Earthworms rain down from skies over Norway, puzzling scientists

Earthworms Norway
April 2015NORWAYMeteorologists and biologists have been left baffled by earthworms raining from the sky over Southern Norway. According to Norwegian news service The Local, the most recent phenomenon was discovered by biology teacher Karstein Erstad while he was skiing in the mountains. “I saw thousands of earthworms on the surface of the snow,” he said. “When I found them on the snow they seemed to be dead, but when I put them in my hand I found that they were alive.” He thought they might have crawled through the snow, but rejected this idea, as the snow was over half a meter thick across the mountains. This is not the only time an area experiencing worms raining from the sky in Norway, with other cases found in Molde and Bergen, both in the south of the country.
One popular theory on random animal rain suggest that the worms may have been lifted up by a violent air pocket and then brought back down miles away from where they started. Another theory says water spouts, weather systems similar to tornadoes, can travel from seas onto land and pick up vegetation, debris, and small animals, carrying them miles away from where they started before they blow themselves out. According to Erstad, it’s not a new phenomenon, with reports of worms raining from skies above Norway dating back to the 1920s. This rain of worms isn’t confined to Norway either, with a similar case reported at a Scottish Academy secondary school in 2011.
According to a report by STV, a teacher and his students had to take cover during a game of football after worms started falling from the sky. Teacher David Crichton said: “We were out playing football and had just done our warm up and were about to start the next part of the lesson. We started hearing this wee thudding noise on the ground. There were about 20 worms already on the ground at this point.” Crichton told STV he and his colleagues counted 120 worms across the astroturf pitch following the rainfall. The phenomenon remains a mystery. –Independent
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16 Responses to Earthworms rain down from skies over Norway, puzzling scientists

  1. Georgianna Myers says:

    Almost like brimstone and fire over Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps it is a warning from God.


  2. suez62 says:

    Beings chem-trails have rained down lab altered ticks and fleas, and other horrible things. Why not earthworms? Have they been lab modified? Just a idea!


  3. Renee Hamby says:

    Could it be the work of a Living God ? He said in His word to watch the heavens for signs–and we will all know HE is alive and in control!!!!


  4. suez62 says:

    God said in the end he will allow them to do what ever they put their evils minds to do. In the end of it, he is allowing it for judgement. God will have his will done, we can count on that for sure. I pray The Lord Will protect his own, in this process!!!


  5. Helen Parks says:

    Yes, if you have noticed there have been a few witnesses of the Mantids seen world wide, they are picking up stuff to store for the Living Library. At a personal guess, they are trying to get ready for reparation after some idiot starts nuking the place, plus of course, the Hidden Texts are warning us about this too


    • suez62 says:

      Hidden texts? What would these be? 🙂


      • Helen Parks says:

        The Hidden Texts Of Nostradamus … and Da Vinci)
        if you do go to the web site, the current stuff is on pg 17


      • suez62 says:

        Oh, I see. Well, I go to the bible, not the Occult. To each their own I guess…LOL


      • Helen Parks says:

        Ever Heard of the Elohim? That is who Nostradamus and Da Vinci got their information from.
        Not good enough for you? Sure woke me up. The bible, being edited so many times it has not been counted, is not as secure as one thinks.Time lines have changed even since the last time it was edited. Like Enoch, Da Vinci and Nostradamus both had the self same experience, so the texts say. Too many of the lines have come true to even count them now, since the work was commenced in early 2009.


      • suez62 says:

        Helen, with all due respect, Nostradamus was deeply into the occult. That is a proven fact. He got his information from peering into a bowl with water in in. As far as your thoughts on the Bible, I will just say the King James Bible is the word, that God has keep just as he promised! He promised to preserve his word for all times!!! He wouldn’t leave his children without a letter, or instructions. Apparently you haven’t read the Bible, as much of the prophecies have came true, and are coming to pass in this day and age…Unlike Nostradamus, we don’t have to guess on the Bible, it is clearly written what we are to live like, and how things would go. As far as Nostradamus, people take great lengths to wonder and try to fit together what he meant…:( and it still makes no sense. But, your welcome to your opinion….however miss-lead it may be…Good Day.


      • Helen Parks says:

        your ignorance astounds me, it is easy to see you are simply parroting what others have been passing (as rumours). When you can show me WHERE Nostradamus says he looked into water, I will then show you where he did not!. Only once and once only did he mention a brass tripod, and that was in his smoke screen called The Epistle to Henri. I will make a statement here – and you, who believes in the book edited several hundreds of times called the bible in which there are numbered many Visitations from someone not of Earth, are going to be told once again of someone receiving a visitation not once but six times so far – from the doctor himself. I hear you asking “why you Helen”? Well, it is I who is collating the Hidden Texts of Nostradamus and they had felt demonstration was needed for the different types of time gates, about which they have me writing. There are over 4,000 contradictions in the bible and it is up to the reader to find them: a book full of disinformation in order to keep your mind under control. The latest editing has removed 16 books, altered numerous words to change their meaning, and is called the New International Version. Emphasis here is on the word VERSION, even the King James’ is a “version”.


      • suez62 says:

        Well Helen, I tell you what. You believe in a occult nonsense, and I will believe my God. If what I believe doesn’t come to pass, I’ve lost nothing….If what you believe doesn’t happen, and the end comes, you will have lost everything…OK??? I wish you a nice trip!!! 🙂 2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
        2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
        2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
        2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
        2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.


      • Helen Parks says:

        Occult simply means “undisclosed”. Whereas, a book which has had its truths transferred to untruths is disinformation.


      • suez62 says:

        Pro 14:3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.


  6. Trisha says:

    Hello everyone, I live in the southern US. Some years ago on our local weather station there was an incident of it raining alligators. I believe this was somewhere in Georgia. They were baby alligators that rained down upon everyone. I really forgot the explanation and the year that it happened, but maybe it’s located somewhere on the internet. It was quite a time of it.


    • suez62 says:

      Trisha, Interesting. I will have to look that one up. I do believe they are making lab modified animals, or producing God knows what from the DNA taken from God Knows what, and will loose them upon the earth! They have DNA from Dinosaurs found frozen in the Arctic, Whats to stop them from making them again? I have always found this scripture interesting. Rev_6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the BEASTS of the earth.


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