Sr. and then signed by Clinton, who said at the time, “…NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t support this agreement.” What a lie!

        NAFTA opened up the door for 10’s of thousands of manufacturing companies to move their production and jobs to other countries.


  5. The result of the financial meltdown is that all fiat currencies will fail due to the massive liabilities which can never be paid off.

    Anything you have in paper… savings, 401k, IRA, bonds, etc… will lose their value.

    The only safe place to have your money right now is physical silver and gold. Paper silver SLV is just part of the elite’s scam, so get physical silver.


  6. Evo says:

    These two video finally gave me an explanation of what really happened, a few years ago. I find it very difficult to draw a conclusion, or lessons learnt, or could it happen again, from all these events.
    Ordinary people were given an opportunity to enhance their lives, and the lives of their children. And they took it. I cannot see anything wrong in this.
    Bankers had all this ridiculous power, thrown at their feet, and took full financial advantage of it. It must be very difficult to control, and deal with, power like this.You say “jump” and people around you, are too scared to even ask “How high”?
    Helicopters take you home from work and you have nobody in your life to say, “For heaven sake, get a life. This is not the reason you were created. This is not the work of God”
    And probably, even if they did have someone to give them this message, if would have fallen on deaf ears anyway.
    In the distant future, (if we still have one) it would be interesting to see what characteristics we get labelled with, during this period of our history.


    • Very good point Evo. Having lived through the late 60’s and early 70’s, I always find it interesting how history paints my generation and how the low and high points are represented. The really interesting thing I have also noticed is that, those opinions and “facts” seem to change with every succeeding generation.

      Very well said.



    • Curtis Folts says:

      I was a realtor from 2005 to 2008 and I saw ARM’s (adjustable rate mortgages) being sold. The customer was told their mortgage could go up each year for the first few years by as much as $50.00/month and to prepare for it. I bought that lie too, and I think some loan officers bought it as well. They often went up by $150 or more a month. It was all in the 70 page contract but nobody, not even the loan officers or the realtors (I’m ashamed to admit) read it. For those on fixed incomes it became impossible to keep their homes. For those who could not budget well (most Americans) it got untenable.

      Very few customers took the contract home to read. Those who did walked away in sheer frustration and, at least the one’s I knew never said why. I didn’t learn why until the crash.

      Another common issue is that home ownership has responsibilities that renters never have to think about; maintenance being the biggest. These were ignored or downplayed, and even the customer would often change the subject if the realtor tried to get this point across.

      It was the emotional equivalent to a gold-rush.


      • Jamie says:

        Hi, Curtis. In 1997 I was in training with GMAC Mortgage. During this training process I was horrified to learn that I had to “fudge” numbers ( or make them up entirely ) to make the potential buyer look good on paper. I also was required to “clean” up their “credit portfolio”. I knew that this was criminal on the most fundamental level….the soul level. This was not love and there was no way that I was going to harm another soul through my actions…even if it meant my “survival” on the physical plane. I once ( at the age of 18 ) found myself in a dreadful situation with no home, job, vehicle, family or suppoert system of any type and knew that I would rather die than do something harmful to myself or others in order to “survive”. This is the number one problem that I see with other souls. We seem to think that as long as we survive it matters not if others do not.
        Cannibalizing on each other will never work and I knew this since I was very young. Now we reap what we have sown and it does not bode well for our soul agreements we made before incarnating on Earth. Such a waste of pure energy.
        Perhaps we will learn an invaluable lesson through parasitic practises such as banking, Love does not have a price tag. We must have shelter, food and water. These things should be free; For to feed, house and clothe the physical temple of a soul is an honor and an act of pure Love…..it is not an industry, a chore or a margin of profit. Shame on us for what we have become through false and blind obedience to our lower selves.

        I hope that you are sharing your knowledge of this corrupt industry with anyone who will listen. It can only help. I have but very people believe that their icons ( GMAC is actually General Motors ) ) could be so corrupt. Very sad situation for humanity.


      • Curtis Folts says:

        Thank you for sharing this Jamie. I appreciate your perspective and your heart. If you are on Facebook please look me up. Curtis H. Folts I would enjoy future dialogues with you.


  7. preacher says:

    pt 3/4 Meltdown – Paying the Price

    pt 4/4 Meltdown – After the Fall


  8. Jamie says:

    Thank you, Mr. Conway, for sharing these videos. What is glaringly apparnet in these videos is the lack of spirituality or soul. “Financial Collapse”? I woud say it is more a Spiritual collapse or degredation of the soul that led to everything else in a domino efffect. I do not understand why we cannot see this?
    It has been going on, though, for thousands of years. It is such a shame that we could not live for our love of each other rather than our love of self.

    Thanks for staying the course and keeping the message alive. I always feel that Love is your guiding force. It is beautiful to behold.


    • You’re right and it’s sad to see both these people’s deeds and their victims. Love of money is the root of all evil and the souls of many engaged in the enterprise as moneychangers are cankerous. Thank you, Jamie as always. I’m grateful for God being my guiding light and refuge.

      God bless,


  9. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Greek 1 Year Bond Yields Pass 150% For The First Time Ever http://www.zerohedge.com/node/438967
    há 2 minutos


  10. oldladyhawk says:

    Please note that this is put out by a Muslim network and is highly Propaganda oriented against the USA, though what is shown is true. There are more to it, I believe there is a secret shadow microcosm of men and women at the core. If you aren’t a believer in God the son, Jesus Christ now is the time to look in to it.


    • I know it is but the report is about finances; not religion. Ted Turner was an atheist who ran CNN and is now agnostic. Was CNN news propaganda? Fox News, ran by Rupert Murdoch, who is Jewish, also has bureaus in the Middle East among Muslim nations. It’s easy to get carried away with the hysteria.


  11. Marshallrn says:

    Great recent history lesson. So what NOW!?!?


    • Prepare for all eventualities…the worst is yet to come. This is only the warm-up.


    • Bruce says:

      Now, great wealth has been transfered into the hands of very few…The new regulations will prevent anyone from challenging their wealth in any area of finance, buisness or government……….. Power will remain with the very elite….Remember, Obama gave bonuses to the bankers and claimed it was a bailout…..it was Bonuses for the mission accomplished, which was the collapse of American capitalist system….We can all expect to be more like slaves in the future!


  12. robinb333 says:

    This is tooo weird….As I was watching this video I realized this correlates with my dream I had regarding a bridge. I saw the number 29 in the bottom left under the image of the bride. At the time I didn’t understand what the 29 stood for. Now I do…it was a direct correlation to what the video stated, wallstreet turned back the clock to 1929. Just too weird.


  13. Jeff says:

    I haven’t even watched all of these videos yet, but I will. Of what I have seen so far I can some all of this up in two statements. 1. Man when given the chance, wants power and money, and the elite are greedy and want to control the world. 2. Fiat currency will always fail. They have moved the world to a fiat currency, and it will fail, and unless we go back to a gold backed or some other tangible currency, we will be slaves to the elite.


  14. RainMan says:

    Tuesday, Oct 11, Europes leaders have postponed a key summit on the debt crisis.
    The summit scheduled for 17-18 Oct has been put back to Oct 23.
    I was under the impression they had to move quickly on this.


  15. RainMan says:

    (TNYT) Oct 11,
    Slovakia rejects Euro bailout.
    Officials in Brussels believe the vote could be reversed with Mr Fico’s support as early as the end of the week. But “the political damage of a repeated ‘no’ would be horrendous” said the official.
    (AFP) 13hrs ago.
    New strikes hit Greece.
    A key refinery began a protest shutdown ahead of the general strike on Oct 19. Civil servants, teachers and municipal staff walked out, hospital workers, garbage collectors (Athens is strewn with uncollected garbage) prison guards, lawers, pharmacists, taxi drivers are expected to join the scrum. Fuel supplies expected to run out in three days.
    Greece’s reserves to pay wages and pensions runs out in November, when the country could default if the 8.0 billion euros is blocked.


  16. Langing says:

    Anyone who thinks this MELT-DOWN is a mere ‘accident’ of capitalism must do a re-evaluation of their view of the world, including a deeper study of history, as well as economics, but especially the mechanics of capitalism. While doing so, one must keep in mind the fact that businesses and governments are run by people; success of such a study must inevitably conclude with the realization that a few people conspired to cause this on purpose. Lessons learned during the ‘Great Depression’ (a world-wide phenomenon) were embedded in U.S. law, to prevent it from ever happening again. For over 30 years those laws worked as well as anybody had a right to expect, at least in America, where the harnessing of ‘properly constrained capitalism’ caused ‘everyone’s boat to float’, demonstrating convincingly that the game of capitalism properly run is not a zero-sum game. Sadly, and slowly, during the past 40 years, the ever increasing consolidation of industries (in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act, aided and abetted by the overthrow of the rest of the legal constraints installed to prevent another GD, including the Glass–Steagall Act, which corrupting activities were paid for by a handful of the wealthiest players) lead to a super-consolidation of wealth and power into the hands of a few individuals and corporations (today called the Super ____ Filthy Rich SFFR). The capitalistic feedback loop, by that time, then included a distorted ‘level playing field’ (commonly called the ‘Free Market’) that achieved the disappearance of ‘competition’ (the goal of ‘Monopolies’). Free and healthy competition is an essential ingredient in an effective implementation of a pure capitalistic economy; absent that, pure capitalism degenerates into Darwinian capitalism, or Gangster capitalism, where only the SFFR can survive. Yet in the greatest irony of all, the SFFR end up . . . eating . . . each . . other! Yet, while this doomsday scenario plays itself out, as unfettered capitalism moves to its ‘end-time’, EVERYONE in the world suffers, indiscriminately. Absolutely free and unfettered capitalism will always lead to this same disastrous end. One way to fix such a flawed economic system would be to set an upper bound on the wealth (capital) any particular player could have control over at any particular time, and upon every player’s death, all assets would be returned to the game (where, of course, the reasonable needs of those people who were dependent on the player must first be paid). No human being should be permitted, say for instance, to have enough wealth that they could personally influence an election, or buy the world’s largest commercial airplane for personal use. Likewise, no corporate entity should be permitted to have enough wealth, or become large enough, that they could in any way effect the necessary law of free, fair, and strong competition; that is to say, for example, Microsoft should never have been permitted to own 97% share of the world’s computer operating systems sales. Remember, no human being is automatically permitted to be a player in a game (a real economy) called capitalism. For capitalism to even exist, there must first be a governing body under which the game’s rules are decided upon, enforced, and continually strengthened. Since WE (i.e., people, aka: human beings) make the rules, WE can change them. God didn’t invent capitalism, mankind did. Enough is known about the down-side of present day capitalism for us to generate a fair and proper set of rules that would prevent ‘bubbles’ and worse disasters, and incorporate fairness such that workers become entitled to their fair share as well, so why don’t WEjust fix the rules. We aren’t STUPID!


  17. Virtual Drifter says:

    537 elected officials that run America and it is they who are ultimately responsible for the economic collapse. Meltdown is half the story, it leaves out government. Read and learn.


    • The blood is on many hands…I think that should be evident by now that the temple has become full of moneychangers.

      The straw that broke the camel’s back and created the financial fire-storm of 2008 came from Federal Reserve policies under Chairman Alan Greenspan and the U.S. Senate ratification of the Gramm-Leach-Biley Act, which repealed the Depression Era Glass-Stegall Act of 1933.” –The Extinction Protocol, page 263


  18. RainMan says:

    Aljazeera news, 15th Oct, 20.43, Rome.
    ‘Dozens wounded’
    Black smoke billowed into the air in downtown Rome. Police were out in force in Rome which expected 100,000 protesters.
    Occupy Wall St. going global.
    The domino effect gathers speed dangerously, I was thinking it was all coming to an end but it seems like it’s just starting.


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