The Extinction Protocol News on Facebook

The red dot that never sleeps…

This entry was posted in Black Swan Event, Breaking News Event, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Commentary, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Extinction Protocol Exclusive Editorial, Extinction Threat, Extreme Weather Event, High-risk potential hazard zone, Rising tension between nations, Social unrest, Strange unexplained noises, Supervolcano News, Time - Event Acceleration, Unseasonable Weather Event, Volcano unrest, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to The Extinction Protocol News on Facebook

  1. Tammy Swanson says: earthquake forecaster warned the Italians in advance, and people listened. Now for the next 10 days, Three (3) mega quakes forecasted. Check out the 2/26/17 update.


  2. Dennis E. says:

    Guess I will become a tweeter.
    Fell like tweety bird


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