Child with Enterovirus 68 dies in Rhode Island – 4 more deaths possibly linked to outbreak

October 2014 RHODE ISLANDA child infected with enterovirus 68 has died, the Rhode Island Department of Health said today, marking the first publicly announced enterovirus 68 death since the outbreak began this summer. After the Rhode Island announcement, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that three patients who died later tested positive for the virus that’s infecting children across the country. It is not clear what role the virus played in these deaths, but the CDC said state and local health officials are investigating. The 10-year-old girl from Cumberland, Rhode Island, died last week of a rare combination of bacterial and viral infections, the department said, explaining that she died of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis “associated with” enterovirus 68. “We are all heartbroken to hear about the death of one of Rhode Island’s children,” state Health Department Director Dr. Michael Fine said in a statement. “Many of us will have EV-D68 [enterovirus 68]. Most of us will have very mild symptoms and all but very few will recover quickly and completely.” Enterovirus 68, which is suspected of sickening children in 46 states, starts out like the common cold but can quickly turn serious and send children to the hospital with breathing problems.
And on Monday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it was investigating whether the virus led to temporary limb paralysis in nine children in Colorado. It is related to the polio virus. The girl’s illness began with cold-like symptoms and shortness of breath, Fine said during a press conference today. Her parents called 911 last week, but after she arrived at the hospital her condition “deteriorated very quickly. Things became dire,” Fine said. She died of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis, which he said was “associated with” her enterovirus 68 infection. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that lives in about 30 percent of people’s noses and usually doesn’t cause any problems, according to the CDC. It can be serious or fatal when it results in sepsis, which is body-wide inflammation that results from an infection, according to the CDC. Sepsis can cause blood flow problems, which leads to organ failure. –ABC News
Four deaths linked to EV-D68 virus: Samples collected from four patients who recently died have tested positive for enterovirus D68, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is unclear what role the virus played in their deaths. Enteroviruses are very common, especially in the late summer and early fall. The CDC estimates 10 to 15 million infections occur in the United States each year. So even though the samples from these four patients tested positive, the virus could have nothing to do with their deaths. One of the patients, a child with a staph infection and enterovirus D68, was from Rhode Island, the state’s health department announced Wednesday. The child died last week. Infection by both staph bacteria and an enterovirus is a “rare combination,” health officials say, that can cause very severe illnesses in children and adults. “Only a very small portion of people who contract EV-D68 will experience problems beyond a runny nose and a low grade fever,” the Rhode Island Department of Health said in a statement. “Most viruses produce mild illnesses from which people are able to recover.”
This year, enterovirus D68 has been sending more children than usual to the hospital with severe respiratory illnesses. It seems to be most affecting children with a history of asthma or breathing problems. As of Wednesday, the CDC had confirmed 472 cases in 41 states. The virus may also be linked to a small number of cases of a mysterious neurologic illness seen in Colorado, Boston and Michigan. Doctors in Colorado spotted it first — a group of 10 children hospitalized with limb weakness, cranial nerve dysfunction and abnormalities in their spinal gray matter. Doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital have since identified four patients with the same symptoms. And a child in Washtenaw County, Michigan, also developed partial paralysis in the lower limbs after being hospitalized with the virus, the Michigan Department of Community Health said Wednesday. –CNN
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11 Responses to Child with Enterovirus 68 dies in Rhode Island – 4 more deaths possibly linked to outbreak

  1. Paula Nixon says:

    Isn’t this strange that it happens just after all those kids come rushing across the border? They admit that many were sick.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Scarlett says:

    I wonder if these children had flu vaccines prior to these symptoms. Just a thought. I for one do not trust flu or many other of the new vaccines.


  3. Durango Steve says:

    All the dead children with EV68 are on the government. They let untested sick children in then sent them all over the country. I don’t trust them with any of this Ebola or EV68. The population of this country is at risk.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. jim says:

    Ebola for everyone, Enterovirus to kill the kids and now the bird flu is back again another killer does anyone think you’re gonna get out of this ALIVE and if you do what kind of world will it be? Depression, no jobs, and I’ll bet my life on the fact there is another virus coming up in another month or two


  5. Judy Clarke says:

    OK, here is a hypothesis to ponder…. (Especially if mostly children are the ones being affected) ….There is a huge push toward babies/children being vaccinated (to the point of not being allowed into day care and schools without certification of same), so if the serum contains something that at a later date can be stimulated or triggered to react, here we have a new disease that no one knows anything about nor where it comes from, a mystery!!! I would begin questioning ANYTHING that is put into our body’s. I would like to see a thesis done on if all these children were vaccinated/immunised or not and how long ago, in what areas and what the batch numbers were, see if there is a pattern.


  6. Dennis E. says:

    Oh my goodness……..
    I believe the time for everyone to get educated on things to do to protect themselves and their children.


  7. Patty says:

    I recall last year or a few years ago, many articles on Gates’ polio vaccine drive in Africa that caused their children paralysis. Your article here states that the enterovirus is associated with polio….Perhaps the CDC should investigate the contents and source of the polio vaccines these American children have had. But of course, then we’ll just hear about, “oh it is from this!” oh it is not from this…etc., etc. BUT – I bet this “mysterious enterovirus” has a source in the infant polio vaccines…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Carla McDonnell says:

    It is scary especially if any of this is intentional or there is some dreadful conspiracy to decrease the population of the other 99%. The Ebola case in Dallas is a mere 10 minutes from my home! All these viruses and illnesses popping up does make one wonder. It is especially heartbreaking when a child dies from one of them!


  9. Alexandra says:

    Can’t trust the CDC. These big organizations are puppets for Gates, Monsanto, … .
    We are like lambs being lead to the slaughter. To get this mess out of the way?
    God’s people need to humble themselves, repent and GOD will heal the Land. This is the coming judgement from GOD (I know some of you don’t like this, but it is written clearly in GOD’s word).
    All the shed blood (innocent) on this land is crying out to GOD.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Yellow Bird says:

    hey alvin,
    you might want to keep an eye out for more of these cases, this one was scary different- the boy abruptly died in his sleep after having been assymptomatic!
    By Greg Botelho, CNN
    updated 10:28 PM EDT, Mon October 6, 2014

    i will add that weeks before the Official Word finally acknowleged EV68 in our town, we were hearing a number of parents saying they’d taken their kids to Emergency for ‘a wierd cold that made their asthma flare’
    some in my family have asthma so ive been watching closely. wondering if the strange vague ill feelings that keep coming & going are this particular bug. what’s strange about it is that for several of us it seems to be affecting our hearts and adrenals, and comes on suddenly as in feeling fine and then boom- NOT feeling fine. the cold symptoms have been no big thing (a little dry cough, aches & pains, some sneezing. kinda tired)…
    what’s unsettling is the angina, fluttery heart feelings, body shakes and tingling weakness in chest and shoulders. so far it comes and goes… just wanted to mention, as i’m suspecting there may be some aspects of this bug that could be getting overlooked. such as possible heart involvement


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