Doctor: Ebola virus cases may be underreported by as much ‘double or triple’ – ‘more contagious than we’re being told’

September 2014AFRICADespite knowing that he had symptoms of the Ebola virus, a Nigerian diplomat boards a plane in Liberia and flies from that small country to his nation’s capital city of Lagos, a city with 21 million people. The man was fleeing a quarantine meant to contain the Ebola virus. Instead, his body — now a host for the disease — was transporting the highly contagious and deadly, single-strand virus to Nigeria’s largest city. It sounds like a plot from a medical sci-fi thriller, but it is not fiction. This is quite real. The diplomat was treated by a doctor and appears to have survived. However, the doctor was not so fortunate. He died less than three weeks after the encounter. The Nigerian doctor who visited the diplomat in his hotel room and became infected with Ebola also saw hundreds of patients — operating on at least two of them before he ultimately passed away from the disease. Nigeria’s government acted quickly to try to stop the outbreak from engulfing the region. However, with hundreds of people who had close contact with the now-deceased doctor and several others who were infected, it may be a losing battle. According to a recent ABC News report, the World Health Organization (WHO) claims this latest Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria has killed nearly 2,000 people and infected just over 3,600.
With the possibility of the Ebola outbreak widening in the region and eventually spanning the globe, this writer reached out to Board Certified Internal Medicine specialist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez for more information. During an interview on Saturday’s “Pure Opelka” radio program, Rodriguez, the show’s frequent medical contributor, shared some of his concerns about the latest news in the Ebola story. “What’s scary is, it’s now in Nigeria, a country whose capital city has over ten million people,” he said. “And this was all caused by a person that landed there from Liberia.” In the brief discussion about the mysterious disease, Rodriguez shared some startling information, including, “This thing is a lot more contagious than we’re being given…or we’re being told about. What scares me the most, and I think I mentioned this before, doctors and nurses are the ones getting this, dying from it and transmitting it,” Rodriguez added. “So, I think there’s a lot more about Ebola and how it’s transmitted that we don’t know.” When Opelka asked “Dr. Jorge” about the numbers of patients who have contracted Ebola, his response could easily be cause for alarm. “The head of the CDC said, ‘It’s much worse than what’s being reported.’” He clarified his statement by adding, “The countries there have very poor medical facilities and reporting facilities. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s double or triple what we’re told.” Dr. Jorge’s segment starts at the 10:30 mark of the recording. –The Blaze
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27 Responses to Doctor: Ebola virus cases may be underreported by as much ‘double or triple’ – ‘more contagious than we’re being told’

  1. Joseph Sonny Skies says:

    Yes, I believe that it is being spread more easily.. For example touching sweat of infected person..In tropical areas especially items are touched constantly by many people; especially in cities with public buildings, toilets, transportation etc. Of course I do not know how long the virus could live if placed on an inorganic item in sweat in hot humid conditions but does anyone know? I simply feel like we are not getting the real deal regarding this virus from health organizations.

    Liked by 1 person

    • dan from ohio says:

      probably not telling us the virus is now airborne..


    • Dennis E. says:

      I read that it could live up to 10 minutes on a table top or on the hands, I think.
      Can’t remember the article I read.
      Also, it was reported on this site in an article that some family members kissed their dead relatives who were infected. A tradition in that area.


      • Judy Clarke says:

        Not only can it sit on a table for minutes, but it can be reconstituted in thousands of years time when bodies are unburied, probably how this was first obtained. SO BURN THE BODIES. Coughing, sneezing, wiping ones nose on the hand and then what ever that hand touches, kissing,- its in the saliva, its in the blisters, we are talking CLOSE DOWN AFRICA, I said this a month ago, but every one thought that was over kill, now its spreading, throughout each country within. No planes in or out till its controlled and lock down the cities. Runners shot, this is pandemic probability with catastrophic repercussions. Sometimes you just have to go into ‘overkill” mode.


  2. yves says:

    time to nuke africa or the whole world…. sic!


  3. Sealed says:

    Dr. Brantley felt sick and tested negative for ebola on the first test. He then had to wait 72 hours for a second test to confirm it was in fact ebola. That is a long time for a symptomatic person to go without knowing the cause of their sickness.
    The second thing I have been thinking about as of late, is that the health care system in the US is not as strong as we want to believe. My hometown of 22,000 has ONE hospital with the capacity to care for about 50 patients (and only 3 or 4 of those are negative pressure, isolation rooms). There are many days and weeks of any given year that “normal” sickness and disease overwhelm the capacity of this hospital.
    I really think so much more needs to be done to help West Africa.


    • Dennis E. says:



    • Anne says:

      Again, please take it seriously that there are many, many natural anti-virals that prevent and kill all viruses, and they are safe to use even on children, without any ill effects. I just posted some of them in one of the articles above. Don’t wait. Right now, they are easy to purchase.


      • migue821 says:

        It’s not that easy and please keep your words away, self medicating is more dangerous than ebola itself, many anti-virals may lead to self-organism damage aswell, if you don’t die from one thing you’ll die from another, please stop making a big deal about this and follow the protocolls


  4. jennifer says:

    This does not surprise me. A friend of mine is a nurse who works in one of the hospitals in Toronto. One of her patients came into ER because she was not feeling right. My friend asked her where was she from and how long had she been back in Canada. His lady said, “I have dual citizenship for Canada and Nigeria, but don’t worry I have been back in Canada for about 8 months.” So this lady goes for some tests, and my friend asks this patients daughter when did she come back to Canada? And the daughter says her mother just came back from Nigeria YESTERDAY!! She thought she would get better treatment here in Canada!

    Turned out she did not have Ebola. But this just goes to show you, they will lie through their teeth to come here to be treated.


  5. Judy Clarke says:

    What a selfish bastard that diplomat was….he wasn’t very diplomatic was he? This is why all flights and borders should be closed to prevent runners from escaping or clean people from contamination and then returning home. They are selfish and have no idea of the consequences that are involved by simply boarding a bus, train, plane or going into a shop. People carry disease and these selfish people need imprisoning, so cut their lines of movement and people contamination by having border controls for no crossings for any reason until the disease is controlled.


    • stevesmitty79 says:

      People will break every rule in a situation like that.


      • Yellow Bird says:

        i dont suppose any of us really know what we would do — we only know what we would HOPE we would do. and of course we hope we would behave with the preservation of others as our first priority, over self-preservation which is our main natural instinct…


  6. Bill Moylan says:

    These are very brave people in these pictures cleaning this up. I feel for Africa!


    • stevesmitty79 says:

      They are more like collateral damage waiting to be counted. I blows my mind they have to wash their gear in bleach water and prop it up on sticks to dry.


  7. jean says:

    I first read about Ebola in a new yorker article that ran in 1992. When I tried to discuss this virus that made aids look like the common cold, nobody knew anything about it and asked if what I’d really might’ve been science fiction. Two years later, ‘hot zone’ came out and, at last, others knew about it. It’s been a long time since I read that article about a major in the army, Lt. Jacks or jaxs, testing with caged gorillas to see if it was airborne transmisible, but my recollection is that indications were that it WAS. It makes no sense that all these health care providers who know how to avoid bodily fluids are nonetheless contracting Ebola if it is only transmissible through body fluid contact.


    • Dr. Nancy Jaax – and the Reston strain of Ebola was airborne. Technically, any viral particles or virions can be expelled in respiratory droplets – including Ebola. The reason Ebola is not classified as an “airborne” agent is because it doesn’t cause a URI, like influenza, TB, or bubonic plague.

      It boils down to semantics and classification vs delivery.


  8. aVoiceInTheWilderness says:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

    T. S. Eliot

    This reminds me of the book/movie “The Stand”


  9. Nurse Rachette says:

    What about mosquitos as a vector/transmitter? It looks like the rainy season is in full throttle over there. Mosquitos can transmit a host of diseases, Malaria, Yellow Fever, West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever, the latter of which can also be hemhorragic and fatal. So why not Ebola Hemhorrhagic Fever? I think this might be ONE possible explanation for the unexplained transmission.


  10. Nurse Rachette says:

    Could very well have mutated to airborne as this virus is RNA based and continuously recombines/changes to adapt for its survival. It has already been weaponized by Russia many years ago according to a bioweapons scientist who defected from Russia to the US and wrote a book about it. If Russia has it. No doubt the US and multiple other countries do too. I would recommend reading Richard Preston’s Demon on the Freezer. Though written as fiction it does contain a lot of very factual information. Especially how live ebola samples are kept in an unlocked standard refrigerator in a dilapidated building with zero security. Any terrorist could have gotten their hands on this stuff quite easily. The world has collectively failed the nations of Africa in many ways many times over. Now we will pay the price it seems.


  11. Bertha says:

    Obama has commit our troops to Africa. I have a feeling this does not end well.


  12. Based on the fear mongering reports, this disease will kill some 100 million by 2015, if it’s this bad, doesn’t the stance “for the greater good of mankind” mean we could obliterate the entire region for the greater good of mankind? Then again, maybe it’s all fear mongering. It seems every few years we hear about some disease that by some obscure date in the future, this many people will be dead?


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