Fears of new Ebola infections rise, as clinic looted in Liberia’s largest slum – 29 Ebola patients fled, carrying infection

August 2014AFRICA – Armed men attacked an Ebola isolation ward in the Liberian capital Monrovia overnight, prompting 29 patients to flee the facility, witnesses said Sunday. “They broke down the doors and looted the place. The patients all fled,” said Rebecca Wesseh, who witnessed the attack and whose report was confirmed by residents and the head of Health Workers Association of Liberian, George Williams. –Standard Media
All between the houses you could see people fleeing with items looted from the patients,” the official said, adding that he now feared “the whole of West Point will be infected.” Some of the looted items were visibly stained with blood, vomit and excrement, said Richard Kieh, who lives in the area. The incident creates a new challenge for Liberian health officials who were already struggling to contain the outbreak. Liberian police restored order to the West Point neighborhood Sunday. Sitting on land between the Montserrado River and the Atlantic Ocean, West Point is home to at least 50,000 people, according to a 2012 survey. Distrust of government runs high in West Point, with rumors regularly circulating that the government plans to clear the slum out entirely. Though there had been talk of putting West Point under quarantine should Ebola break out there, assistant health minister Nyenswah said Sunday no such step has been taken. “West Point is not yet quarantined as being reported,” he said. Ebola has killed 1,145 people in West Africa, including 413 in Liberia, according to the World Health Organization. Other countries across Africa are grappling to prevent Ebola’s spread with travel restrictions, suspensions of airline flights, public health messages and quarantines. Nigeria appears to be making progress in containing the disease. The country has 12 confirmed cases of Ebola, all of which stem from direct contact with the Liberian-American man who flew to Nigeria late last month while ill. He infected several health workers before dying. Since then three others have died in Nigeria from Ebola, according to figures released over the weekend. –My Health
Nigerian woman dies in UAE with Ebola-like symptoms: A 35-year-old Nigerian woman, travelling from Nigeria to India for cancer treatment, has died in the UAE after showing symptoms similar to those of deadly Ebola virus, health authorities said here Sunday. During her transit phase at Abu Dhabi international airport, the patient’s health deteriorated and despite prompt medical assistance she could not be successfully resuscitated, Xinhua quoted the health authorities as saying in a WAM report. The woman showed signs “that may be consistent with Ebola virus infection,” although her existing medical condition provided an adequate medical explanation, it added. All contacts of the patient, including her husband who was the only person sitting next to her on the plane and five medical professionals who treated her, are in isolation pending the result of Ebola testing on the patient.
Those people are, as of now, all well and have showed no symptoms, the authority said. The ministry’s statement comes amid a growing international scare as the Ebola outbreak continues to spread following a slow response from the international community to aid affected West African countries. Earlier this month, Dubai’s state-owned carrier Emirates Airline, the biggest airline in the Middle East, cancelled flights to Guinea amid Ebola concerns until further notice. –Business Standard
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16 Responses to Fears of new Ebola infections rise, as clinic looted in Liberia’s largest slum – 29 Ebola patients fled, carrying infection

  1. Ted says:

    I have been doing radio updates on the Ebola situation.
    All of your news is accurate and up to date.
    Excellent work.
    Ted at healthmasters.com


  2. lindeelou says:

    holy moly!


  3. wwlee4411 says:

    It’s going to get worse.


  4. Judy Clarke says:

    Of course the area will be infected, the entire country will be infected, because each individual, because he may feel well, could potentially infect over 200 people per day. As I said several weeks ago: PUT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF AFRICA IN ABSOLUTE LOCK DOWN. It will be a world wide PANDEMIC very shortly because the stupid, ignorant, greedy, fearful authorities over there and world wide wont stop sending planes in and out. Im telling you now IT WILL SPREAD, because man is a fool. What is needed is someone who has balls, brains and gumption to do what should have been done 3 weeks ago. AND STOP BURYING the victims of EBOLA, they must be incinerated – all traces of this virus in and on bodies must be burned, NEVER buried. ACT today or it will be world wide and there will be nothing anyone can do, it is in fact out of control now, so close Africa off: NO ONE IN OR OUT.


    • Dee Rohe says:

      Valid points – but Africa is a continent, not a country. There are many countries in Africa.


    • Bone Idle says:

      Africa is not a country – it’s a continent. There are lots of individual countries on that continent. There will probably a need to isolate entire countries on that continent.
      The continent of Africa is 4 times larger in area than the lower 48.

      In the context of things Ebola is currently low in the pecking order. Aids kills over a million Africans per year. So far Ebola has killed around 1300 (officially – probably 4 times that number in reality). The Ebola virus will probably peter out in around 6 months – causing some havoc while prevalent. AIDs is here to stay.

      If Ebola gets to the west it will be quarantined.
      AIDs was not quarantined in it’s early days because of political manipulation by those who it affected. It could have been nipped in the bud in San Francisco in it’s earliest period.


    • Keryn says:

      I’m sorry, ‘Country of Africa?’ It’s a continent with multiple countries. But then again this does show the ignorant view, to let us burn (I am african). Although I agree that quarantine is a good measure for stopping the spread of the disease, I think education and shattering of misconceptions, as they are doing using Ebola survivors to break through stigmas of the medical care and hospitalizations in the countries is far more effective then Locking up scared, hungry and already traumatized victims. Is the looting wrong? Yes! Is letting infected people out into the public to spread the disease wrong? Yes! But there are mothers, children, fathers, sisters, brothers, families in the area, and my heart goes out to them.


    • lindeelou says:

      Havent we known de-population would happen at some point? Maybe we ve reached that point.


      • Bone Idle says:

        At different times during human existence, various “plagues” have wiped out up to a third of the world’s population. Won’t be any different when the next one comes around.


  5. Dennis E. says:

    And doesn’t this make you wonder…………..

    On the other hand, was this raid out of panic/fear? Even so, it has made the situation worst


  6. Coyote Hermano says:

    madmen crazy out-of-control madmen can’t they see what this place they attacked is?


  7. stevenj says:

    The culling has begun. No continent will be untouched. Do what you can now to prepare – If you believe it will be controlled, you are a fool. This is only the beginning of the Tribulation and it will get much, much worse. Pray, pray and pray for the many souls that will be lost.


  8. Kathleen Fischer says:

    After hearing stories about the people infected hiding from authorities and hiding infected persons, this makes me wonder if the men who looted the place were getting supplies to take care of these people. They have already been exposed so they probably didn’t feel like they were taking any risks.


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