Activity increasing at Italy’s Mt. Etna volcano

July 7, 2011SICILY – you might want to watch some of the Etna webcams as the volcano looks like it might be starting to put on a show. Dr. Boris Behncke has been warning us that the volcano has been showing signs – such as small explosions – that a new eruptive period might be starting, and it looks like tonight might be the time. You can check out the seismicity as well to see the action begin to ramp up. –Big Think
(AGI) Palermo – An uncountable series of quakes have been recorded in Sicily. The strongest one had a magnitude of 3.1 and was recorded in the province of Messina, along the northern coast of Sicily that has been subjected to a persisting series of seismic events in the last few weeks. The quake was detected 3:01 am at a depth of a little more than 8 km. In the same area, a lighter 2.3 magnitude quake was recorded at 1:58 at approximately the same depth. . . –AGI News
contribution Luisport and Jose
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Seismic tremors, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Activity increasing at Italy’s Mt. Etna volcano

  1. With the volcanic activity of the past few years, any new activity is cause for concern. It is my observation that a change in one area results in changes in activity, in other areas.


  2. Robert Dinkle says:

    How do you link to the live cams?


  3. NickKo says:

    Hopefully, I won’t wake up in the morning, and hear that it’s blowed up already, or that it is about to blow. :-\

    – Nick


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