Volcanoes are waking up in the Aleutians: the most activity seen in 26 years

June 2014 ALASKA – Sharply increased seismic activity and volcanic eruptions in the Aleutian Islands and the far western Brooks Range are being investigated by scientists. The Alaska Volcano Observatory says the activity over the past few months is the most seen by the station in 26 years. On the Alaska Volcano Observatory three volcanoes are classified with a yellow alert level—signifying signs of elevated unrest above known background levels—and three are at an orange alert level—heightened unrest with increased likelihood of eruption. Orange is the second-highest alert level after red signifying an eruption that is imminent or underway.
Pavlof Volcano released an ash plum in May that diverted aircraft. The 8,262-foot (2,518-meter) tall volcano erupted sending ash plumes as high as 30,000 feet (9,144 meters). Aircraft were advised to avoid the area since ash could damage airplane engines. With heightened activity from all volcanoes, scientists still don’t have enough information to point to any larger trend or activity. “At this point, you know, we have to say it’s coincidental,” he said in an interview with radio station KTOO News. “It could be that there is a larger process at work, but we’re not able to say what that is at this point in time, or if there is such a process. You know, perhaps the answer is we haven’t been looking long enough to know.” –Mining
This entry was posted in Dormant fault activation, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Environmental Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, Magma Plume activity, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Tectonic plate movement, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Ash, Volcanic Eruption, Volcano unrest, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Volcanoes are waking up in the Aleutians: the most activity seen in 26 years

  1. John says:

    I watched a YouTube video that claimed that the Russians are using a scaler energy weapon to activate volcanoes and also to activate the Yellow Stone caldera volcano.


  2. bobby90247 says:

    Is there really MORE seismic activity going on around the World…today? OR, Are we simply becoming more aware it due to our ability to monitor more places than ever before?
    “IF” indeed there is more activity, then it would almost “seem” as if the Earth were “bumping” into something OR being “hit” by something, causing it to “shake!”


  3. Irene C says:

    This is actually a frightening scenario. I knew it was active but for some reason, I didn’t realize it was this active. Thank you Alvin for bringing this to our attention.


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  5. I look forward to some information on the relevance of this data. Just wondering if this recent activity is a shared event. Can several calderas share the burden of increased pressure in a given area of the region?


  6. william zabel says:

    I noticed that they spoke of a larger process at work? I wonder if these volcanoes are connected to the same magma plumes and they are feeding each other and maybe even the super volcano at Yellowstone?


  7. Tom says:

    Big earthquake in that area today, some scales show 7+ USGS Shows currently at 8.0 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000rki5#summary


  8. JerseyCynic says:

    makes me wonder what the 8.0 EQ in the area a short time ago would have been if these volcanos had not been venting.


  9. Earth is awakening, many volcanoes. Today 6/23/14 and 8.0 quake occurred in the Aleutian Islands. Look for more Alaskan volcanic activity over the next few weeks.


  10. nickk0 says:

    “At this point, you know, we have to say it’s coincidental”.(???)
    I really doubt that. If this is ‘unusual’ activity, there has to be a ‘root cause’.

    At some time in the future, he may look back and realize, that he stumbled upon the truth of the matter, when he made this statement:
    “It could be that there is a larger process at work, but we’re not able to say what that is at this point in time”.


  11. niebo says:

    “It could be that there is a larger process at work, but we’re not able to say what that is at this point in time. . . .”

    “. . . because we do not have clearance to scare the cr*p out of everybody.”


  12. And the big 7.9 earthquake today….Wow.


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