Three killed in flooding, as heavy rains lash Italy

February 3, 2014ROME An Italian woman watched aghast as her seven-year-old daughter and two other female relatives were swept to their deaths Sunday when an overflowing river in Sicily engulfed their car, media reported. Rain and windstorms have unleashed across the Italian island of Sicily in recent days, leading to swollen rivers and causing widespread flooding. The family members were all traveling in the same small Lancia hatchback before dawn when it was grabbed by the rushing waters in eastern Sicily. The woman and three other occupants made it out and to the safety of the riverbank, but her daughter and two other women remained trapped inside and drowned. Elsewhere on the Italian island, a four-wheel-drive vehicle was also picked up by a raging river, but both occupants were rescued in an operation involving a helicopter. The incidents occurred as Italy suffered a bout of foul weather over the weekend that has unfurled rain and windstorms across the country, making rivers surge and causing widespread flooding. Heavy snowfall in the Italian Alps has disrupted communications and electricity supplies, and resulted in the suspension of some train services with neighboring Austria. The meteorological conditions were expected to last into Tuesday. –Inquirer
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3 Responses to Three killed in flooding, as heavy rains lash Italy

  1. niebo says:

    I can’t decide if it’s funny or sad that they unveiled their “bail-out” first. . . .


    • kennycjr says:

      Least it’s a matter of public record there, who the shareholders of their central bank are. People think you’re crazy here to even suggest the idea of auditing our Fed.


  2. CrissCross says:

    Rome? Britain too? End time prophecies coming true (thru out the world)??? Floods, Volcanoes, Droughts, Quakes, Famines (yet to see), Civil unrests, etc., etc., 😮
    Non-believers, beware? May be…who knows! Who cares! 😉


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