Mass death of seabirds in Western U.S. is ‘unprecedented’ – unexplained changes within ocean to blame

Dead Sea Birds
May 2015 OCEAN HEALTH In the storm debris littering a Washington State shoreline, Bonnie Wood saw something grisly: the mangled bodies of dozens of scraggly young seabirds. In the storm debris littering a Washington State shoreline, Bonnie Wood saw something grisly: the mangled bodies of dozens of scraggly young seabirds. Walking half a mile along the beach at Twin Harbors State Park on Wednesday, Wood spotted more than 130 carcasses of juvenile Cassin’s auklets—the blue-footed, palm-size victims of what is becoming one of the largest mass die-offs of seabirds ever recorded. “It was so distressing,” recalled Wood, a volunteer who patrols Pacific Northwest beaches looking for dead or stranded birds. “They were just everywhere. Every ten yards we’d find another ten bodies of these sweet little things.”
Cassin’s auklets are tiny diving seabirds that look like puffballs. They feed on animal plankton and build their nests by burrowing in the dirt on offshore islands. Their total population, from the Baja Peninsula to Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, is estimated at somewhere between 1 million and 3.5 million. Last year, beginning about Halloween, thousands of juvenile auklets started washing ashore dead from California’s Farallon Islands to Haida Gwaii (also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands) off central British Columbia. Since then the deaths haven’t stopped. Researchers are wondering if the die-off might spread to other birds or even fish.
“This is just massive, massive, unprecedented,” said Julia Parrish, a University of Washington seabird ecologist who oversees the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST), a program that has tracked West Coast seabird deaths for almost 20 years. “We may be talking about 50,000 to 100,000 deaths. So far.” Although there doesn’t appear to be a link to the virus that killed tens of millions of sea stars along the same shores from California to Alaska over the past 18 months, some scientists suspect a factor in both cases may be uncharacteristically warm waters. The U.S. Geological Survey and others have performed animal autopsies, called necropsies, on several of the emaciated Cassin’s auklets.
They’ve found no evidence of disease or trauma—no viruses or bacteria, no feathers coated with spilled oil. The birds appear simply to have starved to death. “There’s very little evidence of food in their GI [gastrointestinal] tracts or stomachs,” said Anne Ballmann, with USGS’s National Wildlife Health Center. At first scientists weren’t too surprised by the carcasses washing ashore. When young auklets fledge in late summer, they all enter the water at the same time and start competing for food—shrimp-like krill and tiny crustaceans called copepods. For various reasons, last summer’s birth class of Cassin’s auklets was gigantic. Researchers expected a higher death toll, too. But they now are perplexed by the sheer numbers of dead birds and the spreading geographic extent of the die-off. “Death at this level and over this much real estate has to be from more than just that,” Parrish said.
By comparison, not one of the five largest U.S. bird mortality events tracked by USGS since 1980 is estimated to have topped 11,000 deaths. In Europe, according to the U.K.-based Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the worst die-off on record occurred in 1983, when 57,000 guillemots, razorbills, puffins, and other seabirds perished in the North Sea and washed up on the British coast. “You get some of this with seabirds every year,” said David Nuzum, with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. “You get so many juveniles out there, and they’ve got this steep learning curve for feeding after being separated from their parents, so you always get a die-off in winter. But I’ve never seen anything like this, ever, and I’ve been here since 1985.”  –National Geographic  (January 2015)

Seabirds Chile

Chile investigating death of 1,300 seabirds: (May 18, 2015) Chilean authorities said Monday they are investigating what killed some 1,300 seabirds that mysteriously turned up dead on a beach. The birds, which belong to the Procellariidae family, may have drowned after getting trapped in fishing nets or died from a disease such as bird flu, which is not endemic to Chile, said the country’s Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG).
They were found Sunday afternoon by visitors to a small black-sand beach in the southern town of Lenga, a cove with several hundred inhabitants who live mainly on fishing and tourism. SAG said it was analyzing samples taken from the birds to try to determine the cause of death. Hundreds of birds were found dead in the same area in 2010. Authorities determined they had been caught in fishing nets. –France 24
This entry was posted in Acquatic Ecosystem crash, Animal Extinction, Black Swan Event, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, Extinction Threat, Extreme Weather Event, High-risk potential hazard zone, Marine animal strandings, Mass animal deaths, Ocean overturn, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration, Unseasonable Weather Event, Unsolved Mystery, Ususual animal behavior for disaster. Bookmark the permalink.

23 Responses to Mass death of seabirds in Western U.S. is ‘unprecedented’ – unexplained changes within ocean to blame

  1. Dennis E. says:

    I’ve read reports on line from statements taken from fishermen of not seeing any fowls in areas in certain places in the pacific ocean where the have bee in abundance and other reports of the sea floor being littered with dead sea creatures in certain areas.
    The ocean is sick.
    Trouble for us humans.


  2. Tiny says:


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Northwalker says:

    Just astounding…absolutely astounding. Inefficient management of the resources God have provided for us…”starve to death”…and the endless overharvesting of the oceans. Pray “Come Lord Jesus Come”…


  4. Shawnta says:

    Does not a lot of this die off have to do with radiation as well?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Andre says:

    I fished the waters off Southern California for decades. When an El Nino pushed warm waters northwards along the coast, I was able to catch Dorado, commonly seen in Baja. I caught Yellowfin Tuna off Catalina Island.The warm waters brought diversity, not death. Of course, the one thing our “scientists” will not do is admit that Fukushima is turning the Pacific into another Chernobyl.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. William B Stoecker says:

    We live in Sacramento, CA, about fifty or sixty miles upstream from where the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers enter San Francisco Bay. I’ve always realized that, on rare occasions, seals and sea lions might swim upstream in fresh water to this area. But in a recent visit to the Old Sacramento section of our city, on the Sacramento River, I saw a sign warning people not to harass the sea lions…indicating that they were now a common sight, which is highly unnatural. Minutes later, we saw one of them in the river. Something unprecedented is happening.


  7. Ryan Hunt says:



  8. Alexandra says:

    I once asked a very close family member about Fukushima. He is a high level engineer with a big nuclear company in the US – they go world wide to work/inspect nuclear sites. I wanted to know why the US is not going to Japan to help them with this big problem. His answer was, that they offered but Japan declined.

    I have been waiting for God’s judgement on California for some time. I never thought it would come in form of nuclear poisoning and drought. But it will not only hurt the West Coast, it will hurt everybody in the US (lots of food comes from there).

    Time to draw nigh to the Father, and to humble ourselves.


    • Northwalker says:

      It is high time and past time to ask for mercy…we are coming into a time of DEEP troubles…this is absolutely astounding..that the Pacific is dying…this will affect the world…because of DEEP unrepented SIN…Hang onto your faith, your loved ones..we are really going for a ride with this….ppl don’t have a clue..


  9. Latney Davis says:

    Nothing for them to EAT!!! The Pacific Ocean is a “dead zone” North of the equator. The more THEY refuse to acknowledge the effects of Fukushima radiation as the PRIMARY culprit….the less I care what THEIR conclusions “suspect, theorize, and hypothesis”. GOVERNMENT SHILLS!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Northwalker says:

      These ppl eat their dogs and cats….I don’t know how far thiis will go..will it reach the Atlantic also? R We on the verge of a mass extinction? I think sooo…very unnerving. Yes, draw near to God…we need the more that EVER…Pray for one another, things are going to be drastically different…


  10. Frank says:

    Radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.



  11. Northwestjeff says:

    I fished the Pacific in Westport Washington yesterday, May 19 2015. I saw everything that should be there be there including lots of sardines and herring. The one strange thing was the amount of octopus. there were lots of em. The ling were coughing them up as we brought them aboard from about 180 feet deep. It must have been some sort of bloom- totally out of the ordinary. At any rate its not California but this is an fresh update from the west.


  12. Surveyor says:

    Can’t buy wild salmon much anymore in stores here in the Eastern US. Most of the salmon sold is farm-raised (with lots of hormones and coloring, yuck!). So there must be a shortage of natural wild-caught salmon from the Pacfic ocean. I used to love getting Dungeness crabs regularly but am somewhat weary of eating them now since they are from the Pacific as well.

    It’s obvious that the ongoing radiation release from the Fukushima disaster is to blame for the death of the Pacific. The overfishing of ALL oceans is a terrible thing.


  13. btruth says:

    So if the powers that be, whom control all media, industry & academia, wont explain the obvious ELE called FUKUSHIMA, what would ever make you think they’d tell us that a “PLANETARY BODY” is coming back around & will destroy most all life, on this God forsaken rock!? Shalom


    • Northwalker says: are right..we would not know..unless suspicious observers posted it..and then they may collapse the internet. Draw close to God…man has sucked the resources right from the “rock” he gave us..I don’t know what the poor ppl in the other countries are going to do that depend on the sea…unreal that we are witnessing this. LOVE each other.


  14. Hide Behind says:

    When it comes to describing the vast numbers of people claiming scientist titles it is very hard, hundreds of millions in salary’s study grants and facilitymaintenace in our public state fed wildlife and oceanographic billion dollar housings, anfnthe. Only retort they have to this dien off is;”I dunno”.
    Sorry but those in nuke industry slammed any and all non gov research and to this day wemfinally hear of the “R” word and only to down play itsneffects.
    Sorry folks but when you areon US payrolls yourfirstmduty is to American people not your bureUcratic. Do nothing supervisors.
    The wealth of knowledge immediately After Fukushima exposed an illegal Japanese weapons grade plutonium manufacturing and not electrical generating, made the corporate military political state clamp down on any and all news releases by their employees.
    They even shut down the UN installedanti dumpi g nuke monitors and all those on state and military fed installations and for some strange coincidence so did epa.
    As a firm believer in the study of ThenHumanity’s i find those degreed credential holdrrs as low asany concentration camp employees of third world nations.


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