Freak hailstorms dump tons of ice on New Mexico and Alberta, Canada

July 6, 2013NEW MEXICO A storm dumped inches of hail on Santa Rosa Wednesday evening leaving a lot of ice and damage in its wake. The storm, which moved in from San Miguel County, lasted for about an hour. Thursday morning, Santa Rosa still looked like a winter wonderland from the air. Ice blanketed the streets, parks and rooftops on the Fourth of July, the morning after the storm that dumped 3-6 inches of nickel- to golf-ball-sized hail that accumulated to feet in depth in some places. “It’s funny to see the people at Park Lake all in shorts and stuff and swimming trunks, and in the snow, it seems like,” Horacio Lopez said. Santa Rosa’s fire chief said while he appreciates the moisture during the long-running drought, the storm caused dangerous conditions on roadways. “Some people I talked to were stuck for five to six hours,” Chief Gilbert Romero said. “It’s just really bad, something I’ve never seen in my 50 years of life. I’ve never seen anything like this.” Some of the original stained glass windows, dating back about 100 years, at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church were damaged by the hail. Resulting water damage also forced businesses to close including the Family Dollar as people continued to shovel hail off of roofs. “We’ve just spent the morning here trying to assess our damage,” Mario Trujillo, the owner of the Sun & Sand Restaurant, said. “Just looking at town, it’s just incredible. We’ve heard of carports falling.” Roberta Blea didn’t realize her carport had fallen on all three of her family’s cars until after the storm passed. She said the falling hail was so loud, they couldn’t hear the carport collapsing. “I looked out and it was just raining hail,” Blea told KRQE News 13. “I had never seen that happen. I just never even expected this much destruction. It’s devastating.” Forecasters with the National Weather Service said these types of hail storms aren’t uncommon, but that it’s rare for this to happen before monsoon season starts. –KRQE
TABER, ALBERTA: “There’s still hail sitting around now and it’s like what, noon?” said Gaylene Whitley, surveying her lawn. “It’s still sitting around. It came down in buckets.” For Taber residents, waking up to snow on the lawn is normal in the spring. But waking to snowdrifts in July has the town speechless. Friday evening, large thunderstorms rolled into Taber, with hail covering streets, lawns and sidewalks. Ice pellets blocked storm sewers, flooding residential streets and sending some vehicles floating in the water. “In some spots in town I bet you there was two feet of water on the road. It was a lot of water and hail,” said Taber resident Cody Cook. Taber RCMP say there were no reports of anyone injured, or any major damage to property during the storm. Residents are left with lawns full of mud and leaves, and of course, piles of snow. But five blocks away from these homes, there’s no evidence of a storm at all. Residents in the North end of Taber seem to have been hit the hardest. One home owner said his roof is newly re-shingled, but that didn’t stop the water from coming in. “There’s water pouring in my parent’s house. Through the roof, through the walls, through the light fixtures,” said Cook. Residents say in some areas, water came up to car bumpers. Vehicles stalled trying to break through the hail filled streets, which are now filled with people from the South end of town catching a glimpse of the destruction five minutes away. All streets in Taber are now clear of water, as well as tree branches broken in the storm. –Global News
This entry was posted in Catastrophic Insurance losses mount, Civilizations unraveling, Climate unraveling, Cloudburst storms with flashflooding, Deluge from torrential rains, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Extreme Weather Event, Hailstorm, Infrastructure collapse, Prophecies referenced, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Time - Event Acceleration, Unseasonable Weather Event, Unusual hail storm. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Freak hailstorms dump tons of ice on New Mexico and Alberta, Canada

  1. Glenn Rice says:

    Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
    which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? Job 38:22-23


  2. sulah1 says:

    What kind of weather have u guys been having during these last days? Our weather has been a pure blessing. Low temps in July?? Unheard of. Record lows set.

    Lalin Sent from my iPhone


    • Anne says:

      Yes, low temps in July can be a blessing from the normal heat and humidity – however, we must include farming. And we’ve got problems no matter where you live. Abnormal high temps in the west, and prolonged rain in the east of the country esp. in the south where we live, have the farmers very concerned their crops will be lost. No crops, no food…you know the rest. Our vegetable garden is saturated and sun deprived.


      • i know, I am in SC and it has rained every single day here for weeks now, I am going crazy, I have never seen so much rain in my life, where is it coming from? you cant do anything outdoors hardly at all, and i have never seen anything like this. I feel like I am in a world gone mad right now, are we turning tropical or what?


      • Anne says:

        Phyllis, we’ve had sun for 2 days now. But Chantal is aiming for the Florida coast on upward to where you live. Just be sure you have food, water and propane. Be assured of our prayers if and when it comes.


    • Deirdre says:

      Here in Chattanooga TN it has been raining for at least two weeks now! Stays cloudy. Sometimes the rain lets off to a drizzle…


  3. Irene C says:

    I was watching video of snow plows moving this hail. This is amazing.


  4. Anne says:

    Thank you for reporting this. This is NEWS to Awaken the Sheep. Let’s see if mainstream media gets the OK to mention it.


    • Wiseguy says:

      Anne, sorry the ”Sheep” don’t want to be awaken, they want their routine, business as usual, watching their TV series quietly. They don’t want to be bother in their comfort, they will deny the obvious truth till the last minute.


  5. Colleen says:

    Very pleasant weather here in Kentucky. Aside from all the heavy rain, it has been nice. The temps are in 70’s and low 80’s. Cool weather at night. The heavy rain is a newbie though, for July. Weather patterns are so strange these past few years.


  6. kennycjr says:

    wow, two places with such a large hailstorm on the same day, seems to be they’re both about the same distance east of the rocky mountains too.


  7. Lbisulca says:

    Geo engineering / solar radiation management needs to be stopped


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