Earthquake swarm reported at another Alaskan volcano

August 17, 2013 ALASKA – Seismic unrest is being reported at another Alaskan volcano. Tanaga is a 5,924-foot (1,806 m) stratovolcano located in the remote Aleutian Range of the U.S. state of Alaska. There have been three known eruptions since 1763. The most recent was in 1914 and produced lava flows. According to the Earthquake Report, a swarm of seven earthquakes have struck near the volcano in the last 24 hours- the strongest of which was a 4.7 magnitude. This may suggest magma intrusion under the volcano.
Number 69: Iceland A small phreatic eruption seems to have taken place yesterday at the ice-covered Kverkfjoell central volcano. The steam-driven (no fresh magma involved) explosion followed a small glacial flood on 15 August the Kverkjökull glacier released into the Volga river and was probably a result of the pressure release during the flood. –Volcano Discovery
Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka): A new eruption began at 06:30 UTC on 15 August, KVERT reports. Accompanied by strong tremor, strombolian activity has been taking place in the summit crater. Incandescence at the summit of the volcano’s summit were observed at night and a gas-steam plume containing small amounts of ash rose up to 18,000 ft (5.5 km) a.s.l. and drifted to the north-east of the volcano on August 16. Satellite data showed a big and bright thermal anomaly over the volcano on August 15-17. –Volcano Discovery
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, Glacial fracture, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors, Subglacial flood event, Time - Event Acceleration, Volcanic Eruption, Volcano unrest. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Earthquake swarm reported at another Alaskan volcano

  1. Steven J. says:

    Looks like Sakurajima in Japan finally erupted a few hours ago – lots of ash and some lava flow…


    • A very violent eruption. We know the day is coming when many of Japan’s numerous volcanoes will become increasingly more agitated by changes occurring to the natural underlying geology. This could only be a foretaste of what’s to come.


  2. Wiseguy says:

    Can’t believe they live so close from that volcano. Human nature will never cease to impress me, waiting for a major eruption to react. Alvin, I think half of the planet is flooding right now, pretty insane… God warned those japanese but they don’t listen… sad…


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