Workers warn Ebola in Sierra Leone is ‘spreading nine times faster than two months ago’

November 2014SIERRA LEONE Cases of Ebola in Sierra Leone are still rising quickly, campaigners have warned. In rural parts of the country, the virus is spreading nine times faster than two months ago, a report from the Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) found. AGI – an organization set up by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair – said rates are also increasing in the capital Freetown, with six times more new cases recorded per day than two months ago. The news comes as the World Health Organization (WHO) advised that the number of new cases of the disease is leveling off. Nick Thompson, AGI’s chief executive, told BBC news: ‘What we’re seeing is a varied picture across the country. There are areas where it’s still going up quite dramatically. ‘Particularly in the western area, the rural areas, the area around and behind Freetown on the western peninsula. ‘That’s where you’re seeing quite dramatic rises in cases, up to nine times more per day than two months ago. ‘It’s a very mixed picture; it’s a changing situation within and across the country. It’s still very much an acute crisis, there’s no room for complacency even if response steps up.’ The spread of the disease has only started to slow down in one area of Sierra Leone: Bombali, in the country’s north, the report said.
Mr. Thompson added that the AGI did find that reports rates of the disease plateauing in Liberia, but they are not certain why. He said that burial management has ‘improved significantly’ in Liberia and Sierra Leone, with an increased number of bodies buried in 24 hours. Being able to get bodies buried ‘safely, promptly and with dignity’ is going to be one of the key ways of breaking the chain of transmission, he added. Currently more than half of all infections of the virus are transmitted through dead bodies, because of local customs which involve washing the bodies of people who have died. Ebola is spread through blood or body fluids, including urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen of a person who is sick with Ebola. It can also be spread from objects like needles and syringes that have been contaminated with the virus, or through infected fruit bats or primates. Last week, the AGI warned that even if existing international commitments are met by December, there could be a shortage of over 6,000 beds across Sierra Leone and Guinea. Nearly half of the beds currently planned in the three countries will lack the medical staff needed, their study found. AGI based its projections on the WHO’s worst-case scenario, which forecast 10,000 new cases per week in December. Nick Thompson said: ‘The international community badly misjudged the impact of the Ebola epidemic in its first few months and is compounding that error by failing to act quickly enough now.’ –Daily Mail
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12 Responses to Workers warn Ebola in Sierra Leone is ‘spreading nine times faster than two months ago’

  1. I wonder
    1] Has anyone even given any consideration to studying/checking the possibility of the Ebola virus surviving in the bodies of deceased victims after their burial?
    2] Is there any possibility of the Ebola virus being able to be spread through the water table?


  2. Yellow Bird says:

    Should i be pleased, if i were African, to have the Englishers initiating governance on my people and my land? seems history bound to repeat


  3. Yellow Bird says:

    Mon 03 Nov 2014: UPDATE-
    “WHO says currently no Ebola cases in Mali, 39 contacts sought”


  4. Yellow Bird says:

    Sun 02 Nov 2014: UPDATE-
    “New York Doctor infected with Ebola is improving”

    “…Also Saturday, officials said one of Spencer’s two home-quarantined pals can leave home, but will continue to be assessed twice daily… His case prompted New York and New Jersey governors to set mandatory quarantine periods for travelers exposed to Ebola in West Africa…”
    (note: as opposed to domestically exposed)
    “…Spencer is the only confirmed Ebola patient in New York.”


  5. Yellow Bird says:

    Sat 01 Nov 2014: UPDATE-
    “Ebola Monitoring Winds Down for those who came in contact with Amber Vinson”

    Ebola monitoring winds down for those who came in contact with Amber Vinson

    “…This weekend marks three weeks since the Dallas nurse came home to Northeast Ohio… Amato tells Fox 8 Nov. 4 is the target day for Ebola monitoring to be finished for everyone else… “It’s good to remind people that the 164 contacts we are monitoring never showed symptoms and there are no cases of Ebola across Ohio,” she said.”


  6. Yellow Bird says:

    Thurs 30 Oct 2014: UPDATE-
    “85 People in North Texas still being monitored for Ebola”
    “…Most in the group are health care workers – doctors, nurses and lab workers who had contact with either Nina Pham or Amber Vinson, the two nurses who were infected while caring for the first Ebola patient. Among them are 25 people who took Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital up on its offer to stay at the hospital while waiting for the 21-day period to expire … The incubation period for them ends in about a week.” (Note: observation period ends approx Nov. 6)


  7. Yellow Bird says:

    (Today) Tues 04 Nov 2014: UPDATE-
    “Kaci Hickox and Maine Reach Agreement”
    “…Kaci Hickox has tested negative for Ebola twice and has no symptoms, but Maine officials still went to court to try to bar her from crowded public places. … Ms Hickox travelled to Sierra Leone with the Doctors Without Borders medical charity when the outbreak erupted. Upon her return to New Jersey on 24 October she was quarantined in a tent outside a hospital in the city for the weekend despite not showing any symptoms … The deal complies with Friday’s ruling by a judge that she should be free to travel but must (continue to) monitor her health.”


  8. Yellow Bird says:

    And finally… some more funny figures from guess WHO
    interesting US statistic: 1 fatality of 4 total cases.


  9. Yellow Bird says:

    also… by WHO numbers, nearly 300 previously accounted “fatalities” seem to have miraculously resurrected in Liberia…
    10/19: 2705 deaths of 4665 cumulative cases
    10/29: 2413 deaths of 6535 cumulative cases

    in other words, per WHO, far more have been infected- while substantially fewer have succumbed. this “marked increase” is attributed to “a more comprehensive reassessment”
    roughly translates to some serious number crunching revisionism.
    good news: reassessed overall survival rate currently inching closer to that of malaria.


    • @ Yellow Bird – I really do hate to be a pessimist – but in these times of self justification and major agendas, can the ‘statistics’ of WHO be trusted?
      As Will Rogers said back in the 1930’s – ‘There are three kinds of lies –
      Lies / D*** Lies / and – ‘Statistics’

      As it is written in “the truth”, “the word of the LORD”:
      “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.”
      (Prov 14:5 [KJV])


  10. niebo says:

    “The international community badly misjudged the impact of the Ebola epidemic in its first few months and is compounding that error by failing to act quickly enough now.”

    I had to read and re-read the quote because, for some reason, my brain kept processing “international community” as “United States”.


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