Landslides and floods kill 50 in Nepal

July 6, 2013 NEPAL Landslides and floods triggered by several weeks of monsoon rains have killed at least 50 people in mainly remote parts of Nepal, a government official said Thursday. “So far, 50 people from across the country have been killed by landslides and floods,” said Lakshmi Prasad Dhakal, chief of National Emergency Operation Centre, which monitors natural disasters in Nepal. The death toll is likely to rise, with some 19 people still missing after floods hit mostly farming communities in the country’s southern plains and remote western hills, Dhakal said. “We are forming a committee headed by the minister for physical planning, which will present a report on how to rebuild the infrastructure damaged by the landslides and floods,” said Dhakal. A total of 7,000 people have also been displaced, while 800 houses have been completely destroyed and 1500 partly damaged, after heavy monsoon rains began in mid-June and eased two weeks later, he said. “Over 1000 livestock have also been killed and we are still assessing the damage in monetary terms,” Dhakal said, adding that the government has distributed 7.5 million rupees ($78,000) in total to victims. Hundreds of people die every year from flooding and landslides during the monsoon season in Nepal. Monsoon rains have also struck over the border in India, with landslides and flash floods leaving at least one thousand people dead. – Space Daily
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