Fighting Ebola is ‘like trying to change a tire in a hurricane’

August 2014AFRICA – West Africa is grappling with one of the world’s most fearsome and elusive adversaries: the Ebola virus. So far, the World Health Organization tallies more than 700 dead, mostly in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. That includes dozens of local health workers and the top Ebola doctors in Sierra Leone and Liberia. WHO chief Margaret Chan said Friday that the epidemic is out of control. Ebola, transmitted by contact with an infected person’s blood or other fluids, makes those eight excruciating days of high fever, diarrhea and often profuse bleeding from body orifices and even the skin’s pores. “The virus attacks the body’s soft tissues — a process some doctors describe, bluntly, as like watching a patient ‘dissolve,” Tribune correspondent Paul Salopek reported during a 2000 outbreak. There is no cure. No effective treatment. No vaccine. The rest of the world, a plane ride or two away, shudders. As with previous outbreaks, the virus shows no mercy. Ebola kills up to 90 percent of its victims with astonishing swiftness. The average time from start of symptoms to death is just eight days.
“What’s going on is unprecedented,” Thomas Hope, a virologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, tells us. “Usually these things last two or three weeks and then get isolated.” Not this time. And, Hope says, usually the virus grows less lethal as it passes from person to person, so people get less and less sick from it. Not this time. “That is more than a little unnerving to me as a virologist because it suggests that maybe this strain is a little different or has adapted in a different way to cause disease in humans.” Infectious disease expert Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota tells us that this strain of Ebola isn’t likely to be much different than others, but that international public health and local government officials “were slow to understand how fast the virus was spreading.” That’s why doctors and other health professionals are struggling to contain the disease. “This is like trying to change a tire in a hurricane,” he says.
Ebola staged its first devastating appearance in simultaneous 1976 outbreaks in Sudan and in a Congo village near the Ebola River, from which the virus took its name. It confounded scientists at first because it strikes swiftly and retreats. Researchers collected tens of thousands of tropical plants, animals and insects, including bedbugs, mosquitoes and rats, searching for the virus’ carrier or “reservoir.” In this case, researchers believe bats were the carriers: People eat the bats, or possibly eat food that was contaminated by saliva, urine or feces from a bat. A fearsome disease quarantined far, far away? Maybe not for long. Consider the case of Patrick Sawyer, a naturalized U.S. citizen who worked in Liberia and was supposed to fly to Minneapolis in mid-August to celebrate birthdays for two of his three young daughters, as Michael Daly reports in The Daily Beast. Sawyer had been tending a sick sister in Liberia and had not known she had contracted Ebola until after she died. Sawyer grew ill while on a July 20 business flight. He collapsed at the Lagos, Nigeria, airport and died July 25. Sawyer’s wife told Daly, “I never thought Ebola would break down my front door, and that’s what it did.” Emory University Hospital officials in Georgia said they will treat an Ebola-infected American humanitarian workers airlifted from Africa to the U.S. The hospital played down risks, saying “physicians, nurses and staff are highly trained in the specific and unique protocols and procedures necessary to treat and care for this type of patient.” Yet the stealth and fierce resolve of viruses is an awesome and frightening natural wonder. Just as awesome: the courage of health professionals who don the medical equivalent of hazmat suits to treat patients, knowing they still may put their lives at grave risk. Merely touching an infected person’s skin is perilous. –Chicago Tribune
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12 Responses to Fighting Ebola is ‘like trying to change a tire in a hurricane’

  1. Laura Lee says:

    First, reports indicate Ebola is airborne. (This info is not being released.) Second, Ebola kills by depleting body’s store of Vitamin C. Brings Vitamin C level to “zero” and breaks down the body after Vitamin C level is “zero”. Acts as a “turbo’d scurvy”. Liposomal Vitamin C will replace body’s store of Vitamin C. Fastest absorption into cells. Issue with vomiting. Greater ease of treatment taken orally – best absorption into cells. Also, affordable. Can be made at home and kept on hand. IV megadose of Vitamin C can treat. However, American hospitals will not give this treatment “without a fight”… and a person could “die in the meantime” even if you take to court to fight for the treatment. Oil of Oregano kills MRSA and is best for virus, bacteria, parasite, etc. These are two things to try… and some say colloidal silver… etc. Basically, when the NWO system doctors say “no cure”… that means they have no treatment plan. Have to discover your own. Replenishing Vitamin C will keep a person from bodily breaking down and bleeding out as body fights virus. So, the goal would be to find a way to stop Ebola from emptying Vitamin C from the body forcing disintegration and bleedout of body.


  2. Dennis E. says:

    I have been reading certain internet reports that some infected people have crossed the us southern border according to border patrol whistle blower reports…Unconfirmed.

    If this virus gets loose; I know for years people have posted pictures of casket liners in fields in the southern usa, ie: Georgia, Alabama. Anyway, there could be so many that the burial option could go out the window and the bodies of the dead incinerated…….Sounds cold, indifferent? No, the people who would like to see a massive human depopulation are cold and indifferent.

    Each person should read and become knowledge about this virus, how to avoid it and it can be avoided. Listen with what is going on in the world, we are falling into chaos. When Former Sec. of State Alright says the world is in a mess, then we are in trouble. We need to prepare.

    Suppose your or my city are quarantined from the virus or another? Cannot go out for a week or more? Don’t take this lightly…………….I would focus on face mask eye protection, latex gloves, beach, disposal aprons.

    Just my opinion…………… We are living in perilous times……..


  3. I really think they should close the highways and road they use to transport these people, or a the very least have a rolling road block.


  4. Aeon Phlo says:

    ITs really silly that we are treating this like we are .. Why didnt people freak out when Malaria took out 100’s of thousands last year. Look Ebola is a fragile Virus. It can not survive in most conditions and can be contained with quarantine and protection.. Areas where the infected are must use 100% cleaning standards and remain sterile. The virus itself does not survive under direct sunlight, bleach, detergent or other uv type rays.
    Again its super fragile and can only be transfered through fluid exchange.

    Yes it has killed 700 but it is by no means something that we should be as worrried as we are about. Honestly… I would send letters to tightened down where it is. NO One should be allowed to fly out to other countries. LIKE the guy that landed in our state Maine yesterday, granted he did not get off the plane but really if your worried about something at the level the media currently is.. What is the best course of action?

    Lets get real with Life and how we deal with the things that are popping up in life. Things that are only here to begin because we think we are civilized now.. and have encroached so much on nature with our industrialism that nature is fighting back. We can not win this so why continue act like Arrogant humans who are top of the food change or top species. We have to learn to live in complete Balance

    The company and partners I work with see this trend of humanity and have developed a full spectrum of solutions. Protocols that are not about extinction but about birthing a new Species that co exists with its environment, energy creation and economic plan of action.


  5. niebo says:

    “And, Hope says, usually the virus grows less lethal as it passes from person to person, so people get less and less sick from it. Not this time.”

    From the SUMMARY of a study published in April by the New England Journal of Medicine:

    “This study demonstrates the emergence of a new EBOV strain in Guinea.”

    See page 6 of the study for an enlightening breakdown of catalogued Ebola strains.

    The same study cited by Reuters:

    And Taiwan News:


  6. MarkJS says:

    My belief is that the reason that the medical healthcare people died is because Ebola is airborne. They felt like they were taking “the necessary precautions” to avoid it, but in reality they were ill-equipped for the deadly reality of how it spreads.

    I say this because I heard that the Ebola virus can live on a regular surface for hours before it dies. If it is ALIVE on a surface, whose to say that it cannot live in breath mist/moisture?


  7. Angeles says:

    just take a look at an amendment recently signed by Obama :
    everything is in place …


  8. Doreen Agostino says:

    Are Central Bankers Using The Ebola Scare To Declare Martial Law? – Episode 430


  9. Doreen Agostino says:

    D.breakingthesilence: “they’ve” been trying to weaponize ebola for over 40 years. they can’t do it because the Mayinga strain of ebola (the only known strain to be contagious through aerosol transmission) kills people too quickly for it to work as a broad spread bio weapon. they’ve been playing with the Marlburg/ebola crosses to create a virus with a longer gestational period so that cross infection/contamination will spread farther. but Marlburg cancells out the aerosol transmission factors of the Mayinga strain of ebola, which leaves them with oral/mucous membrane transmission, which isn’t effective as the virus dies very quickly unless it’s in a very hot humid climate (hence the fact that they do their testing in western Africa in jungle climates). Air conditioning kills the virus almost instantly.” Read more at


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