19 Responses to What recovery? U.S. retail stores now in grim death spiral

  1. The government continues to cook the books and lie about unemployment,there are no jobs,more people are out of work and living on the government,and the stock market is a scam being pumped up by the feds,and the media and news gleefully continue to lie about how rosy it is,will the sheep wake up before the crash,I think not and the majority have no idea what is is going to happen,I feel so sad,and angry watching all this unfold and seeing how blind the peole are,our lives will never be the same again and its heartbreaking to watch while no one does anything to try to stop any of it.


  2. Michael Jones says:

    Years ago SEARS window installation department scammed me out of $500. They took my check of $500 promising to not cash it until I approve the job. SEARS change quality of windows and refused to keep their promise to aluminum-wrap them, so I canceled the job, but SEARS windows sales and installation kept my $500 providing me with no refund and they ignored my phone calls. Total scam! Thus now they are dying. In our city SEARS closed down last year. Same will happen to the USA economy if they keep on committing poisoning of all life on Earth with chemical aerosol laden persistent contrails (chemtrails) and committing such horrible criminal acts as the 9/11 Inside Job and Boston Marathon “Bombing”.


  3. Tim says:

    Sears was the biggest retailer in the USA. Anyone here old enough to remember their catalog sales and chain of catalog stores? Well they closed them sometime in the late 70’s to mid 80 if I remember correctly. Just think – if management would have been more visionary to changes that a young new event, known as the Internet would bring, just as they where closing their catalog stores. They had the setup and customer base to have been the Amazon today. Instead, they looked down instead of up and sold/closed their long time gold mine.


  4. Jared w Jarvi says:

    While this has not been slow in the making this may lead into a renaissance for the specialty micro retailers like myself whom offer service and personal integration on only a few key items.

    This has been a direct result of the too big to fail mentality and over expansion of too big of stores with too many products in an effort to dominate every neighborhood they appear in. In the end many small towns with folks buying local will be happy to visit the card shop or the lawn mower store in there neighbor hood because one guy can answer detailed questions and offer a retail relationship of value.

    That is what the Webs & Marts are not designed for.
    Peace to all


  5. Gail says:

    Sears needs to smarten up and stop pushing cheesy fashion lines such as the Kardashian label. More like Kartrashian.


  6. Throughout the civilized (?) world, daily we all observe what is ironically termed ‘progress’ in action. We consumers (always conditioned to seek the latest novelty) deserted our local high street shops and left them shuttered or let to charity shops. Eagerly we all flocked to vast food and/or clothing hypermarkets. Then many of us eagerly ‘progressed’ to the latest, newest novelty; buying everything on-line. Couple this dubious progression with the increasing use of foreign cheap labour and computerised manufacturing, and then surprise, surprise! The civilized world’s unemployment figures soar to even greater numbers. So much for the “Must have it, and must have it now” attitude to daily life. While it lasts enjoy it folks!


  7. Frank Cooper says:

    this economy is divided between the haves and the have nots the middle class is shrinking and corporate america is bulging with worthless paper and the stock market is a collosal casino dont throw your dice much longer the house of cards is going to collapse.


  8. Think Loehman’s!!! oiy.


  9. niebo says:

    In my free-associative state-of-mind, I am reminded of the play-rhyme “Ring around the roses”, which is about the plague; if, into this downward spiral of our economy, we factor in a single epidemic/pandemic outbreak of illness, MERS, SARS, H5N1, H7N9, H1N1 . . . “all fall down”.


  10. lannyboy1 says:

    I live in South Lake Tahoe, CA. There are numerous retail office spaces that have sat vacant for at least three years, since the beginning of 2010. A few new stores have opened, a Big 5 and T. J. Max, and that’s about it. There are numerous open spaces and empty residences in the mobile home park we live, plus many of the places are old and run down. Some new homes have been put in but, very few, perhaps 3 in the last 3 years. Some recovery.


  11. Dennis E. says:

    yes, sooooooo true. There were times a shopper could get great quality of clothing from JC Penney’s. My mother used to fit me for all of my school clothes. For the past 10 years at least, the quality of their clothing line has gone to hell in a hand basket. They are closing the one in the city I live in. Sometimes the shirts look like someone slept in them and nearly all of them are made in China, Vietnam and elsewhere. Sometimes their stuff looks like junk clothes. Hardly anyone in there when I go. The entire corporate management staff should be fired.


  12. Funki Arts says:

    Growth only happens with the right fertilizer.
    The right fertilizer depends on the circumstances, but you can’t squeeze growth out of reducing input….a simplification and not a totally defendable comment as I am not an economist, but just the logic of an amateur gardener…


  13. feywit says:

    These two companies are out of step with target buyers. Clothing is expensive and lacks fashion sense. I have owned at least 6 Sears large appliances which failed completely in the second year. That’s when they lost my vote.


  14. The Dragon says:

    As is often the case involving articles on the Sears and J.C. Penny thing, it ignores a number of social and economic fundamentals that have been changing and undermining those outlet’s business models. First off, Sears and now Penny’s have made a lot of bad bets and business moves that helped trigger their declines. They haven’t been keeping up with the times in terms of styles and modern buying habits, such as the trend towards quality over quantity and getting on board the technological aspects a little too late. They also have the unflattering perception by younger people as “the place where my parents and old people shop.” They also continue to suffer during this so called “record market rally” because all the returns in the stock market have been top heavy. None of that money is being made by the people who tend to shop at those places, it’s trickling upward instead of down, resulting in a “melt up” where the bulk of the population continues to feel financially squeezed and unwilling to shop despite “recovery.” Which means those stores are unable to turn a profit as they have fewer customers, and so, despite record rallies, nobody wants to buy stock in those companies, nor can these companies survive on their stocks alone.


  15. Texas Listening Post says:

    I remember in the 1950’s and 1960’s Sears was the place to shop. The stores seemed to have a large selection and if the store did not have an item the catalogue sales usually did. Sears dropped their catalogue sales saying it was not profitable. I began to lose interest after that decision. The stores phased out more products and became ready to wear clothing stores. New merchants with broader lines of products pushed out the Sears lines. I could see the response to reduced sales was to try to be more efficient making the shopping experience at the store not pleasant. The big question they needed to find out was why are we losing sales to other companies? The famous Sears “Craftsman” tools are just a shadow of what the quality was in the past. If I need a tool Sears is the last place I think about looking. Sears needs to make itself unique with a line of products which would attract people and stop trying to use the faded Sears name to draw people. Maybe the “Old General Store” concept does not work in the age we live in.



  16. Robert says:

    I do almost all my shopping online through retailers like Amazon. Big box stores like Penny’s, Sears, even Best Buy are dinosaurs with lousy business management. Remember the large bookstore chains? In business, as in nature, it is adapt or die. The nimble, creative and innovative survive and thrive.


  17. Connie says:

    I work at a Jcpenny and can tell you first hand that 80% of the store is on clearance. We have not gotten any news that our store will be closing but due to the fact that our stock rooms are empty and hours have been cut to about six hours a week it’s plain to see. No one thought this would happen but its just a sign of the times. All I can say is The Lord Jesus is soon returning. Get ready and stay ready all is set!


  18. Judas Mullah says:

    This is consumer revenge big time for CHEMTRAILS and for so-called PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE.


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