Earthquake swarm in Northwest Arizona continues – geologists puzzled by cause

Arizona Quake Swarm
April 2016ARIZONAThe survey said the area has several active faults and that its geologic features suggest there could be additional potentially active faults just north of the largest quake. The largest in the swarm was a magnitude 3.4 quake was reported at 2:23 a.m. on April 8. There has been a swarm of 21 quakes in an area along the Arizona-Nevada line south-southwest of Littlefield, AZ, which is also close to southwestern Utah and the frequency and span puzzles geologists.
The survey said the area has several active faults and that its geologic features suggest there could be additional potentially active faults just north of the largest quake. The largest in the swarm was a magnitude 3.4 quake was reported at 2:23 a.m. on April 8. –AZ Family
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9 Responses to Earthquake swarm in Northwest Arizona continues – geologists puzzled by cause

  1. Judyc says:

    I cannot understand why USA would go apeshit over these tiny little tiddlers that hardly move the scale when the rest of the world is having 6 up 8’s and it hits the news for 5 seconds or doesnt get there at all. Have USA got a different scale or what. Why cares about 2’s or 3’s they are nothing

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dennis E. says:

      The usa for the longest has been expecting the big one on the California and now that fault line near Saint Louis has been discussed so much, so they are on edge. Plus looking at the weather channel and predictions the country is sitting on pins and needles.
      With all the media available, people have access to more information and they’ve been told to expect. So, continuously living in expectation increases paranoia, fear and other nervous disorders. People take more pills, stop looking at the news and such. It has been said what you fear the most sometimes happen.

      Sometimes these headlines only serve to increase the problem, especially when the media
      writes that the people who suppose to know, don’t know. They know. Just playing with your head or worst of all, not wanting to take responsibility for being wrong.

      Have a nice day


    • Tom says:

      True…but you also have to keep in mind that S. Calif lies on a major fault line and faces the potential for a really big shaker…we are not immune to large quakes.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tom says:

      The Western US is not immune to violent earthquakes…California and the west coast is long what happens in areas like Nevada ties into the system. After all California has millions of people that are also effected by large potential earthquakes.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. usnveteran says:

    FYI: ‘Drilling’ (Oil Fracking/Drilling) is a good interactive-map site. Use the zoom-out feature to see the entire map of the United States as well as each State’s oil drilling sites … at least the ones they want us to know about.

    Keep in mind that there are probably other maps for drilling and mining sites of other minerals (coal, copper, gemstones, gold, nickel, silver, uranium, water …). It’s a wonder why there have not been more occurrences of huge sink holes opening up … unless of course, if an earthquake may be considered as another ‘form’ of sink hole.

    Fracking Health & Safety Issues In Arizona:


  3. Dennis E. says:

    When a M5.0 strikes the West coast of the USA, the pressure transfers to the East coast and causes a M3.0 within a week or less. Along the way, the pressure releases at the weak point in the craton crustal “edge”. The weak points are deep dormant volcanic chambers, and deep drilled gas + oil fracking pumping operation from Dutchsinse

    Very interesting site regarding earthquake info.

    any of you had the chance to checkout


  4. niebo says:

    Prolly one of those “bunker-builder” construction companies blasting for another 5 star cave. . .


  5. Yellow Bird says:

    quite a bit of (small) activity happening in the desert along the entire CA / NV border and up into OR

    also, couple days ago Sputnik published this:

    “Another Climate Record Bites The Dust:
    “According to a recent warning from the Japan Meteorological Agency, last month’s record temperatures should be “a reminder of how perilously close we now are to permanently crossing into dangerous territory.” It’s not only that last month was the warmest March since at least 1891, the average global temperatures broke that previous record by the greatest margin seen yet. In other words, March wasn’t just the hottest March on record, the temperature spike was larger than any previous jump on record.”
    Read more:


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