Tornado tears through New Zealand’s largest city

May 3, 2011AUCKLAND, NZ – A tornado tore through New Zealand’s largest city Auckland today, killing one person and injuring 14 others. Cars and trees were sent flying through the air and roofs were ripped off buildings when the tornado struck the northern suburb of Albany, with damage centered on a shopping mall, before it moved south, leaving a 5km trail of destruction. Civil defense officials put the death toll at one, from an earlier report of two, with 14 injured. “It’s been a very powerful and quite devastating tornado that’s caused a significant amount of damage in a very localized area,” New Zealand prime minister John Key told media, adding the government had told authorities it would do all it could to help. Tornadoes swept across the southern U.S. states last week, killing more than 350 people and causing as much as $5 billion of damage. New Zealand experiences about 20 tornadoes a year, but most are relatively small and fatalities rare. The worst tornado in New Zealand struck the city of Hamilton in 1948, killing three people, injuring 80 and destroying nearly 200 buildings. In 2004, a tornado struck a small town in the coastal Taranaki region on the North Island, killing two people. –Irish Times
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21 Responses to Tornado tears through New Zealand’s largest city

  1. Nadia says:

    Has the 7 year tribulation started yet n what about the Israeli peace treaty, has it been signed. I have been trying to research but now need some help with your knowledge please.
    Thank you for this site especially the comments. May we all be covered with our great Lord Jesus’s blood n God bless


    • Nadia, some people see a 7 year tribulation period in the Bible and some just see a tribulation period prior to the second coming of Christ. Matthew 24:29 refers to the period of the Middle Ages and leading up to the inquistion where millions of Christians were killed for their faith. The Bible describes another period of tribulation will occurr before the coming of Christ when the world is separated by God’s true followers and those who have the mark of the beast. (Revelation 7:14).

      Let me know if you have further questions,



      • SmokeTheBarbecue says:

        Matthew 24:29 says:
        Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

        Why do you think this refers to the middle ages?


      • Because these events have already happened historically to let us know we are living in the last days. They will be repeated to some degree but historically they have occurred before. Great tribulation, earthquake, sun darkened, moon turned to blood, stars will fall from heaven.

        The Inquisition– Millions of Christians were massacred and tortured for their faith Inquisitors.

        The great quake: Lisbon, 1755 (one of the first mega-thrust quakes recorded)

        The day of Darkness

        The moon turned to blood the same night in 1780

        The stars shall fall from heaven– November 12- 13, 1833 – The Leonid meteor shower is still considered to be the one of the greatest meteor displays seen in recorded history. See:

        This is the time of the End…


      • Nadia says:

        Thank you very much for answering and for your precious time. again thanks for all the information you post.
        God Bless you always.


      • My pleasure to be of service, Nadia. Please stay in touch.



  2. Third Adam says:

    The midnight cry is getting louder!


  3. Penny says:

    WHAT THEY DONT GET THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • markosity1973 says:

      Nope Penny, we don’t really.

      Like the article states, we might get 20 per year, but what they neglect to say is 95% or even higher of them are just waterspouts – ie tiny little twisters that form over water and are less than 1m in diameter.

      We do occasionally get bigger ones, I even remember hearing about a roof coming off here or there once in a blue moon, but never in my life have I heard of a tornado like this in NZ – nor has anyone else. Even the article states 1948 was the worst one – quite some time ago now.


    • Marilyn says:

      I think it is because it is the fall of the year for them so, tornadoes are unusual. Last year in East Texas we received a Tornado in January which was very unusual….blending of the seasons, the norm is no longer the norm anymore.


  4. Kevin Krut says:

    I wonder what direction it was rotating, being down under and all.


  5. K says:

    Wow never heard of tornadoes in New Zealand before well atleast not the big ones and after reading comments the last one you had near that strength was in 1948 which is just wild. My stomach dropped when I saw that picture of the car.
    God be with them.
    The midnight cry is def. getting louder.
    God Bless.


  6. Ynot says:

    We live up the Far North of NZ and saw the prelude to tornado build up – morning sky was murky yellow followed by thunderstorm with temperatures going hot and cold every 15 minutes or so. At mid day there was a couple of big under ground tremors recorded at Waipu caves seismograph and almost immediately the skies cleared up and went still (clear and blue). Temperature skyrocketed up to 25 degrees Celsius then at 3pm Auckland was hit by tornado. Also, more headaches and dizziness and generally feeling irritable about mid day – assume magnetic fields fluctuating severely at this time. Would love to have equipment to see field flucuations mapped to real time events, be a good early warning system.

    More to come


    • Sheree says:

      I am in Tasmania and our whole family has been experiencing strange headaches and dizziness this week. We are out in the middle of nowhere on a farm in “the cleanest air in the world”…not sure what is going on.


  7. Bundy says:

    Totally agree with you Markosity1973,we just don’t really get this here.Never in my life have I heard of cars being picked up and thrown 100 + meters away over the top of a building,in New Zealand.There was a tornado in Halswell,Christchurch N.Z. about 30 years ago,that caused a little damage,but nothing like this! It would appear most people are hurt or killed by the flying debris,so even tornadoes of lesser ferocity would be capable of this.


  8. Ynot says:

    Time is 8pm NZ time, Wednesday night – just experienced a massive wave of dizziness and dis orientation (no I don’t take drugs/alcohol) and thought I would dare note this for all to share. Everytime I experience this sensation its followed by an event so mark this moment and see if it correlates to possible earthquake or like.


  9. K says:

    I’ll be praying for you Ynot

    God Bless


  10. Ynot says:

    A follow up for Sheree in Tasmania (we love it there!!) – the headaches and nausea/dizziness are a warning that magnetic flux occurring or about to. I posted a note last night time/day that we were experiencing same effect here in the Far North of NZ, six hours later the East coast was hit by two magnitude 4+ quakes plus Indonesia hit by 5.4+ quakes. We are still rumbling abit here but nothing larger yet – so you are right Sheree, your family is sensitive (seems those of us in rural isolated areas not surrounded by city/electrical networks) to magnetic field fluccuation. Thank you K for your prayers and blessings as we likewise pray for you – will keep protocol updated if we all start falling over again for no apparent reason.

    Blessings to all


  11. binks says:

    I live and work in Albany Auckland where this tornado happened. I have spoken to the people who watched it touchdown on an empty field behind the mall then headed over the mall ripping the roof off. That was too close for comfort, friends were in the mall and one friend was riding a motorbike and went through a red light because it was headed towards him. One positive, it went around a school full of kids getting out at the end of the school day.


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