Awakening? Twin quakes rattle Mount St. Helens

January 29, 2011WASHINGTON – “Mount St. Helens is an active strato-volcano. On January 26, a magnitude 2.1 quake under the Northwest’s most active volcano jumped the gun on the Oregon ShakeOut by almost three hours. The quake rumbled 1.6 miles beneath Mount St. Helens at 7:34 a.m. PST about 45 miles northeast of Portland, Ore. Now two more quakes have rumbled under the mountain summit- a 2.5 and a 2.6 at the shallow depth of less than 4 km– a possible indication that magma may be on the move. It’s the 4th sizable tremor to rattle the volcanic summit in 3 days. The northwest quadrant of the U.S. is coming alive seismically. Could the volcano be awakening for a major new eruption?  Stay tuned…
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