We are about to witness a human catastrophe that could destroy large portions of a continent

September 2014AFRICA – Sometimes the artifice of writing — metaphors, historical comparisons, the just-so quote — fails. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa demands directness: We are about to witness a human catastrophe that could destroy large portions of a continent and pose a global threat. And the response of the world, including the United States, is feeble, irresponsible and disrespectful of nature’s lethal perils. American health officials and nonprofit groups are bringing back the same report from the region. In Liberia, the rate of new infections has probably already moved from a linear to an exponential curve. The same may be true within the next week or so for Sierra Leone and Guinea. The normal countermeasures for an infectious disease — isolation, case investigation, contact tracing — are increasingly irrelevant given the rate of increase. Local health care infrastructure, which barely existed in the first place, is overwhelmed. People have lost faith in the large clinics, where 50 percent to 60 percent of patients who enter do not leave alive. And those in need of emergency care for other conditions — such as heart attacks or complicated births — are often frightened of clinics and hospitals, and are dying without treatment.
The international response is inadequate and disorganized. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations provide “road maps.” But, according to one infectious disease expert, “there is no one to implement command, control and communications. No one.” Multiple, uncoordinated organizations are attempting to confront a disease that is out of control. “They are quibbling over 25 to 30 bed units,” the expert vents. Meanwhile, WHO has revised its prediction of new Ebola infections upward to 20,000 by year-end. Other models indicate more like 100,000. Once the growth of an outbreak becomes exponential, the tools normally at the disposal of health officials have limited value. It may require military airlifts just to deliver sufficient rubber gloves, aprons, soap and buckets to highly affected areas. Doctors Without Borders is calling for the deployment of civilian and military medical teams to provide triage centers, field hospitals with isolation wards, mobile diagnostic labs and systems for the management of corpses. But who will direct and implement such an effort? WHO is not an emergency response organization; it is known mainly for bureaucracy and infighting. The United Nations has no epidemic response force comparable to its peacekeeping operations (though perhaps it should). It is hard to imagine a coordinated effort on a sufficient scale that is not organized by America.
At the current rate of new infections, affected countries are likely to see civil disorder, economic paralysis and corpses in the streets. The most immediate threat is the rapid spread of the disease in Nigeria. A major outbreak in a sprawling city such as Lagos would be unprecedented, unpredictable and horrific. And as a virus multiplies it also mutates. So far, scientists have not seen any changes in the Ebola virus that are relevant to its biological function. But with more replications, over more months, the risk increases. Scientists quietly fear genetic mutations that would make the virus harder to detect, more resistant to treatment, or (God forbid) easier to transmit. This is not likely, but it is possible. Health officials are near wits’ end. “I don’t see any pathway that is easy to implement,” one told me. Easy or hard, it is time for America to blaze a path out of this valley of death. –DN
This entry was posted in Black Swan Event, Catastrophic Insurance losses mount, Civilizations unraveling, Dark Ages, Disease outbreak, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Ecology overturn, Environmental Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, Human behavioral change after disaster, Infrastructure collapse, New virus reported, Pestilence Watch, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Quarantine, Social unrest, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

57 Responses to We are about to witness a human catastrophe that could destroy large portions of a continent

  1. omanuel says:

    World leaders destroyed their ability to deal with unexpected emergencies like this.

    Why? Unreported CHAOS and FEAR of nuclear annihilation of the Earth after Stalin’s troops captured Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea in late August 1945 convinced world leaders to:

    1. Form the UN on 24 Oct 1945
    2. Take totalitarian control of nations
    3. Forbid public knowledge of the source of energy in cores of heavy atoms and stars – neutron repulsion

    Click to access CHAOS_and_FEAR_August_1945.pdf

    That is also the source of energy in the Sun that:

    1. Made our elements,
    2. Birthed the solar system, and
    3. Sustained life’s origin & evolution

    Click to access Solar_Energy.pdf


    • katnea says:

      Huh? Are you saying that the world leaders ability to deal with unexpected emergencies is because they aren’t informed about the severity of the situation? Or are you saying that the world leaders downplay major life threating events in order to keep themselves from having to deal with untold CHAOS and FEAR from the masses?


      • omanuel says:

        Governments destroyed the integrity of science to prevent public knowledge of the energy that destroyed Hiroshima. Two FALSEHOODS became official dogma in 1946 [1]:

        1. Stars are Hydrogen-filled
        2. Neutrons attract neutrons

        [In fact uranium atoms fission and stars make and discard Hydrogen because neutrons repel neutrons.]

        The falsehoods were designed to prevent public knowledge of the source of energy that destroyed Hiroshima:neutron repulsion [2].

        Why? An almost complete “black-out” of news on the CHAOS & FEAR of nuclear annihilation that followed Stalin’s capture of Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea in late August 1945 [3] left the Americans and British unaware that Stalin:

        1. Was victorious in WWII, and
        2. Established the UN on 24 Oct 1945 to expand his totalitarian control globally.

        We face a formidable opponent that will be defeated because ultimately, “Truth is victorious, never untruth!”


        1. “Why Did You Deceive Us?” Message to the Congressional Space Science & Technology Committee (Dec 2013): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/WHY.pdf

        2. “Solar Energy,” Advances in Astronomy (Submitted 1 Sept 2014)

        Click to access Solar_Energy.pdf

        3. Aston’s WARNING (12 Dec 1922); CHAOS and FEAR (August 1945) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/CHAOS_and_FEAR_August_1945.pdf

        4. Stalin’s Plan To Rule The World:

        Liked by 1 person

      • katnea says:

        I agree with you 100% that the integrity of science has, and still is being withheld from humanity to this day!

        You see Omanuel, I too have known for awhile now that any knowledge towards incorporating the usage of clean free energy technology has been withheld from the public for decades now. And I’m also pretty sure that its the same deal insofar as not offering us a cure for Cancer too! (phiffft) Hmmm, actually as far as I’m concerned Omanuel, I believe that just about every major advancement towards the betterment of humankind has and is being withheld due to various nefarious reasons! And so knowing that… is it really any surprise that they would also withhold any and all knowledge pertaining to the numerous atrocities they’ve committed toward all of humanity either? (shrug)

        To me its very clear that the powers-that-be want us to remain on our knees and in a slave state of being. Period.

        Btw- I’ve listed just a *few* control card methods that I personally feel ‘they’ve’ been bombarding us with to various degrees. (sigh)

        1) Withholding important knowledge!
        2) Nonstop DISTRACTION Cards!
        3) Fear Cards.
        4) Unrest towards one another cards.
        5) Subliminal Cards.
        6) Chemical Cards.
        7) Audio Cards via thousands of Cell Towers &TV.
        8) Controlling the mass media/ propaganda cards.

        Lastly, I do want you to know that I respect and appreciate the style of how you prove your point though Omanuel! (smiles) Indeed nothing like offering a few support links as to *why* you feel as you do! (Grin)

        I want YOU on on my debate team! ; )


  2. Obama is too busy playing golf to worry about this.


    • katnea says:

      Phyllis, who are you to go around accusing President Obama of not being worried about this crisis? Can you actually look within a persons heart to be 100% sure of their true feelings? Btw- I actually do hope the President plays a few rounds just to clear his mind and therefore form solutions for this crisis.

      “When ignorance gets started, it knows no bounds.” — Will Rodgers


  3. Does anyone know what the death toll is so far? The irony of this situation is the fact that America is hated by the world with a burning passion, but in times of death and destruction, take notice of who they call on. I guess there are no anti-Americans in fox holes.


  4. Keith says:

    how about the people of these countries stop eating Bush Meat near-raw, even after we tell them that they can get Ebola from it, and they respond “we don’t care, it’s our tradition”? how about that?
    I feel nothing for the man who refuses to help himself.


  5. feedscrn says:

    Question- why is it that blacks all over the world are not rallying and going to Africa to help? I should be hearing Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who are supposedly so keen on blacks suffering and black cultural issues, saying “we need to support our motherland, and the people of our motherland!” I should be seeing a flood of black doctors and nurses going to Africa to help in a time of crisis. Why is it that only whites are the ones from America that are forced to deal with it? And “everybody else” sits back and watches” They can/should be helping financially at least.


  6. feedscrn says:

    from article: “Easy or hard, it is time for America to blaze a path out of this valley of death.”

    So America should just send a bunch of top doctors and a medical staff down there to try to help. What happens if they come back with Ebola? Who pays for that? What if that Ebola spreads in the US? Not worth the risk, IMO. There is a lot of entrenched superstition and mistrust of westerners there. This is one reason that it spread so much already… the westerners were not as effective as they wanted to be. Sending more will just increase the chances that one will return with Ebola and start to pass it around unwittingly.

    America IS Helping by having labs that are trying to develop a cure now. That is their part.

    Also, AFAIK, America is not that rich like it used to be. Possibly other countries are at this point- who are closer to the problem anyways. Maybe they should step in instead.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dennis E. says:

    Planned event…………..Terrible, just terrible…….


    • lindeelou says:

      Dennis… we are responsible. There is no “they”. It’s up to us…. there is no “them”.

      Let’s do well for a change 🙂


  8. jim says:

    And nobody seems to care because it hasn’t quite yet shown up in their own backyard but when it does watch out then everyone will be screaming for the gov’t to do something., and they will that’s what all those camps are for that you used to read about. Have a good day or at least try to


  9. niebo says:

    “In Liberia, the rate of new infections has probably already moved from a linear to an exponential curve.”

    But, hey, it’s Friday. FRIDAY!!! And football season has started. You guys see that Packers/Seahawks game? Don’t forget Joan Rivers, and OMG i just read the funniest tweet ever, #isanybodypayingattentiontothepestilence. . . .


  10. aVoiceInTheWilderness says:

    This is the way the world ends.
    This is the way the world ends.
    This is the way the world ends.
    Not with a bang but with a whimper.

    This Ebola outbreak reminds me of the book/movie :The Stand”.

    Flu Buddy!


  11. stevesmitty79 says:

    Ebola, like so many other “life as we know it” ending events is a tool of fear and evil waiting to be utilized as just the right moment to further the cause of Antichrist. We also have tools. Among them are faith, prayer, trust, grace, mercy and hope. The tools of God are sufficient to ward off the efforts of this world to separate us from Him. The question is whether we are able to sufficiently wield them with purpose and effect. Remember that no weapon formed against us will prosper…if we stand our ground in faith, trusting God according to His word. As Messiah said, be it unto you according to your faith, let that faith be steadfast and confident in the promise of God that He will never leave nor forsake us. Let that faith be the blessings, provision and protection that will keep us in the time of trial coming upon this world.


    • lindeelou says:

      The anti-love tools have been used for a looong time and ooooonly by ourrrr human race. Go figure!!

      n.b. d’ ya hear ’bout the kkkkk kardashians?!!


    • lindeelou says:

      The anti-love tools have been used for a looong time and ooooonly by ourrrr human race. Go figure!!

      n.b. d’ ya hear ’bout the kkkkk kardashians?!!


  12. G. Kent says:

    Can you just imagine what these people are thinking watching this guy in a hazmat suit spraying this dead body? Oh my gosh.


  13. Andre says:

    When a child, always precocious at understanding what adults were discussing, I listened as an uncle’s friend who flew for “Air America” told of his adventures in Africa. He spoke of a rich land that had a useless population. He had watched Belgian mercs being massacred by “mau-maus” when their ammo ran out, and said the U.S. should drop The Bomb and get rid of the Blacks. The AIDS bomb was invented for that purpose under Kissinger’s direction, but worked too slowly. Ebola is being engineered to complete the job. A population weakened by AIDS is helpless against Ebola. Notice how the outbreaks are in strategic or resource-rich regions. I would imagine oil-rich Nigeria will be completely depopulated. Kenya with it’s rich farmland will follow.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. maranatha says:

    WHO is responsible for DEPOPULATION. they created thi in a lab, and that is why its being deliberately allowed to spread. the average joe’s inability to grasp this will ensure that WHO pays no price and suffers zero consequence for this designed ELE being unleashed.


  15. Elaine says:

    Are they nuts?! You don’t fly more people into the region to get infected then bring it back home with them to infect others! Africa is just going to have to deal with this themselves!!! This is too deadly to mess with!!!!! Common Sense…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Logan Gonzurk says:

    I think that while of course very life is valuable, and this disease is certainly scary in that it kills so quickly…to say it could “destroy large portions of the continent” is, I believe, both inaccurate and sensational. In fact, the reality that it kills so quickly is exactly what makes it unlikely to be a world-wide (or continent-wide) pandemic..because it has no time to spread. Anyhow, here’s an article which I thought did a good job of telling why the overreaction to ebola does more harm than good: http://adf.ly/rnaXr .


  17. val says:

    How sad that loved ones have to be disposed of in this manner


    • lindeelou says:

      I donno… I feel if ‘we’ were actually “loved ones” ‘we’ would be doing ‘us’ a whole darn better. (If not to say ‘different’)


  18. katnea says:

    I hope that by now the majority of adults around the world understand that the Ebola virus is only but ONE of the created “designer” viruses created to snuff out the majority of humankind. I guess that when all the Elites, (aka Cockroaches) start heading down into their D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Military Bunkers) while the rest of us, (who’ve they labeled us as nothing but useless fodder) will then know that our time has run out and that we are next in line to be exterminated just as they had planned all along.

    However, on the other hand, even if the so-called Elites had created their so-called antidote for this virus, it still may not end up working out for them afteral? I mean this virus is *mutating* like crazy, so therefore, yeah never know…eh?

    BTW- It is for this very same ongoing *mutation* reason that I myself have refused to receive a yearly Government made Flu vaccination as well. Time and time again I’ve read that receiving a yearly Flu injection is nothing but a multi billion dollar campaign created to offer the person false hope? And that actually injecting small children under the age of 5 years, *may* even cause more overall problems for them as well? Again, I’m *NO* doctor and so its *always* up to the parent to decide what is best for their children in the end! All I’m saying is to just use some caution, and to always, ALWAYS FULLY RESEARCH the so-called good, the bad, and the ugly, behind any drug that you’ve been oh so encouraged to inject into your body once a year …eh? = /

    Lastly, I myself will continue to light a candle for all the fallen victims of this horrific disease, as well as for their grief stricken family members…. (sigh)


    • aaronwt says:

      If the “Ebola virus is only but ONE of the created “designer” viruses created to snuff out the majority of humankind.” They did not do a very good job with it. SInce it isn’t airborne it doesn’t spread that quickly. Thousands of deaths is certainly terrible, but nothing like the millions of deaths from plagues that have happened in the past.


      • airdebster says:

        Actually scientists from Canada stated early that the virus is airborne. Also a virologist in Africa has stated the incubation period is not 7-8 days but up to 21 days. He also agreed the virus is airborne. My question is we had 2 people directly infected who were cured and allowed to go home. So if there was a cure for them why is it not being sent to Africa to cure others? Is there a cure or just propaganda and those folbs are dead and hushed by our government? Now another man from there has been brought back home here. Will he get cured too? Get your gloves, masks and suits. Plastic and lots of duck tape. We are going to need it.


      • Dennis E. says:

        Could it be a culture designer viral weapon?


      • I’ve also heard that it’s possibly airborne. There is a Dr. that contracted it and he didn’t even treat Ebola patients. Also there was a study where several Ebola infected monkeys were put in the same room as several that were not infected, but they were not allowed contact with each other, and the ones that were not infected came down with it. So, I dunno.


      • katnea says:

        As far as I know *all* viruses mutate? Therefore aaronwt, the Ebola virus could very well end up becoming airborne? (if its not already?!) Even now the “CIDRAP” suggest respirators are in order for all Ebola healthcare workers due to its possible airborne transmissibility!

        And what of the worldwide “Fruit Bat” migrators which are also believed to be carriers of this virus?!
        I mean in a way couldn’t their flying method alone be considered as a type of airborne transmission vassal as well? Yes indeed and as far as I’m concerned, this Ebola virus could very well end up being the plague of 2014!

        Oh and btw aaronwt, I care not about the “speed” transmissibility factor of this ever deadly mutating virus either. I say this because I’ve a hunch that any type of cure and/or antidote wont ever be offered to anyone living topside. So yeah, one way or another, (be it fast or slow) ‘they’ will accomplish their goal of snuffing the majority of humankind… OUT! = /


  19. niebo says:

    While I am at a loss for words (which, like, NEVER happens), these experts, doctors, scientists, are not:


    Liked by 1 person

  20. niebo says:

    Sorry, Alvin, I meant to post the “loss for words” comment under the previous story, but I had multiple windows open and . . . er . . . at work, we drank all afternoon, cuz it’s Friday. 🙂


  21. Charlie says:

    Quarantine the people off and restrict their movements. No more touching of the dead. Yes, we are “violating” human rights and the “right” for them to practice their culture on the dead, but this about keeping people alive for the time being, as we don’t have the proper cures for it yet.

    And stop sending our boys over there and saying how “miraculous” it is when they survive. It’s because of sanitation they can live.


    • jim says:

      Don’t let them fool you we have the cure we’ve had it since they invented it. Do you think the gov’t would turn something like this loose unless they could cure themselves. We could just send a couple of Africans to join ISIS and that would end a lot of problems then we could just go back to famine, and other bad things, but wait if it kills everyone just think no more famine or other diseases. Get it through your heads the Gov’t doesn’t want to help. What’s Russia doing to help anyways


  22. Cydnie says:

    I agree, it is a tool of fear utilized by TPTB. I keep reading these articles and noticing they usually have some sort of underlying theme…A global catastrophe headline followed by the details of how we are dealing with it has failed and the need for a global governance or an “organized international” response.

    The reason: conditioning the world for totalitarian control and false messianic government to save us all from life itself. And the world will be one…one big happy plantation in service to those who are wiser than ourselves, who promise, in exchange for our slavery, prompt action in response to global issues of our modern culture.


  23. Arlene says:

    I pray daily for all those who are trying to help and for the Ebola victims and their families.You all make great sense .
    I am wondering how does this issue affect you in your daily life? For me I eat more (I know I shouldnt),I pray more and I ordered disposable gowns and show coverings and will make another stop at Bjs -I just checked our stored inventory. We will make a donation to Red Cross and Catholic relief services .I am researching Ebola .
    If Ebola hits hard here I dont believe a safe room will really help because people can be contagious 21 days before one knows one is sick. In our area the Coxsackie virus has been rampant
    in schools and work places.(I got it from my grand children- its called Fifths disease in adults I fought it with an herb called Astragalus and it worked well. Arlene


  24. Sunflower says:

    I am completely shocked by some of the comments made. Keith’s comment is just one example in how everyone’s ignorance on the subject is just mind blowing. I would like to remind everyone to put your self in their shoes. Think about what it would be like to have your town guarded by men in guns while dead bodies are piling up in the streets. How scared and alone you would feel when your loved one is dying and there is no one to help. At first I was a bit startled to see how some commenters actually think, but I guess it is good to see how people stand on the matter. When this hits the big cities all the folks with these closed minded thoughts are the people I fear more than Ebola.


  25. Marrissa_Bk says:

    Lets see who will be there to support the countries that now have negative remarks about African countries and Ebola. Just because its not in your country yet, doesnt mean you dont have to NOT give a sh*t. And if you dont, keep your comments to yourself.


  26. Aeon Phlo says:

    I would agree that this is serious, but it did not come from Nature.. It is a man made disease.


  27. smithj628 says:

    Glad to hear yesterday that Bill Gates is giving $50 million to help in the Ebola fight.


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