56 Responses to The Fall of the Republic – Why the U.S. will not likely survive the next century

  1. Nancy Sterling says:

    VERY well stated……………

    Liked by 3 people

    • cdgoobycat6@gmail.com says:

      Surely if America’s imminent demise were true, they would tell us on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, wouldn’t they? Sadly No. We have entered an era of fascist control and our media are not independent, but are part of the money printing machinery of the corporate state. This collapse will be global so there will be nowhere to run except toward spirituality.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Kellie says:

    I agree with this article. I find this to be true. The fall of the biggest empire in history, Rome, fell within, and I believe this is what will be the demise of these United States. May God help us all.

    Liked by 3 people

    • TheMusingFox says:

      Sad but true…we are destroying ourselves! It’s not one big step, but all the little steps we have allowed to happen by sitting quietly and acquiescing instead of fighting back. Our nation is now standing with our backs to the cliff trying to decide if now is the time to step forward——or backward.


    • Jonathan says:

      Do you think God will help America any more? Or are we doomed?


      • A. Hasben says:

        Very interesting question man. All I can keep thinking is Judgement is coming upon this land. Neither of the choices we had for President were fit, in my opinion. That tells me that Judgement is near. It would take a miracle of miracle for this Country to not fall.


  3. Alvin, you have correctly assessed the grim truth of our hearts and minds in this nation. I morn for my children as well as myself

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Admin says:

    Hi Alvin, may Restoring Liberty post this article with a link-back to your site?

    On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 3:27 PM, The Extinction Protocol wrote:

    > The Extinction Protocol posted: ” America is in the advanced stages of a > moral and cultural rot. The country is $19 trillion dollars in debt and is > ruthlessly spending and printing its own way to financial oblivion. It is > suffering from hegemony and military overreach with its 662 milit” >


  5. Jeff says:

    All in all a great article. I do need to take issue with your inclusion of McCarthyism being a determining factor in the decline of American ideals. McCarthy was right, and if anything, didn’t go far enough to root out the Communism rampant in the Country. Without McCarthy, and his push to end Communism in America, our great nation would have fallen many decades ago.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Dennis E. says:

    I remember the war on poverty, LBJ declaration. It is a lost cause. It created the Nanny State. It was suppose to be a short term event. To, help bring disadvantaged, low income(mostly black people) people living up standards to give them a helping hand in where they would not have the opportunity otherwise. It came on the heels of the civil rights movement in the 60’s. Kind of like a free grant which is was a good idea but I don’t think it was meant to be generational.

    Part of LBJ’s GREAT SOCIETY” Socialism, really.

    The same spirit exists today in “Income redistribution”. Unless you place conditions, goals, some people are satisfied to live in those conditions and will do so until they die. I see it every day, people on WIC are eating better than some of you who are working two jobs and as long as the public votes people in who have a socialist agenda (free college, free internet) you and I are going to pay.

    There is a pay day coming and is not going to be a check to be deposit into the bank.

    We must prepare for a total collapse in this country. And once we collapse, our enemies will come.
    We cannot continue as we are. Recently, the person who occupies the Oval Office and his vice, met with The Director of The Federal Reserve. A national security crisis is upon us and they have run out of options except to seize private retirement accounts and IRA’s and such.

    On the other hand, over the years America was known as Christian America. We are not longer known as that. So, having kicked God to the curb in all areas of our society believing we don’t need him, he is going to show us, that we do. Then they will blame Christians for the problem, as they already have started.

    Just my opinion.


  7. Richard says:

    Well said. To the point. And so, so true. We are in the last days of this country, and this world as we know it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. sharilynne says:

    Exactly Alvin! You said it perfectly. I was told as a child by one of my guardian spirit guides that I would witness the downfall of the USA in my lifetime, and anyone around my age would witness/experience the same. Thankfully, once we are down, we rapidly ascend, but not as a stand alone country. That is over for all countries. We’ll experience a major cataclysmic event that will impact the whole world. What it is I don’t know. I do know that only after the event we come together as one. It is frightening to see this really happen. Yet I live for the outcome in the other side, and I pray that all of you are there too.


    • True. Civilization is literally hanging by a hair, facing an uncertain future of unprecedented change. As you said, we’re literally one major event away from catastrophe. We should all refocus our lives on what’s really important.

      Thanks for the reply,

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Nic says:

    All is going exactly to plan. There are no mistakes – but what I don’t understand is why ‘Christian America is supprised, and only now becoming enraged? Have you forgotten ‘who is in charge down here, and by whose design and purpose we exist.


  10. Sonny says:

    When Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, “take heed that no one deceives you”, not many of us took that to heart. Our educators made sure we were not given the opportunity to think for ourselves and allowed others, such as Fabian Socialists, to do our thinking for us.


  11. Corvus says:

    Alvin, your research and recording to share the daily tally of human ecological blindness regardless of what country it happens in has broadened my general awareness of how far we as a species we have gone from living in balance. I have been a student of (Turtle Island) American history since the 1970s, I have also studied Chinese and ancient Indian (India) histories. North America since the arrival of Europeans has been the site of vast epic achievements that may appear unique, until you consider the market places of ancient Cahokia in southern Illinois, or the Azteca capital of Tenochtitlan that existed for 200 years before the Europeans.

    Let’s remember the indigenous took pity on some of the first whites and showed them how to survive in a land that was FOREIGN to them. Once, the Europeans became large in numbers what happened to the millions of indigenous (500 nations) that had survived here for not 100 years, not 240 years, not 500 years, but at least 10,000 years!?

    So, when I think of how this country/corporation called the United States of America was created and maintained, I see essentially vast tracks of stolen land under broken treaties, outright robberies, and genocide and then the massive importation of black people from sub-Saharan Africa — so the foundation of the 13-colonies and USA was built to favor the settler– and what doctrines have European whites have had to wrestle with to justify the institution of slavery and the desire for “free” land when humans who didn’t speak a European language were mistreated as devils and demons of the forests and mountains? The collapse of the USA is no historical anomaly — the Creator allowed humans to test their soul’s value amid the course of the past 240 years (1776-2016)– and maybe we have become arrogant and lazy as a corporate culture and it’s really time to be reborn, prepare.


    • Yellow Bird says:

      words of truth well spoken… thank you Alvin, and Corvus

      a few more words:
      “from those to whom much has been given… MUCH shall also be required”
      “the rich man, having filled his storage houses to overflowing, sat back and said ‘Ah- now I can rest easy, and become a Gentleman of Leisure, for surely I have well-earned my own rich pay’. And so he set about celebrating his good fortunes… but in just a little while, The True One came to him and said, ‘tonight your soul is required of you, and all that you have set aside for your own pleasure shall be dispersed among the many…”


  12. foustmusings says:

    McCarthyism? Excuse me, but McCarthy was right, the “commies” were and did take over our institutions…ergo.


  13. Nam Marine says:

    Our Nation will pay for her transgressions !


  14. Betsy Weggesser says:

    Dear Alvin, I agree with you…This I’ve known for a long time …Not Just By Looking Back…As I was growing up in my teenage years in the 60’s…The Smoke Of Satan and his minions started the attack of the Family Unit…Taking Pray out Of School…Pushing Birth Control which diminishes a respectful role as Mothers as wives… and Men as fathers and caretakers of their children…Divorce…Sexual revolution…Drugs…Abortion…Excepting LBGT Homosexual Lifestyles as normal…Attacking Marriage as God Created…These Are the Consequences of throwing Caution to the Wind…Chaos… Many in Society And Government Are Indeed Walking The Road To Perdition…And It Breaks My Heart 💔 To be witnessing it…I Fight against This Evil…And Pray For Our Nation And World To Return To The Ways Of The Lord…🙏🏻💒👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👶🏻🇺🇸🌎🙏🏻✨🕊✨


  15. Jim says:

    The elderly only have one thing going for them now it’s old age,and that soon will be extinguished with our leaving behind what at one time was former wonderful Country, now in total self destruction mode.


  16. niebo says:

    Alvin: BRAVO.

    And, if I may, because I BRISTLE at the mention of the man’s initials, his actual name, and every reference to his administration, please allow me to add some flesh to the LBJ bone:

    “A study of Lyndon B. Johnson provides new evidence that the 36th President stole his first election to the United States Senate, in 1948.”

    “Three days after the election [in September 1948], Stevenson was the unofficial winner, but votes continued to trickle in from far-flung precincts. Three days after that, officials made a startling discovery in Alice: Precinct 13’s tally sheet, which had reported 765 votes for Johnson on primary day, now listed 965 in his favor. (One of Parr’s men, it was later revealed, had extended the lip of the “7” downward into a “9.”) The votes for Johnson were written in the same handwriting, signed in the same ink, and cast in alphabetical order. Nevertheless, Johnson was pronounced the victor, earning the tongue-in-cheek sobriquet Landslide Lyndon for winning by less than one hundredth of one percent of the total vote.” (Emphasis mine)


    Here’s a nice break-down of actual figures regarding the “War on Poverty”; prepare to be shocked:


    The reason the “War on Poverty” was/is/has been a failure is due to the fact that it was never waged to free but to enslave:


    And, to add fuel to the fire, here’s another reason we won’t last the century (this one or the next): we keep poking around where WE HAVE NO BUSINESS POKING AROUND:

    Obama Requests Military Support for Possible War Against Russia

    The original article, in German:


    I love my country, but i FEAR my government, my leaders, and their agents; we have elected our masters, and, given opportunity, our masters will be gods.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Dennis E. says:

    Interesting that Obama said in The UK that National Sovereignty Is Outdated.
    Looking for that world centralized government


    • What right does an American president have to tell an autonomous country to stay in the Eurozone? Aren’t we the very ones who revolted against British rule by revolution? If a UK leader came to the U.S. and stood in the nation’s capitol and said Americans should vote for such and such to be the next U.S. president because that’s what Britons want; he would be run out of town on a rail.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Dennis E. says:

        I agree. But having heard Obama say that this current order is dead and time for a new one leads me to believe he is The NWO’s boy. He is trying to bully The UK as he has tried to bully this country. He feels empowered to do so. When he was elected in 2008, The Royal Family, I believe sent him a bust of Winston Churchill and he promptly sent it back. Since he has been in office, him and his administration has attacked everything traditional about The USA. A Trojan Horse was elected by people charmed by a slick tongue. He said they were going to transform America.

        He is an enabler of the new world order and a new world religion. Doing everything he can to make it happen.

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Useless Eater says:

    The United States is not a country. The sovereign states are still intact, but they lack a body politic. Everybody CHOOSES to be citizens of the US Corporation instead. Fatal flaw is ignorance.


    • US

      I was pointing out to someone the other day that its getting so that you rarely even see the U.S. abbreviated anymore in publications…it just US or “US” Before you know it, it will be “US” or “THEM” — Maybe globalism was subliminal before it ever became overt.

      One World – One New World Order


      • Yellow Bird says:

        i think, that in this national construct of the past 250 years, much has always been based upon “us vs them”… with preferred castes solidly holding place over designated outcast groups du jour. names and methods change over the years, but terms and strategies remain familiar. history is such fascinating stuff…
        in the end, nothing much new under the sun. just “bigger and better”


  19. Ri Doyal says:

    I have been here for 53 years and I see a staleness here the roads the electric lines the run down sections of towns the greed the hostile ways of people. America is falling fast

    On Saturday, April 23, 2016, The Extinction Protocol wrote:

    > The Extinction Protocol posted: ” America is in the advanced stages of a > moral and cultural rot. The country is $19 trillion dollars in debt and is > ruthlessly spending and printing its own way to financial oblivion. It is > suffering from hegemony and military overreach with its 662 milit” >


  20. Ri Doyal says:

    How can you have a clean and healthy nation when 43-percent are obese

    On Saturday, April 23, 2016, The Extinction Protocol wrote:

    > The Extinction Protocol posted: ” America is in the advanced stages of a > moral and cultural rot. The country is $19 trillion dollars in debt and is > ruthlessly spending and printing its own way to financial oblivion. It is > suffering from hegemony and military overreach with its 662 milit” >


    • Yellow Bird says:

      much of this epidemic obesity is caused by artificially sky-high prices attached to clean and nutritious foods, which are kept largely out of reach of the underclasses… for every family of low economic means that is granted subsidies to allow some access to quality foods, many more are required to make do entirely by their own limited income. when it is primarily fast food and other junk that are both cheap and filling, what are the poor expected to do? how does one feed one’s family on a pittance, when the price of a salad is several times that of a burger and either choice leaves someone unsatisfied.

      many store foods, especially the “affordable” processed sort, are laced with chemicals specifically designed to create brain-chemistry imbalances that cause intense cravings for more… many preservatives, “enhancers”, and “flavorings” are culprits. MSG is one of the worst offenders… ever wonder why chinese takeout often leaves one feeling hungry again in 2 hours? meanwhile, savvy commercial producers employ processing techniques to break protein bonds, creating “free glutamate” and other excitatory neurostimulants, which the FDA does not require to be labelled as they are not “added ingredients”. but they are addictive… then there is the whole problem of high-fructose processed sweeteners, corn syrup being notorious but every single one does the same thing: overloads liver and pancreas, triggering fat storage and hyperglycemia- eventually obesity & diabetes

      on top of it all in many regions, especially depleted/polluted rural and inner city areas, there are massive issues with “accessibility”… real grocery stores providing real food are scarce in many places. here in the PacNW, there are many small towns lacking a single grocery store, doors closed years ago and residents must now drive many miles to the next larger city for food. many people simply cannot “just grow their own”… but the ingredients for biscuits are as affordable and shelf-stable as ever. so, maybe you can’t purchase or harvest any apples or eggs, maybe you can’t even go fishing. but at least you can count on canned peaches and fry bread

      beyond all of that… there is the whole question of GM franken-foods, and the severe health issues they are known (acknowledged by some) to cause…

      it is an ugly, ugly problem, roots based in greed for ever-increasing corporate profits.
      all bow to the Almighty Dollar.


      • Corvus says:

        Yellow Bird, you’re my kind of person, best overview I have read as to what haunts the poorly informed and the economically depressed, BUT I have worked as an inner-city social worker helping young women and men who wanted to learn about how to shop and prepare real vegetables and fruits as well as fish and chicken eggs in a healthy manner. The process requires time and study.


      • Yellow Bird says:

        Corvus >> check out Ron Finley “guerilla gardener” <<
        the man is a bright spark in the darkening gloom!


      • Corvus says:

        Yellow Bird, YES, he is a wonderful leader for those who will seek health instead of trash, there’s the TED talk he did. Likewise, there’s former basketball player Will Allen in Milwaukee, Wis. on the west side of town with his organic veggies and aquaponic farm feeding thousands!


  21. Juneko Marrano says:

    This article reminds of Lincoln’s immortal words: “From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia…could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”


  22. James says:

    In short, I find voting difficult…. You get few choices on how to make our system bad or worse. Our elected officials are not fixing problems, but making them incredibly worse. If I can’t pay for my student debt, house, car, and children, I am not going to obtain more credit. So how is it our leaders can put our country in more debt, without showing we can sustain or even start to reduce what we owe. If we the people had our way, we would pull out of the business of other country’s, and focus on our own. We are not given that option by our “superiors”, nor will they give us that option. It may be time to use our 2nd amendment for what it was intended, oh but wait, you will be labeled as a terrorist and hunted down by our military. Every option is lose lose from my view.

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  23. Juan says:

    When you said “the debt limit increases most under Prisident Obama”, what you should say is “George W. Bush increased our national debt by 4x that compared to any other previous US president”. This all started when Bush started invaded countries for oil. That helped kill any most support we had over seas from foreigners would look at America as the place to be. Bush was without a doubt, a “national disaster”. One of the worst decisions we ever made. And the fact that nobody seems to want to work at fixing our nations problems; from cops killing innocent people and getting a slap on the wrist for it to idiots who actually think Donald Trump will “singlehandedly fix America”. But even with all the chaos of today’s America, I can’t see it falling anytime soon. Our main focus should be centered on the youngest generation because they are our future. How we see American in 20 years depends on how well we eduacted and prepare the young minds of today who will one day run this country.


    • The Bushes, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama – they have all been natural disasters for America. Now with a $20 trillion debt staring U.S. citizens in the face, and the global financial system on the brink of another crash, there is no more money left to fix the world’s problems. The U.S. cannot even fight the next big war without raising the national debt ceiling limit. 8 years of liberal secularism has been the final death knell of Western civilization – and what has filled the void in the West? Radical Islamic fundamentalism and satanism – quite an end-time pair!

      No, my friend. There is no hope left in the jar to fix what’s currently ailing the world. My advice to you is to worry about saying yourself and your family rather than who will next steer the sinking helm of this corrupt Republic.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. independent_forever says:

    I see a lot of negativity and depressed comments here…what happened to our American spirit? Sure, things are bad but did our ancestors quit when things got bad? Did they run when the Brits were marching towards them in overwhelming forces? Did Lincoln give up when the country was in chaos and civil war was crushing this country? C’mon…if it’s not worth fighting for then I guess it is over. How about using the Convention of States detailed by mark levin….the founders put our solution right in our own Constitution and it just needs US to do it….yes it will take time and a effort but isn’t our liberty and freedom and culture worth at least trying?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dennis E. says:

      Independent_forever: The American Spirit is not dead though there are those in power who seek to kill it. There has not been a Concord moment yet although it seems that the tension is building towards that.
      The world is heading towards a one world government and that is the globalist spirit.
      The Bushes,Clintons, Obama and Woodrow Wilson were/are all globalists.
      One world government
      One world religion
      One world economy to include currency.
      America is a very independent country and probably has the most freedom than any other nation but as all Empires of the past, it has its limitations and will eventually reach the end of its run/power.
      You are correct in regard to the power of the people given by the The Fathers of this country.
      Problem is that the people, for the most part, do know the power that has been given to them in our own Constitution
      Could use a Patrick Henry type right now.

      One more thought. The Ant-Christ will be a globalist.


    • kmguru says:

      what happened to our American spirit?

      It became Lawyerish…Our American Team went to China in 1983. We fixed it. Now you know where they are. The Chinese respected very much. But American People did not care about the Engineering Team. They took Economists and Lawyers to fix American stuff. So, it died and Asia went up. And people from this team are basically in Heaven watching over…

      Liked by 1 person

  25. don77701 says:

    The US is not going to survive. Look at all the protests and divisions. It’s just a matter of time before it breaks apart. Britain will wan’t it’s own empire again and it may take US east coast back.

    Every presidential election one group is emotional. An emotional can be a tidal wave, it can’t be reason with – they become carried away with their passions. Sometimes it brings a revolt. Remember US became a nation from protest – the Boston Tea party. I don’t think it can be stopped.


  26. voiceofreason says:

    Luckily everyone who comes to this site holds no contribution towards this country, which means your backwards views are all meaningless. Youll all sit around and think about the world ending until one day your world does end. and America will still be here.


    • If you can lead us to a glorious prosperous future on this planet- free of anxiety, national debt, rising poverty, racism, and homelessness, war, disease, and social conflict – the world would be beating a path to your door. Or to anyone else’s door who could do such a thing. No, there is no such person which supports the axiom “there is also no such future.”

      However, here’s a somber dose of reality for you. America is $20 trillion dollars in debt. The U.S. is burning from anywhere to $200 to $347 billion dollars a month. It had a tax revenue deficit of $28 billion just in the month of December 2016. It’s spending more money than it’s taking in. Which means the country is sinking deeper and deeper into a situation where it cannot pay its bills.

      December 2016:

      Total Revenue: $319 billion
      Total Expense: $347 billion
      Deficit Total: $28 billion
      Debt Interest: $78 billion (for the month) of December

      Deficit Total: $106 billion for the month of December 2016

      These figures are from when the economy is doing reasonably well and we still can’t pay our bills. We are only going deeper in the hole. If you know a way to fix this, please drop us an optimistic line and let us doom-and-gloomers know.

      U.S. Treasury expenses: https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/fsreports/rpt/mthTreasStmt/mts1216.pdf
      Interest on U.S. debt by month: https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/ir/ir_expense.htm

      By the way, March 16, 2017 – the Treasury runs out of money


  27. Sondra ONeale says:



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