Canada pulling Ebola lab team from Sierra Leone – WHO pulls team after 2nd worker contracts virus

Ebola crisis
August 2014AFRICA – Canada is evacuating a three-member mobile laboratory team from Sierra Leone after people in their hotel were diagnosed with Ebola. The World Health Organization earlier announced it is pulling a team out of the country. The Public Agency of Canada said in a statement late Tuesday none of the team members had any direct contact with the sick individuals and they are not showing any signs of illness. They will remain in voluntary isolation and be monitored closely. The laboratory team was helping to control the outbreak there by helping health care workers diagnose and rule out infections. The agency did not say what city the team was in. Canada said it will send in another team once it is deemed safe.
Canada has been rotating three teams of scientists in out and out of West Africa. The World Health Organization said earlier Tuesday is pulling out its team from the eastern Sierra Leonean city of Kailahun, where an epidemiologist working with the organization was recently infected. The current outbreak has killed at least 120 healthcare workers. Daniel Kertesz, the organization’s representative in the country, said that the team was exhausted and that the added stress of a colleague getting sick could increase the risk of mistakes. The disease has overwhelmed the already shaky health systems in some of the world’s poorest countries. The outbreak has killed more than 1,400 people in West Africa. There is no proven treatment for Ebola, so health workers primarily focus on isolating the sick. According to WHO, the Ebola outbreak has killed more than half of the more than 2,600 people sickened. The U.N. agency said an unprecedented 240 health care workers have been infected. –Jakarta Post
WHO Ebola worker to be flown to Germany: A second World Health Organization (WHO) staff member has been infected with Ebola in West Africa and will be evacuated to Germany, health officials said Wednesday. The announcement comes a day after the WHO shut a laboratory in Sierra Leone, after a Senegalese epidemiologist was infected with the deadly virus. The unnamed WHO worker will be treated in a university hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf, hospital spokesman Rico Schmidt told dpa. The patient was expected to land in the northern city of Hamburg Wednesday and be transferred to the hospital in an isolated emergency vehicle. It was unclear in which West African country the WHO worker had been infected with the virus. The Ebola death toll across West Africa had risen to 1,427 by August23, according to the WHO, with a total of 2,615 suspected or confirmed cases in the region. Ebola causes massive hemorrhaging and has a fatality rate of up to 90%. The disease is transmitted through contact with blood and other bodily fluids. –The Nation
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18 Responses to Canada pulling Ebola lab team from Sierra Leone – WHO pulls team after 2nd worker contracts virus

  1. dkoolgeek says:

    Yup, I do think that Ebola is out of control — and also airborne…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Indeed, It has been weaponized by the UN in order for them to accomplish their depopulation program as described in their Agenda 21.


    • nanoduck says:

      Of course, it is. CDC and WHO won’t admit it, but it is possible to get infected via air in close proximity without any contact. All viruses are capable of being transmitted via air, it jdepends on the infective dose and the person’s immune system. If they are not so worried about it being spread via air, then ask why are they wearing masks and biohaz suits?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Alexandra says:

    Just a thought.
    Sometimes there are “Naval Exercises” in the Oceans. Are they doing experiments with biological organisms (modified/engineered = scarrrrryyyyyyyyyyy)? Wondering what caused the current outbreak???
    This came to my mind reading the “Cobra Event” (“Hot Zone” is on my list also).
    Nobody has pinpointed what and where it started, right (or did I miss that)? Health workers usually are on their toes to figure that out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Alexandra says:

      HE is the author of our lives and ultimately has the last word!
      HIS word is very encouraging in wake of the discouragements in the world.

      “For it is HE who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence.
      He will cover you with His pinions (wings),
      And under His wings you may seek refuge;
      His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.
      You will not be afraid of the terror by night,
      Or of the arrow that flies by day;
      Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
      Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
      A thousand may fall at your side
      And ten thousand at your right hand,
      But it shall not approach you.”

      Psalm 91:3-7


    • Looks like the perfect storm for something extremely ominous

      November 16, 2001: Dead microbiologist: Dr. Don Wiley, 57, disappears during a business trip to Memphis, Tennessee. He had just bought tickets to take his son to Graceland the following day. Police found his rental car on a bridge outside Memphis. His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Forensic experts said he may have had a dizzy spell and fallen off the bridge. Police will only say, “We began this investigation as a missing person investigation. From there it went to a more criminal bent.” “Wiley was seen as one of the world’s leading researchers of deadly viruses, including HIV and the Ebola virus.” Wiley worked at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard University, and was an expert on the immune system’s response to viral attacks. He was widely regarded as the nation’s foremost expert in using special X-ray cameras and mathematical formulas to make high-resolution images of viruses.

      November 2, 2004: John R. La Montagne
      –Expertise: Head of US Infectious Diseases unit under Tommie Thompson. Was NIAID Deputy Director. –Circumstance of Death: Died while in Mexico, no cause stated.

      April 18, 2005: Douglas Passaro, 43
      –Expertise: He was an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and had been an outbreak investigator with the Epidemic Intelligence Service for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before completing an Infectious Diseases Fellowship at Stanford University in 2001. –Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly at his Oak Park home.

      June 7, 2005: Leonid Strachunsky (age unknown)
      –Expertise: World Health Organization expert and director of the Anti-Microbe Therapy Research Institute who specialized in creating microbes resistant to biological weapons, to the hepatitis outbreak.

      –Circumstance of Death: He was found dead in his hotel room in Moscow, where he came from Smolensk en route to the United States. He had been hit on the head with a champagne bottle, and some of his possessions were missing.

      Not suggesting any conspiracies, just saying with the loss of these scientists, and the loss of virologists, doctors, and healthcare workers in the current outbreak – we’re in deep trouble.×594709

      Liked by 2 people

  3. bob says:

    I would like to correct the language. Government parasites can never be called workers, leaches, yes but workers or productive to the economy never. And 2. what are these treatments, if any, are they trying? the normal people are never informed of what quackery is being tried.


  4. Alexandra says:

    Please read “The demon in the freezer” (Richard Preston). Different agencies from different nations were on their toes to deal with a Small Pox outbreak (they figured it out who had it first, how it went from that person to others, they got the acts together to take the Pox out). A lot of info in that book and the others from him concerning viruses (Hot Zone, The Cobra Event, etc.). With our technology and the “brains” out there we should get this outbreak under control (if knowledgeable people are not killed off). I am certain that there are “beings” (spiritual, physical, you name it) that don’t want this under control (and not only this) – they are working on so many levels.
    Fear is not of God and we are not leaving this Earth until God says so!


  5. aaronwt says:

    If the Ebola Virus was truly airborn, it would spread through the entire world extremely quickly.


  6. DJ says:

    Like you said, “We’re in deep trouble.”
    CDC Employee Exposed to Ebola
    (CNN) — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring the health of one of its staff members after they were exposed to an international health worker in West Africa who tested positive for ebola.

    According to the CDC, the staff member returned to the U.S. on a charter flight, as scheduled, from their assignment.

    The CDC says the employee was in close proximity to the ill person, but had “low-risk contact” and is reported to be healthy and has no symptoms.
    The staff member won’t be quarantined, but will be monitored for 21 days


  7. I’ll let you deal with the conspiracy – let me deal with the science.


    • Judy Clarke says:

      I sincerely hope the three Canadians being evacuated are going into a confined quarantine station for one month before they are allowed on any public aircraft or visiting family or mixing with anyone. You have to be joking if you think removing them or taking them back to their own country is beneficial UNLESS: The is a cure, that USA are only giving it to helpers or UK, USA, Canadian, Aust. workers/visitors. In other words this is genocide. NO BODY SHOULD BE TAKEN FROM THE PLACE WHERE THEY ARE, THIS IS HOW ITS SPREAD AND ALL AIRLINES SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN LOCKDOWN 3 WEEKS AGO with no one arriving OR DEPARTING. Yes its out of control and yes, its going to go into PANDEMIC proportions, because no one knows how to handle a crisis like this. They are working it out as they are going, I would strongly recommend you consult the movie producers, they know more than the medicos.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Seams to me that Ebola is a weapon of mass destruction, a manmade agent of biological warfare. The US CDC does have the cure and I can prove it:


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