New infrared video reveals growing environmental disaster in L.A. gas leak

December 2015 LOS ANGELES, CAA runaway natural gas leak from a storage facility in the hills above Los Angeles is shaping up as a significant ecological disaster, state officials and experts say, with more than 150 million pounds of methane pouring into the atmosphere so far and no immediate end in sight. The rupture within a massive underground containment system — first detected more than two months ago — is venting gas at a rate of up to 110,000 pounds per hour, California officials confirm. The leak already has forced evacuations of nearby neighborhoods, and officials say pollutants released in the accident could have long-term consequences far beyond the region.
Newly obtained infrared video captures a plume of gas — invisible to the naked eye — spouting from a hilltop in the Aliso Canyon area above Burbank, like smoke billowing from a volcano. Besides being an explosive hazard, the methane being released is a powerful greenhouse gas, more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the lower atmosphere. Scientists and environmental experts say the Aliso Canyon leak instantly became the biggest single source of methane emissions in all of California when it began two months ago. The impact of greenhouse gases released since then, measured over a 20-year time frame, is the equivalent of emissions from six coal-fired power plants or 7 million automobiles, environmentalists say.
“It is one of the biggest leaks we’ve ever seen reported,” said Tim O’Connor, California climate director for the Environmental Defense Fund, a nonprofit group that obtained the video. “It is coming out with force, in incredible volumes. And it is absolutely uncontained.”

Gas Leak

The gas company has pledged in statements to “execute all possible efforts” to plug the leak. “SoCalGas recognized the impact this incident is having on the environment,” company president Dennis V. Arriola said in a letter last week to Gov. Jerry Brown (D). ). The company has drilled a relief well while also pouring a brine solution and other materials into the damaged well in an attempt to seal it, so far without significant results. The company’s losses in natural gas alone are estimated in the tens of millions of dollars, with total damages likely to exceed that figure many times over. A number of neighbors already have filed lawsuits, part of a growing outcry that includes calls for the company to close the facility altogether.
The leak is a setback to California’s efforts to reduce emissions blamed for climate change. The Brown administration is seeking to implement the country’s toughest standards on greenhouse-gas emissions by promoting renewable energy and strengthening measures to prevent methane from escaping from refineries, pipelines and storage facilities. –Washington Post
TEP Radio
This entry was posted in Catastrophic Insurance losses mount, Civilizations unraveling, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, Hazardous chemical exposure, High-risk potential hazard zone, Infrastructure collapse, Methane Seepage, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to New infrared video reveals growing environmental disaster in L.A. gas leak

  1. Albert says:



    • Professor says:

      HAARP being used to cause all quakes in California, this is why they get no rain. It’s called a weather weapon, earthquake weapon and weapon of mass destruction. Dutchsince was paid big bucks to stop talking about it.


  2. Dennis E. says:

    Alvin, Alvin, Merry Christmas to you and your family at 09:34am EST. Bless wishes for the coming year. Looks like 2015 is going out with a lot of gas. Previously it had been reported that a smell of sulfur or something were coming from waster water drains and sewer lines and several scientists speculated that something was going on under L.A., deep underground. Saw this on an internet report.

    A bad situation and I would not want to imagine if an explosion occurred from this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds like a more unthinkable disaster is waiting to happen. A large earthquake under Los Angeles could turn the city into a inferno with this leaking reservoir and numerous other gas manes running throughout the city. Remember what happened during the 5.1 earthquake in La Habra, CA. last year: “A magnitude-5.1 earthquake centered 2 miles east of La Habra late Friday rattled buildings and ruptured gas lines throughout Los Angeles County, officials said…Reports of natural gas leaks began flooding into officials once the shaking stopped, Los Angeles County Fire Department Dispatch Supervisor Ed Pickett said.”

      The Great Earthquake of 1908 in San Francisco caused the city to burn for nearly four days after the quake with so many fires; firemen were unable to quench them. “The massive forces unleashed during the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 ripped gaping fissures in the streets, resulting in broken gas lines and toppled candles and lamps that fueled raging fires.” The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, (Library of Congress),

      Japan’s 2011 9.0 earthquake: “The apocalyptic images of surging water and uncontrolled conflagrations broadcast by Japanese TV networks resembled scenes from a Hollywood disaster movie. The tsunami roared over embankments, washing anything in its path inland before reversing directions and carrying the cars, homes and other debris out to sea. Flames shot from some of the houses, probably because of burst gas pipes. Waves of muddy waters flowed over farmland near Sendai, carrying buildings, some on fire, inland as cars attempted to drive away.” Huffington Post, March 11, 2011

      Humans can make any potential calamity a hundred times worse simply by a lack of planning, inadequate maintenance and safeguards, or general ineptitude.

      Thank you. Same to you, friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yellow Bird says:

        hi alvin and Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours… we have been Gifted today with One More BIRTHDAY Celebration, what an incredible Blessing, to have This Day!

        i have a question i am wondering about the La Habra reports? and a story to share…

        i remember reading about the damages last year and couldn’t believe it. i grew up there- in that very town believe it or not, a perfectly ordinary little town no one not from there ever really hears of. i grew up there in that region’s last really active seismic era. so EQs of mag 4+, 5+ were very common in those years, lots of shaking and rattling going on as they say. you’d get a good shaker in the 5.5+ range, signs and street lights would be swinging madly, stuff would fly from the store shelves- but generally no real serious damages until up around the 6+ range. Now, Whittier Narrows… that made a pretty big Mess. But, a lot of that was caused by the fact of its epicenter under an area of old brick homes and a badly constructed shopping center, where nothing was “retrofitted” because that wasn’t yet a thing. Brick and mortar and slapped together pre-fab dont hold up well at the upper 5+ range, so a whole lot of places sustained major damages. There was another EQ not too long after, in another part of Orange County, a much more newly developed area overall- but almost no damages. some reshelving had to happen, and maybe i remember a broken window or two. Similar scale of EQ, but no big deal.

        so my question is this- just now when i looked up Whittier Narrows to see what its Official Scale was, since i no longer remember exactly- i found it listed as being anywhere from “5.1” to “5.9”. Well, having been there, i do know it was in the upper 5+, close to a 6. But what gives with the drastically downgraded listings? No way it was a 5.1, there is some history modification happening maybe?
        and i am having a REALLY hard time believing 5+ EQs in that (now largely retrofitted) area would be responsible for Widespread Natural Gas Line Breaks all over the place. if that’s the case, shoulda been the case in the 70’s & 80’s too. but really wasnt. not on any grand scale.
        there’s been one gal on here who routinely comments the USGS scale has been downgraded an entire point. could that really be the case? i have to say, i’m starting to wonder…


  3. davidh7426 says:

    Just curious, but if this gas leak should get ignited… Just how big an explosion is there likely to be ??

    Liked by 3 people

  4. sharilynne says:

    Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family Alvin. The Washington Post article has an error. The leak is in a hill in the Porter Ranch area which is approximately 18 miles north of Burbank. I only say this because I live in Burbank, and the leak is not directly impacting this community. I do agree with all of you on the fact that LA is due for something big. I had a vision in 2009, and I can tell you it will not be pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lucas H says:

    Hope you all have a happy healthy holiday season, Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family, may 2016 bring us fortune and prosperity. Although this is not a good start. Best hopes and wishes to those evacuated from this area and horrible event. Not very happy with the word usage that some are more concerned with a dollar amount of how much gas is wasted rather than the ecological and geological damage being done by this, possible man made, event. Regardless if caused by man or natural, accidents like these are going to eventually play a terrible role in the deterioration of our planet and it’s inhabitants. How much longer can we continue down this path of fossil fuel consumption without due regard to mother nature and the prosperity of life with ecological disasters, such as this?


  6. vasetta says:

    I said, gov. brown, did you forget to declare a state of emergency or is it that your sister sits on the board of SoCal?


  7. nickk0 says:

    My question is — Who thought it would be a good idea, to store such a Massive amount of methane in a quake-prone area ?? At least without some kind of ‘safeguard’ built in?? (Assuming it should have been built there at all).


    • niebo says:


      “Given both the local and global effects of the gas leak, why is it taking so long to stop? The answer has to do with the site at Aliso Canyon, an abandoned oil field. Yes, that’s right, NATURAL GAS IS STORED UNDERGROUND in OLD OIL FIELDS. It’s common practice in the US, but largely UNIQUE TO THIS COUNTRY. The IDEA GOES THAT GEOLOGICAL SITES THAT WERE GOOD AT KEEPING IN OIL FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS [in a quake-prone area] WOULD ALSO BE GOOD AT KEEPING IN GAS [in a quake-prone area].” (EMPHASIS and [] mine)

      From WIRED magazine, via ZH:



      • Yellow Bird says:

        OH WOW! what a ridiculously convoluted bunch of “reasoning” these Experts came up with in order to provide Daddy Warbux with the permission slip he was paying them to sign!
        niebo, you’ve done it again… thank you for sharing this article… i think this goes a long way to answering my questions above


  8. maxim says:

    Merry Christmas! thank you for posting so interesting news. I’m your fan from Russia, Vladivostok.


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