Hollywood earthquake is third to rattle California region in 10 days

February 10, 2014 LOS ANGLES, Ca – A shallow magnitude 3.0 earthquake that was centered near Hollywood and shook parts of the Los Angeles basin Saturday morning was the third temblor to hit the area in the last two weeks. The latest quake occurred at 10:13 a.m. at a depth of 5.0 miles and was felt from the Westside to East L.A., said Anthony Guarino, a seismologist at Caltech. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the epicenter was near the intersection of Melrose and Virgil avenues, on the eastern edge of Hollywood. It was the third magnitude 3.0 or greater quake to hit that area in the last 10 days. “It’s pretty standard for L.A.,” Guarino said. “There are a lot of different faults there.” Clusters of small quakes are common in the Los Angeles basin, and generally don’t signify that the “big one” is coming, Guarino said. Every earthquake has a one in five chance of being a foreshock for a larger quake, he added. The odds of that decline quickly as time goes by. The region remains overdue for a massive quake. The southern section of the San Andreas Fault, which starts near the Salton Sea and runs north to Palmdale, has historically caused a large earthquake every 150 years on average. It has not ruptured since 1680. “There is a very high probability that it will rupture in our lifetime or our children’s lifetime,” Guarino said. “We use these small quakes as a reminder: You need to be prepared with a week’s worth of food and water and have a plan of action,” he said. “Don’t run outside, don’t get in the doorway. Drop, cover and hold on to something.” –LA Times
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11 Responses to Hollywood earthquake is third to rattle California region in 10 days

  1. Loraine Ridge says:

    Could it be from the severe drought ?


  2. Brandon says:

    Hollywood, the head of the entertainment sewer pipe.


  3. Dennis E. says:

    Not calling wolf in this matter because the ground throughout America is shaking.
    It is true that we all have eyes on this part of the country and believe that if any significant
    earth change activity occurs, it will happen here. Not so……………

    It is important, more than ever, that we understand that if a significant earth change event occurs,
    you and I will be on our own and will need to live on what we have up to a month or so.
    If the earth change event is that severe, it may be a long time before grocery stores are restocked and then there could be a ration like in 1973 in the oil embargo where you could only buy gas depending the last number of your license plate. Odd and even days.
    In a time like that, you can expect crimes of violence to rise.

    Just my opinion……..Don’t be afraid, just be aware………


  4. Kara says:

    The reality is most people aren’t prepared. They never expect something catastrophic to happen… especially in the states. There are threats of disease and chaos happening around the world and nobody in America cares. No one my age (25) reads the news. They only care about tv shows or music stars. Our own economy is on life support. and no one cares. what happened to society? we used to care.


    • L.Edwards says:

      That’s the problem with most humans around the world. They believe we’re invincible and that nothing ever is going to happen to us. They’re sorely mistaken.

      The Earth and the universe stops for no species.


  5. Irene C says:

    “Every earthquake has a one in five chance of being a foreshock for a larger quake,” And what’s going to happen if it happens to be that “one”? I wonder how many people are really ready.


  6. Glenn Rice says:

    Don’t run outside??? This sounds like assisted suicide advice.


  7. Scott says:

    How likely are the cities along the Orgeon coast to be devastated? It seems like every major city in Oregon and Washington is right on the fault zones.


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