31: Two small eruptions reported at Alaska’s Cleveland’s Volcano

February 2014 ALASKAResearchers detected two small explosions at Cleveland Volcano on Monday afternoon and early Tuesday morning, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory. The first occurred a little after 5 p.m. Monday and the second at 1:35 a.m. Tuesday. The AVO said the explosions were brief, and were detected by infrasound and lightning alarms. A small ash cloud — the presence of which was confirmed by satellite — was estimated to be drifting at an altitude of about 16,000 feet above sea level. “These explosions are typical of eruptive activity of Cleveland over the past few years,” reported AVO. “There may be a heightened chance of additional ash emissions in the coming weeks. Because these explosions were brief and there is no sign of ongoing eruption, Cleveland remains at Volcano Alert Level/Aviation Color Code YELLOW/ADVISORY.” The 5,676-foot peak [3], also known as Mount Cleveland, is in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands and has erupted numerous times in recent years. Its alert level was briefly raised to orange for a week in January, before being lowered to yellow again Jan. 10. –AD
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2 Responses to 31: Two small eruptions reported at Alaska’s Cleveland’s Volcano

  1. Irene C says:

    I just read an interesting article concerning the effect all the recent volcano activity has had on our atmosphere.

    Volcanoes contribute to recent global warming ‘hiatus’


    Volcanic eruptions in the early part of the 21st century have cooled the planet, according to a study led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This cooling partly offset the warming produced by greenhouse gases.

    Despite continuing increases in atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, and in the total heat content of the ocean, global-mean temperatures at the surface of the planet and in the troposphere (the lowest portion of Earth’s atmosphere) have shown relatively little warming since 1998. This so-called ‘slow-down’ or ‘hiatus’ has received considerable scientific, political and popular attention. The volcanic contribution to the ‘slow-down’ is the subject of a new paper appearing in the Feb. 23 edition of the journal Nature Geoscience.

    Volcanic eruptions inject sulfur dioxide gas into the atmosphere. If the eruptions are large enough to add sulfur dioxide to the stratosphere (the atmospheric layer above the troposphere), the gas forms tiny droplets of sulfuric acid, also known as “volcanic aerosols.” These droplets reflect some portion of the incoming sunlight back into space, cooling Earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere…


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