Icelandic landscape rattled by more tremors

September 24, 2011 ICELANDTremors continue to rattle the landscape of the volcanic island of Iceland.  Many of the tremors in the southwest of the country are said to be attributed to man-made power generation stations near the Hengill volcano.  The volcano is an important source of energy for the south of the country, which is captured at the Nesjavellir power station (near the western shore of the lake Þingvallavatn) and the Hellisheiði power station (approximately 11 km south and west of Nesjavellir). Both stations are operated by Orkuveita Reykjavíkur (Reykjavik Energy). There were 3+ magnitude tremors at the Katla volcano and a 3.5 magnitude earthquake north of the largest glacier in Iceland- Vatnajökull. Vatnajökull covers 8% of Iceland. Under the ice cap, as under many of the glaciers of Iceland, there are several volcanoes. The volcanic lakes, Grímsvötn for example, were the sources of a large jökulhlaup (glacial lake outburst flood) in 1996. To the south of the massive glacier lies the volcanic killing fields of Laki.The Extinction Protocol
contribution Luisport – Wikipedia (Source)
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2 Responses to Icelandic landscape rattled by more tremors

  1. Evo says:

    As I am new to blogging, this may be OT, so Alvin I hope you will forgive me. Looking at all the solar and earthquake activity over the past week, I decided to find out how fast our planet moved through space.
    I cannot remember now, why I was curious about this (But at the time, I am sure it made perfect sense)!. (I am not an academic of any kind, so for all that are like me, NEVER EVER GOOGLE THIS QUESTION. Trust me on this, Don’t do it!!)
    If you choose to ignore me, then the link can be found at the bottom.
    Apparently our planet is moving through space at 500,000 klms plus, everty second. If you are inclined to investigate this further, my advice is this
    Have a loved one nearby. Tell them, that as your investigations are progressing, your eyes will begin to glaze over, your chin will drop and stay in this position, and soon you will be clinching desperately to the mouse, as if this is your only hold on sanity.
    Advise them that this might be a good time to lead you gently away from the computer. Have them whisper sweet things in your ear, like maybe, “There there, everything will be ok. I will make you a nice cup of tea now”
    Four hours later the tv will come back into focus. You will find a mouse in your hand blinking furiously at and screaming, “What have you do with my mat”
    Just remember, you were warned.!!!!


  2. c/o Luisport

    Small eruption took place in Katla volcano in July 2011
    Posted on September 26, 2011 by Jón Frímann

    According to the news on Rúv this evening it is now a opinion at Icelandic Met Office that a small eruption did take place in Katla volcano during the days 8 and 9 July 2011. This eruption was however larger then the eruption in Fimmvörðuháls in Eyjafjallajökull volcano last year (2010). But this is based on tremor data from around Katla volcano during this summer. But this is what Einar Kjartansson geologist at Iceland Met Office says in the news at Rúv this evening. Even if this small eruption did take place in Katla volcano it does not seems to have eased the pressure inside Katla volcano, so a large eruption in Katla volcano is still a possibility in the close future. Note: GVP has updated Katla volcano eruption status to the year 2011!

    This conclusion was reached by checking out the cauldron that formed during this event. But they show a sign that they had a sudden melt taking place. But that melt can only happen of lava got into contact with the ice and fast melted it. This is also the reason why there was a 5 meters flood in Múlakvísl glacier river that did destroy the bride over it. But it is also a fact that the harmonic tremor in Katla volcano during this period was the same as that did happen during the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull volcano. The only difference was that it it was stronger from Katla volcano then in Eyjafjallajökull volcano it seems (at least from what I can see from the data). Even if it lasted for a shorter time then in Eyjafjallajökull volcano.

    Even with this small eruption it is clear that Katla volcano is not done with its eruptions. Since the large one is not yet over. When that happens is a good question and nobody has a answer too at the moment.

    Note: This is also what did happen in Hamarinn volcano the week after. But I also think that volcano did have a minor eruption in July 2011. As the signatures are the same from what I can gather. So that makes three eruptions in Iceland for the year 2011 if confirmed later on.


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