As earthquakes keep rocking North Texas, residents are rattled

November 27, 2013TEXAS – On Tuesday morning, yet another earthquake rocked the small Tarrant County town of Azle. It was the sixth within a week in Tarrant and Parker counties. More than a dozen quakes have rattled North Texas in November. Azle residents are getting nervous and seismologists are trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on. Some point to natural gas drilling that’s happening in the Barnett Shale, a massive geological formation that covers about 20 North Texas counties.  But a geophysicist with the National Earthquake Information Center says more testing is needed to make such a connection. Donna Luce is worried. “I was sitting there watching TV, and my house just shook, and I’ve never felt that before, ever,” she said. “Now, actually, I’m afraid of sinkholes.” Debbie Raub and her husband, Fred, described the big quake with a 3.6 magnitude as “real spooky. Real loud boom, and then it just started shaking the ground under our mobile home,” she said. “Just rocking it. And our dogs, they go totally insane. They know it before it happens.” Each time there’s a quake, their two-bedroom trailer has to be re-leveled. “You just have to get under there, and jack it up in spots, put a level on underneath the trailer, and level it,” Debbie Raub said. “It’s just pulling the ground out beneath our stands.”
Fred Raub, who was born in Azle, says he doesn’t think the quakes are natural. He blames local natural gas drilling. “They say it ain’t what happens, but till then, we didn’t have it,” he said. “You gotta drill about every mile. You just start looking around at all the drills they’re putting down.” Don Blakeman, a geophysicist with the National Earthquake Information Center, says the quakes could be the result of oil and gas production. But he says more testing is needed to know that for sure. ”Obviously, if it is oil and gas production related, they might continue until that activity stops,” he said. “The other possibility is that it’s just a natural swarm, because we do see that sort of thing occurring sometimes in areas where we haven’t had quakes before.” A natural swarm is a series of small quakes. And Blakeman says they aren’t as dangerous as quakes with bigger magnitudes – quakes at 5.0 magnitudes can produce structural damage. In the meantime, in case the ground starts to shake again, Blakeman advises individuals and families to be prepared if a bigger quake strikes North Texas.  Scientists and other experts are reportedly teaming up with the U.S. Geological Survey to collect more data to learn more about why these quakes keep occurring in North Texas. –KERA
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14 Responses to As earthquakes keep rocking North Texas, residents are rattled

  1. says:

    i cant find this on the usgs map for earthquakes why?


  2. bobby90247 says:

    So, the question must be asked, Are these “natural” events OR are they “man-made” due to more “tunneling” for those Deep Underground Bunkers?


  3. Kara Shaver says:

    Very shaky how the planet is acting. no winter birds here?


    • Frankie says:

      Me too they should of arrived by October last year the birds were dropping dead redpolls, pine grosbeak ect. Last winter I watched the birds who would eventually stop flying constantly eating snow then just die


      • bobby90247 says:

        “Radiation” poisoning, my “GUESS!” from the Fukushima reactor!

        The radiation IS in the water, the water evaporates, becomes clouds, and rains all over Canada and North America…FIRST. Not to mention, China and Russia, also! AND, where have ALL the animals been “dying-off” leaving our scientists…”PUZZLED?”

        I guess they NEED TO BE…”ROCKET SCIENTIST’S” huh!


      • Frankie says:

        why does it feel like we are trapped in a mine and the canary is dead


  4. Dennis E. says:

    The main stream media has been boasting lately how in the near future how energy dependent
    the US will be. I am beginning to wonder, at what price?


  5. Irene C says:

    I just love how the “professional” people try to explain away what is going on while the lay people know better. It’s all about $$$$. Just my opinion…


  6. Wesley Thompson says:

    The plains will split and crack apart and the Sea will rush into the deep divide from whence they came- Much will be swallowed and covered over with the elements- gwt


  7. Pusum Solomon says:

    New Brunswick Canada – Micmaq and Maliseet tribes Peace rallying with environmental groups and headline environmental professional taking interest – all this to prevent fracking. We need your support!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP FRACKING – EVIDENCE COMING IN THAT THERE IS NOW DRILLING TEST HOLES THAT BREACHED OUR AQUAFILTER – HELP US. We have tried contacting large native groups such as Seminoles – We need support to save our planet. This is not a Native issue – this is a HUMAN RIGHT TO LIVE IN CLEAN ENVIRONMENT – PROTECT MOTHER EARTH. So much denial – there is now no TIME. Shopping in stores that support human traffic; destroying economy by selling our jobs overseas; what is going on.

    WAKE UP PLEASE … WOLIWON (THANK YOU) – Creator thank you for all the gifts given – I do appreciate all!


    • Jim Gibson says:

      Agree with Pusum Solomon. This is a call to all Earth! Stop hurting Mother Earth and start helping Her heal. We as a species will not survive long at our present rate of deterioration. To all Indigenous people “Idle No More” lets take control of what was ours and try to help repair the damage. We are all one with nature. Live with her without recourse! Continue to take and perish!


  8. Laurel Hutch says:

    Ohio’s surprising set of Earthquakes were documented to have come from Fracking. The Fracking stopped and they stopped.

    Texas Oil Companies pumped oil out for years, Now they’re weakening the bedrock with Fracking. Add in a drought, and add emptying the Aquifer for more Fracking: Voila! Earthquakes.

    Oklahoma has plenty of Earthquakes now too. Same reasons.

    Wake up … the ONLY ones profiting from destroying our ecosystem are the OIL COMPANIES and the politicians in bed with them.


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