Iran opens new space-tracking center to monitor near-earth objects

June 9, 2013IRAN Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has opened a new center for monitoring space and tracking objects passing near the Earth. Ahmadinejad visited the center in the town of Delijan, some 200 kilometers south of Tehran, on June 9, accompanied by Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and other officials. The IRNA news agency reported that the center will share its data with agencies in other countries. Vahidi was quoted as saying the purpose of the base is to secure Iran’s “space facilities” and to monitor objects, “especially satellites,” that pass overhead. He said the Delijan center uses radar, radio, and electro-optical tracking methods. Iran currently has nine command-and-control centers for its space program, including one in Syria. –RFE
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7 Responses to Iran opens new space-tracking center to monitor near-earth objects

  1. Leo says:

    No, disguised as that, it is There to track incoming ICBMs from space .


  2. Chris says:

    Near earth objects?… like satellites? and securing its “space facilities”? Why do they need their “defense” minister to be in attendance for that? Yeah right.. purely defense. They want to monitor where the spy satellites are.


  3. The first step toward being able to shoot down satellites is being able to track satellites. It wasn’t lost on me that the Defense Minister accompanied Ahmadinejad to the site; that tells me that this facility was built by the defense ministry which means that it is primarily a defense facility. Being able to accurately track enemy spy satellites is also a valuable ability in hiding activity that you don’t want the whole world to see.


  4. cerey Runyon says:

    Something is disturbing the heliosphere, Oort cloud, Kuiper belt or what ever you want to call it. It seems most of he worlds governments are aware of this. We are in fr some spectacular times. David Talbott may be correct; the orbits of the planets are changing again.


  5. Irene C says:

    A center for monitoring space and tracking objects passing near the Earth. Hmmm. And they’re going to share the information with other “space facilities”? Makes me wonder if this is the real reason for this center or if this is a false flag. Sorry, but I really don’t trust Iran. IMO


  6. Garth Colin Whelan says:

    I agree with other comments. Not just for incoming ICBM’s, but also any Western satellite that whizzes past. I’m sure it may be accompanied by a missile of some sort to blow it up; especially if it’s a spy satellite


  7. Lilamarbella says:

    This curious and fascinating lady explains it all, we’re definitely entering a phase of change, but this time, we are going to observe it very closely, indeed!


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