Bad Moon Rising: Trouble on the way – Is blood moon one more omen world spiraling towards greater peril?

Bad Moon Rising TEP
October 2014SIERRA LEONEThe Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation says bodies of Ebola victims have been left in the streets because of a strike by burial teams, who complain they have not been paid. Health Ministry spokesman Sidie Yahya Tunis says the situation is “very embarrassing” and said money was available to pay the teams. He promised to provide more information on Wednesday. The World Health Organization says Ebola is believed to have killed more than 600 people in Sierra Leone. In Spain, officials said a fourth person has been placed under observation for Ebola in a Madrid hospital where a nursing assistant that became infected after working with two victims from Sierra Leone and Liberia, who later died. The infected woman’s husband is among those being observed. –ABC News
 Bad Moon Rising: “It’s not Halloween just yet, but that doesn’t mean the moon can’t get a little freaky. The second blood moon of the year will light up the sky early Wednesday morning in North America, where it will be most visible from the Pacific coast, according to NASA. The Earth will position itself between the sun and the moon, creating a full lunar eclipse with a majestic red hue. The eclipse is the second in a rare series known as the tetrad, in which the moon is completely covered by the Earth’s umbral shadow for four eclipses in a row, as opposed to only partial eclipses that fall in the outer penumbra. The next total lunar eclipse will be on April 4, 2015, according to NASA.” –ABC News
Don’t go round tonight, it’s bound to take your life: Three more people were put under quarantine for possible Ebola at a Madrid hospital where a Spanish nursing assistant became infected, authorities said Tuesday. More than 50 others were being monitored as experts tried to figure out why Spain’s anti-infection practices failed. The nursing assistant, part of a special team that cared for a Spanish priest who died of Ebola last month, was the first case of Ebola being transmitted outside of West Africa, where a months-long outbreak has killed at least 3,500 people and sparked social unrest. Health authorities are investigating how she became infected. Her case highlighted the dangers health care workers face while caring for Ebola patients — officials said she had changed a diaper for the priest and collected material from his room after he died. Dead Ebola victims are highly infectious and in West Africa their bodies are collected by workers in hazmat outfits. CBC
Trouble on the way: Turkey’s president said the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani was “about to fall” on Tuesday as Islamic State fighters pressed home a three-week assault that has cost a reported 400 lives and forced thousands to flee their homes. The world has seen what happens when a city is overtaken by the terrorist group: massacres, humanitarian tragedies, rapes, horrific violence,’ he said. The prospect that the town could be captured by Islamic State, who are now within city limits, has increased pressure on Turkey to join an international coalition to fight against the jihadists. Islamic State wants to take Kobani in order to strengthen its grip on the border area and consolidate the territorial gains it has made in Iraq and Syria in recent months. U.S.-led air strikes have so far failed to prevent its advance on Kobani. Turkey said it was pressing Washington for more air strikes, although President Tayyip Erdogan said bombing was not enough to defeat Islamic State and he set out Turkey’s demands for additional measures before it could intervene. “The problem of ISIS (Islamic State) … cannot be solved via air bombardment. Right now … Kobani is about to fall,” he said during a visit to a camp for Syrian refugees. –Reuters, Daily Mail
Earthquakes and lightning: A magnitude 6.2 quake struck Mexico on Tuesday in the Gulf of California, 75 miles (121 km) west south-west of the city of El Dorado, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake was shallow at just 6.2 miles (10 km), and was felt inland in the city of Culiacan, the capital of the western state of Sinaloa, Culiacan emergency services spokeswoman Melva Uribe said. –Reuters
Hurricanes ablowing: Typhoon Phanfone moved away from Tokyo, Japan, and out to sea Monday, but not before killing at least seven and leaving four missing, injuring at least 62 others, forcing the evacuations of thousands, sparking landslides and disrupting travel for thousands of others across the island nation. The seventh death was reportedly caused by a landslide at a Buddhist monastery in Yokohama, according to Asahi Shimbun. Six U.S. servicemen at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, were taking photos of 12 to 15 foot waves on the northwest coast of the island Sunday when three were overtaken by the waves, according to Nago District Police in Okinawa. At least one of the airmen died in the incident. Search efforts were ongoing Monday by air and sea for the two U.S. airmen who were still missing, a spokesperson from Kadena Air Base said. –Weather
Rivers overflowing: (Scotland) Several residents of a coastal town have been evacuated from their homes after strong winds and high waves battered the seafront. Nine residents of the Turners Court sheltered housing complex in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, were moved from their ground-floor properties “as a precaution” amid concerns about flooding in the beachfront area. The move comes after a further day of wind and heavy rain for parts of Scotland, prompting a number of flood and severe weather warnings to be issued. Police Scotland has urged members of the public to take care in the current conditions and said the authorities are keeping a close eye on the weather situation as the next high tide approaches at 3am. Met Office yellow “be prepared” warnings remain in place for wind and rain in the Highlands and the Grampian region. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) has flood warnings in place for Caithness and Sutherland, Easter Ross, Speyside, Tayside and Aberdeenshire. Police in the north east said the weather is creating high waves at seafront areas as well as localized flooding across the Grampian region. Officers said many of the region’s rivers are at a higher level than usual and advised members of the public to avoid any activities which could put their safety at risk, including fishing. –The Extra
                                       Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival – 1969
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32 Responses to Bad Moon Rising: Trouble on the way – Is blood moon one more omen world spiraling towards greater peril?

  1. Rose says:

    I looked out my window and the moon which is red is facing the United States. I could see it from my window. It is not a good omen to the US. Expect a severe earthquake to hit the US and more plagues upon us. Plagues that cannot be healed. Earthquakes in places that never were. Tornadoes that will causes billions of dollars to the US. Disobedience to God. No matter how skeptic or unbelief you have, you still will face God soon. Like or not.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes on the surface it appears as if the world is going mad.. Let us use the Harvest Moon and the partial eclipse to our advantage in positive thinking Alvin… I watched the Pride of Britain Awards last night on TV… And there are still selfless people with lots of love out there.. We only get to hear the BAD ….
    Sending positive vibes your way… Its always Darkest before the Dawn Light .. xxx
    Many thanks for all your information updates..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. timelesslady says:

    I have heard “Bad Moon Rising” so many times in my life…I know I never really “heard” the lyrics until today though. Thanks for posting this and all the other great information you share.


  4. Dennis E. says:

    Happy anniversary of my birth to me, time to keep number a secret.

    In my humble opinion, events following this 2nd blood moon will be worse than the first (knowing ALSO that a Solar Eclipse will occur March 2015) and events after the third will be worst than events after this one.

    I know that many events are occurring world wide, but THESE TYPES OF BLOOD MOON EVENTS ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTED HISTORY, INDICATED A MAJOR EVENT, A MAJOR EVENT INVOLVING THE HEBREW PEOPLE/ISRAEL……………….WAS UNFOLDING. So far, we have had The Gaza War and the break out I ISIS who chastised HAMAS for being in a hurry
    So, I would recommend to watch closely that region.

    Some of you, as I, may see a major war coming. Also, three other events may unfold and that may be the presentation of the Ark Of The Covenant, laying the Cornerstone of the Third Jewish Temple and an Israelis strike on Iran or a Iranian WMD strike on Israel.

    As John Hagee has said, something is about to change……..


  5. maria says:

    These lunareclipses (twelve, as the number of Israel tribes, at the Biblical Feast Days, Passover and Tabernacles) which first come into sight; become noticeable 1949 are signs.

    Gen.1:14…and let them be for signs , and for seasons , and for days , and years

    Strong’s Hebrew Number 226:
    ‘owth – oth
    probably from 225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or figuratively), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.: —mark, miracle, (en-)sign, token.

    The last tetrad 2014-2015 is the one Jesus is spoken about in John 4:35

    “do not say that it is yet four months, and the harvest cometh; lo, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and see the fields, that they are white unto harvest already”.

    Strong’s Greek Number 5072:
    tetramenon – tet-ram’-ay-non

    Joel 2:31 The sun is turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, Before the coming of the day of Jehovah, The great and the fearful

    God Bless you and stay close to the Lord AND His Word


  6. jeff says:

    I do not believe that this is any more indication of something about to happen than anything else.
    The blood moon theory is just that, a theory and comes perilously close to setting dates.
    The biggest sign is that very few people, in light of all the signs world wide, continue in rebellion seeking but never finding.
    The MSM never gets it right but they who are perishing lap it up.
    With or without the blood moon the world is passing away.


  7. redrose1912 says:

    It will get worse.


  8. Mark Sivad says:

    Why do many of the these artlcles always interpret natural signs as having to do with the U.S. only? How about the vast majority of people and lands of the rest of the earth (as if they don’t even exist)?


  9. Jayhawk says:

    Here we go with the end of the world nonsense again. Just enjoy your life while you’re here for a short period and quit trying to scare everyone, it’s just not the way to live.


  10. Hom says:

    Mark Biltz points out the 4 blood moons and the 7th year cycle merging in 2015. Also the other heavenly bodies coming into conjunction that we normally are not aware off. He sighted E.W Bullinger: The Witness of the Stars. I have this book.

    Add to all of this is; the court in heaven convene in 2008. And the 4 horsemen in Revelation 6 have been released into the 4 corners of the world. Wow, 4 Blood Moons and 4 Horsemen and the 7th year sabbatical are all coming together into the grandprophetic station in 2015. Are the nations heeding the signs in the sky and in the earth? I;m I going to be wrong? I hope so.

    In the meantime are there still prophets of happy times ahead despite of what is known. When Jerusalem was undersieged and ready to be broken through by their enemy, oh there were prophets of positive outcome in spite of what God said is about to happen.



    • Dennis E. says:

      The Arab Spring in 2012 I believe, in Egypt , The entire world saw the pale hose on TV
      in Cairo and thought it was a reflection of some sort, those words were spoken but a prophecy teacher saw it and rebroadcasted it on his show.


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