Earth in Crisis: a diary of planetary change

Alert Level 1
June 2016EARTH CRISIS We have reached a critical and stupendous time in human history. Nations are facing an unprecedented set of perils that will prove extremely challenging surmounting: climate change, geological upheaval, regional and global conflicts, global debt and economic chaos, new disease threats, environmental sustainability issues, the proliferation of radical new ideologies, and social challenges arising from the rapid pace of innovation coming on the heels of dramatic population shifts across the globe. Futurist author Alvin Toffler wrote about this in 1970, labeling the phenomenon something he called ‘Future Shock – the psychological disorientation of individuals and entire societies arising from “too much change in too short a period of time.”
 As our resources wane, the planet becomes more geologically unsettled, societies become more polarized from ideological differences, the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens, and our collective will to tackle the difficult issues confronting our planet erodes, each of us will be confronted with new life-altering dilemmas as time progresses. We think it prudent to advise you to begin preparations for the series of crises that lie immediately ahead in mankind’s future.



This entry was posted in Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Dark Ages, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Ecoystem crisis due to population boom, Editor's note to readers - policy, Emerging disease threat, Environmental Threat, Extinction Protocol Exclusive Editorial, Extreme Weather Event, Financial System Collapse, Global Debt Bomb, Infrastructure collapse, Pestilence Watch, Prophecies referenced, Social unrest, Time - Event Acceleration, Unusual solar behavior, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to Earth in Crisis: a diary of planetary change

  1. archie1954 says:

    Unprecedented problems for sure and so many of them our collective fault and responsibility. Take constant war, death and destruction and follow it to its source. Take climate change and remember what nation spewed 25% of the Earth’s pollution into the air for decades. Take the economic problems and think of totally spurious sanctions harming both sides of the equation and follow them to their source. Interesting where they all converge isn’t it?


  2. Theglide says:

    We see all of this manifesting. The sheeple are weak! Millions will perish and those that are left will be severely tested. Trust and truth may emerge from the aftermath, a hard hit, but, it may be a way of cleansing this fucked up mess we(homo saps) have made. A bitter thought from here.


  3. Marilyn Colyer says:

    Too many people after resources and people fighting over a territory. People need to slow down on making more people.

    On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 6:31 PM, The Extinction Protocol wrote:

    > The Extinction Protocol posted: ” June 2016 – EARTH CRISIS – We have > reached a critical and stupendous time in human history. Nations are facing > an unprecedented set of perils that will prove extremely challenging > surmounting: climate change, geological upheaval, regional and global con” >


  4. chris says:

    And mass animal die offs.


  5. Dennis E. says:

    In previous postings through the years on this site, we have blogged that most of us believed that not only did we have earth change events to deal with but with the general collapse of society in general and that it would not be just one crisis but multiple crisis’s.
    It seems to be on course.


  6. F Gregg Meagher says:

    Unfortunately, you have left-out that everything you have stated is a man-u-factored series of events that can be stopped by mankind’s getting responsibly involved in managing their lives, families, communities, nations and Planetary Oneness… along with the elimination of those forcing-in the ‘New World Order’. Seems like a large error in your doomsday predictions no? Hope that you are honest enough to post this comment…


    • I

      I’m honest enough to post it but also realistic enough to know people are lured by power, wealth, and self-interest. There is no turning back
      from where the world is. Thanks to the credit system and Keynesian economics, there is now more debt in the world than there is money to pay it off. Another deliberate attempt by the world’s power brokers to keep wealth concentrated in the hands of the 1%. And the U.S. now has more debts than it has assets. The only thing you can do now is let the system crash…to bring in a new global order.

      US Debt clock:

      Recommended reading:

      The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
      My book, Utopia

      The coming Global Economic Collapse


      • jim says:

        Good for you Alvin ! Don’t quite understand what this guy means by being able to stop things. Maybe the wars and man’s insanity but how do we stop the earthquakes, the volcanoes and the flooding storms. There’s no turning back now even if we were able to reverse things it would only be a short delay and it would begin all over again . That’s a fact man has always destroyed himself in one way or another given the opportunity. Thanks


      • E

        To be continued…trilogies, reboots, endless sequels and remakes – we now live in a fairy-tale, materialistic world where nothing ends anymore.

        If some had their way, the status quo would continue on this planet uninterrupted…unabated…wars, the exploitation of minorities, women, and children, the political corruption, an out of control credit system that’s enslaving the masses with (mortgages, college loans, credit cards, and car loans – most of which cannot be paid back), the rape and pillage of the environment, and the cycle of violence, the richer getting richer – the poor getting poorer, the immorality, and ethnic and religious hostilities.

        If there wasn’t an end to the story, there would be any point of any of us being in it.

        “And unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the elect’s sake – those days shall be shortened.” Matt 24:22


    • jim says:

      Is any in there????


    • mankind needs to repent and turn to YHVH for ALL help


  7. Dennis Ward says:

    Like I keep saying, adapt or die, mother earth is indifferent as to who survives. Nothing personal!


  8. Kevin Hester says:

    The pain you feel is Capitalism and the living planet dying.

    The Pain You Feel Is Capitalism and the Living Planet Dying.


  9. Energist says:

    Things will continue to get worse, but don’t panic! Love, Prayer and Preparation is most important to keep you calm, clear your senses and keep you strong to help you get through it all!


  10. mavinneutral says:

    Only way to preserve earth’s natural condition is already known by the westerners by the informations obtained from India thousands of years ago. Due to individual greediness and laziness, technology was introduced. And this technology were supposed to be used as guide to learn on the effects which will take place if there is no control over the usage of the resources which mother earth provided us. So to all blind people who were influenced by the technologies created by westerners, prepare to face the worst consequences in the future. Goodbye.


  11. Reblogged this on Lissa's Humane Life and commented:
    On June 13th The Extinction Protocol released this statement, along with a graphic of a supercell thunderstorm and the text, “Earth in Crisis,” “Alert Level One.”

    “…each of us will be confronted with new life-altering dilemmas as time progresses. We think it prudent to advise you to begin preparations for the series of crises that lie immediately ahead in mankind’s future.”


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