Huge coronal hole on Sun turning towards Earth

January 30, 2011 CORONAL HOLE: A dark croissant-shaped hole has opened up in the sun’s atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind into space. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the vast opening during the early hours of Jan. 30th. Researchers call this a “coronal hole.” Solar rotation is turning the coronal hole toward Earth. The stream of solar wind pouring from it will swing around and hit our planet in early February, possibly sparking polar magnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras between Feb. 2nd and 4th. The coronal blast from the Sun storm’s arrival on Earth will coincide with a massive snow storm that will sweep across North America.  –Space Weather
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9 Responses to Huge coronal hole on Sun turning towards Earth

  1. Elijah Brown says:

    here we go


  2. rachel says:

    This is a sign that the end of times is about us pray for forgiveness and be sincere God forgives those who ask for forgiveness believe in God…


  3. Terry says:

    Could someone please explain to me what this means for us on this planet? I have had a very uneasy feeling for the past 4 days not knowing why.


    • No need to feel uneasy Terry. Coronal holes are cooler regions of the Sun that project magnetic fields and solar wind particle streams. As long as we’ve got dexterity in the the planet’s magnetic field- we’re protected on Earth. Coronal holes are generally found on the lower hemisphere of the Sun but during a solar maximum, they can breakout generally anywhere on the solar surface. This is telling us a most important bit of information—the Sun is advancing towards its maximum; howbeit in chaotic and unpredictable fashion.


  4. Sharon says:

    Terry, the uneasiness you’re feeling is from the excessive electromagnetic energy that is being blasted into our atmosphere right now. As the poles shift, the earth’s magnetic shield is diminishing so we are experiencing less protection from the Sun’s radiation. That electromagnetic energy causes us to feel “off“. Dizziness, headaches, nauseousness, and pressure in the head are just a few of the symptoms people are having. I get phone calls and emails every day from people asking me what’s going on. I personally have been feeling this more strongly for the past month. Everyone I know and talk to is feeling the same thing. I think it’s important to drink a lot of water, and to meditate or practice things that supports being centered and balanced.


  5. Helene says:

    NASA Says? mmmmmmmmm really???


  6. Mike says:

    pray the mercy chaplet


  7. Mark Sanders says:

    WOW,,,,,,, so thats what has been going on. Been feeling “Dizziness, headaches, nauseousness, and pressure in the head” Also neither me or my wife can sleep very well. Up off and on all night. I have sorta felt like I have been drugged!

    Also I work 2 retail jobs,, and my customers have been really weird lately. Like they have taken a stupid pill or something. Its hard to explain and a little scary. I’m not the only that has noticed it..


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