Massive sinkholes devouring what’s left of shriveling Dead Sea

Dead Sea
March 2015DEAD SEAThere are more than 3,000 sinkholes on the banks of the Dead Sea — and they’re multiplying exponentially, according to environmentalists, as the body of water dries up. “It’s nature’s revenge,” said Gidon Bromberg, the Israeli Director at EcoPeace Middle East, an organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists to protect their shared environmental heritage. “These sinkholes are a direct result of the inappropriate mismanagement of water resources in the region.” More than 1,400 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on land. The first sinkhole was spotted in the 1980s. By 1990, there were 40, and 15 years later new chasms are breaking open every day.
“They could develop overnight. Or over time,” Bromberg said. “Making them unpredictable. And very dangerous.” With salinity levels ten times that of the Atlantic Ocean, the Dead Sea is evaporating at a rate of nearly four feet per year and large salt pockets are left behind as the water recedes. As ground water dissolves the salt, washing it back into the Dead Sea, empty cavities develop creating massive sink holes. Bromberg explained that sinkholes develop in clusters, collapsing into each other and creating even larger craters. “The big fear is that overnight, the road will collapse,” Bromberg said of Route 90, which runs along the Dead Sea. A portion of Route 90 was closed for repairs this week after parts of the road sank some two inches. Bromberg said the only way to halt the opening of these chasms is to “stabilize” the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea relies on the fresh water of the Jordan River — but only about 5 percent of the historic flow is currently flowing into the Dead Sea. Bromberg’s organization argues that 30 percent of the historic flow would at least be a step in the right direction. “If nothing is done, it’s only a matter of time until someone dies,” he said. –ABC News
This entry was posted in Acquatic Ecosystem crash, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Desertification, Disappearing Lakes, Drought, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, Infrastructure collapse, Land fissures, cracks, sinkholes, Prophecies referenced, Time - Event Acceleration, Water Crisis - Conflict. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Massive sinkholes devouring what’s left of shriveling Dead Sea

  1. Yellow Bird says:

    i finally refound the article i mentioned earlier… it’s a long piece well worth reading completely. Extremely in-depth reporting
    Lester Brown on Peak Water
    MAR 14, 2015by STAFFin SCIENCE
    ” ‘The real threat to our future is peak water’
    As population rises, overpumping means some nations have reached peak water, which threatens food supply, says Lester Brown…”


  2. Yellow Bird says:

    also, this is huge unprecedented news from Brazil:
    Monday, 9 February 2015

    yes they did indeed actually CANCEL the Carnivale Celebrations for this year!

    “…Several cities in the southeast of Brazil have called off Carnival this year due to a serious drought that has plagued the region for months and shows no signs of abating.
    Brazil is famous for its Carnival, a week-long street festival where people party day and night, bringing Samba music and elaborate colorful costumes to the street, to mark the beginning to Lent. This year’s Good Friday, which marks the beginning of Carnival, lands on Friday, Feb. 13.
    However, at least 15 cities and towns in the southeastern states of Minas Gerais and San Paolo have already called off all or parts of their Carnival festivities because of the region’s water crisis. Both states have been suffering from drought for more than a year, with the water situation worsening. This has been the regions’ worst drought in at least eight years.
    In December, authorities warned that the city of San Paolo in San Paolo State – Brazil’s largest and most populous city – had already tapped into its emergency water reserves and had merely two to three months left of guaranteed water supply.
    Though Carnival is still set to go ahead in San Paolo, many city counselors have called for its cancellation. However, other cities in the state have chosen to air on the side of caution.
    “We have canceled the street Carnival to stop tourists coming to the city, so the city is quieter during Carnival. We don’t have good conditions to have a big celebration and one of the reasons is the water crisis,” said Marcelo Daniel, the Secretary of Culture in the town of Araras, San Paolo…”


  3. Yellow Bird says:

    and more from the See More Rocks blog, same page, farther up:
    “…Ten years before Jennifer Francis’ work on the effects of climate change to jet stream patterns, scientists had predicted that the loss of Arctic sea ice would warm the oceans and give rise to heated air columns which would act as powerful blocking patterns, altering jet streams and preventing rains from reaching California. The findings of their models are eerily similar to the recent weather phenomenon called the “ridiculously resilient ridge” which has continued to block any significant amount of moisture from reaching California for the past two years. Weather reports from Brazil describe similarly persistent formations of warm air columns:

    “…Similar to last year, a giant dome is now forming over the heartland of Brazil that is blocking moisture out in eerily the same manner as it did a year ago. The reason for this may have little to do with natural occurring weather patterns, but climate change from deforestation from the Amazon, where experts have warned this could be the outcome and that drought could occur with increased frequency. Rather than regular rainfall, the areas directly impacted are getting both extremes with intense drought followed by above average rains and then turning dry again. – Jan 2015

    “…Droughts are persisting in both Brazil and California, as well as many other parts of the world. It has been known for a long time that global warming would result in drought and crop failures, an enormously destabilizing factor to any government. To compound the problem, humans are pumping water from aquifers much faster than natural processes can replenish them. Both El Niño and La Niña weather phenomenon are projected to double in frequency…”

    Lester Brown also covers this phenomenon in detail in his article sited above.


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