22 Responses to Syria threatens to attack Israel if NATO intervenes in internal conflict

  1. cdkanas says:

    Last time I checked, Israel has the high vantage point in the Golan Heights. Those rockets to be fired at Tel Aviv I assure you won’t even make it off the ground. There’s a reason Israel has control of the Heights. And that’s reason #1.


  2. bursting at the seams with difficult issues of all kinds. We are spinning at the bottom of the drain , its a much more exciting show than “dancing with stars”.
    Thank you for your part in keeping the few awake ones in the know.


  3. Ian says:

    I must admit I’ve been waiting for this kind of comment – the Syrian President Bashar Assad is being very silly … like a school payground bully threatening to get his friends to gang up on his behalf. To start a war on an innocent bystander surely must be an illegal act under international law (not that such a concept would stop him) – and on a neighbour capable of hitting back as hard as Israel a foolish act too.

    It is of course an old trick; diverting his peoples attention to an external enemy with the hope that they will bury their grievances and unite behind him – and I’m sure the Americans would love for the current Iranian regime to fire the first shot – thus giving them the right in self defence to hit back – and most likely in a way to make all their previous actions in the region to look like training exercises.


    • sarge says:

      From Ian : “To start a war on an innocent bystander surely must be an illegal act under international law”…..of course it’s illegal. That’s what the US Military has done to Iraq. Same thing. So why would this egregious act be MORE of abomination than what happened to those Iraqis?? Funny how the rules seem to apply only one way?


  4. we could be hurling towards a massive global conflict dont you think?


  5. Ironsides says:

    I’ve got a low opinion, of the entire world being expected to revolve around the terrorist state of “modern Israel”. People are finally learning to understand how the U.S. and Canada, got so mentally-conditioned to think that there is something sacred, about a middle-east state called “Israel”, which was built by American and British terrorists.

    We need to stop allowing this terrorist network of international-bankers, to use Americans and Canadians to be tax-slaves and combat-forces to pick fights and fight their wars for them.–That’s what I think!


  6. Isaiah 17:1
    The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.



  7. TTB says:

    If they had any real bite, they wouldn’t bark so loud. That said, our side is one that loves to hear such words, any little thing happen it can be blamed and used as ‘proof’ to declare another non-war.


  8. DuncanEllis says:

    Love it when the bad guys tell you what they’re going to do before they do it… /facedesk…

    And as if ANY of those payloads are even going to get off the ground……….
    And attacking the Navy in the gulf? What are they going to run speedboats with explosives at us again?


  9. Tomwe says:

    All of them – as they surrender unto me – I reward accordingly. Everyone follows my path in all respects. – Bhagavad-gita.


  10. Sheryl Minns says:

    Well, I suspect that the WMD that GWB was looking for in Iraq but didn’t find was actually squirrelled away in Syria. If so, they probably would believe they have the fire power, but how successful they would be is open to debate.


    • offstart says:

      You hit the nail on the head with this comment about the WMD’s. I wonder how so few people remember the declassified “classified” report that was released with lots of blacked out areas, showing the satellite photos of all being moved across the border to Syria before we ever got there. If this was a false media report, no need for anyone to attack. A simple correction with links to the facts will suffice. I have no problem with correction or constructive criticizm.


  11. Dann Rivera says:

    In a game of chess sometimes a gambit is offered, Israel is that gambit. If the opponent takes the gambit the end-game plays out. World War IV and One World Government under the US would result. One step closer to the New World Order.


  12. Maiden PEI says:

    These comments sound like they are playing right into just what NATO/NWO wants . . . to start WWIII!


  13. just came across this Alvin… just like it says in your book:

    Obama Sold Bunker-Buster Bombs to Israel 23 Sep 2011 While publicly pressuring Israel to make deeper concessions to the Palestinians, President Obama has secretly authorized significant new aid to the Israeli military that includes the sale of 55 deep-penetrating bombs known as bunker busters, Newsweek has learned. U.S. and Israeli officials tell Newsweek that the GBU-28 Hard Target Penetrators–potentially useful in any future military strike against Iranian nuclear sites–were delivered to Israel in 2009, just several months after Obama took office. The military sale was arranged behind the scenes as Obama’s demands for Israel to stop building settlements in disputed territories were fraying political relations between the two countries in public.

    US sold bunker-busting bombs to Israel: report –Newsweek: Citing unnamed US and Israeli officials, Israel has developed its own bunker-buster technology, but that it was cheaper to buy the US weapons. 23 Sep 2011 President Barack Obama secretly authorized the sale of 55 powerful bunker-busting bombs to Israel, Newsweek magazine reported Friday. Israel first asked to buy deep-penetrating GBU-28 bombs in 2005, but were rebuffed by then-president [sic] George W. Bush. However in 2007 Bush informed then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert that the bombs would be ready for delivery in 2009 or 2010, even though the Israelis wanted them immediately. Obama released the bombs in 2009, the magazine reports, citing unnamed officials familiar with the still-secret decision. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g_fbHW-9pGfmTay0V9gyCNrmq2Fg


  14. sarge says:

    Question to EP…..why was my post not approved? Kinda curious.


    • We get hundreds daily and unfortunately, we can not publish them nor is there enough time in the day to syphon through them all…


    • I always know when Alvin finally gets caught up on his emails and comment moderation. I turn on my computer the next day and have a hundred more emails than I had when I went to bed. LOL

      But that’s not a complaint, because I love reading what the other bloggers post, so I’m patient. And I do appreciate the hard work this forum must take. We’re just one big happy, although sometimes dysfunctional, family here. And I look forward to these posts and conversations every day.



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