Warner Bros is not only hoping you notice the Superman comparisons to Christ: they’re counting on it

Behold the man! Superman bears many similarities to Christ, from the scarlet robe and arrest versus the scarlet cape, from being a savior of mankind to the ascension.
June 5, 2013CINEMA When watching the Man of Steel trailer, it’s not difficult to pick up on several parallels to religious teachings. Superman himself has often been compared to being a Christ-like figure. (A baby sent to Earth by his father, Smallville- Nazareth, The Kents – Joseph & Mary, NY: Reporter of News vs. Jerusalem: Preacher of Good News, gospel ) With that in mind, Warner Bros. has teamed up with MinistryResources.org to create a pastor resource site for the Man of Steel movie. The site located at ManOfSteelResources.com provides videos, sermon outlines, and images that pastors can use in sermons to their congregations. The site even offers a listing of free pastor screenings of the Man Of Steel by city. According to the “Jesus – The Original Superhero” sermon outline on the site, “Superman’s mythical origins are rooted in the timeless reality of a spiritual superhero who also lived a modest life until extraordinary times required a supernatural response.” Here’s a brief excerpt from the Man Of Steel sermon notes. “He was sent by his father on a life-saving mission to earth. Raised in the heartland, by God-fearing parents, Clark Kent kept his extraordinary gifts under wraps until it was time to intervene.” The sermon notes also point out that Superman was created by Jerry Siegel and Joel Shuster, who tapped into their Jewish roots give him a majestic name. –Comic Book
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50 Responses to Warner Bros is not only hoping you notice the Superman comparisons to Christ: they’re counting on it

  1. hilly7 says:

    I’ve often wondered if maybe that is why bad things befall those who play Superman.


  2. Mercy says:

    Is this a preparation for the “delusion” Paul writes about happening previous to Christ’s return leading people to believe the Anti-Christ is Jesus? Paul warns the church in ll Thessalonians 2: 9-11,”that is the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders 10:and with all deception ….for those who perish….11:for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence…” and Paul continues his admonition to believers in Jesus in verse 15:”So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions you were taught by letter from us.”


    • I am Rev. Phillip Guerra from The 144,000 Project and I am in agreement with Mercy. Hollywood has been deluding us with the idea of an alien savior for many years now. Yes the Superman story can be used for God, but the pandering is not towards the relationship,with God but for the rescuing and intervention. The delusion is that supernatural signs and wanders alone with hero worship alone will do the trick, rather than a real and true heart regenerating relationship with God.


  3. bobby90247 says:

    I don’t have a problem with this, as long as they aren’t trying to “promote” Sharia Law!


  4. David says:

    More like the antichrist…….


  5. itsnotok says:

    I think their stepping on the wrong toes.


  6. G. Kumpf says:

    “They” are prepping the masses for Satan’s superman the “Antichrist” who is due on the scene shortly.


  7. throughout history…there are “chosens ones” …they are also known as avatars or judges….


  8. Rumplestilskin says:

    Humans need a hero, and Superman was good enough for my generation. Why is now, not so? We all need righteous heroes who value life and the rest of the Ten Commandments, who also has no problem putting the bad guys where they belong.
    You sir, need to seriously understand our history. Jesus was actually a minor figure in his day, who could not even preach in a synagog in his home town. He also had a only a minor following. The Jewish Sanhedrin in that day were scared of Jesus because he professed that the heaven and the Kingdom of God were “Within”, much against the Jewish faith at the time. He was thought of a heretic, and thus the Sanhedrin conspired with Rome to have him executed.
    At least Superman ideology can serve all mankind as a peerless hero who does not compromise his ethics and morals for political reasons.


  9. Don J. Long says:

    That’s because the creators of Superman, Siegel & Shuster, in the 1930s, both New York Jews, invented the Superman myth based on the Biblical characters Samson and Jesus. What’s really cool is the fact that Jesus Christ is the REAL Superman! In the 1990s, when the hit TV series “Lois & CLARK” was on network television, I wrote an essay article titled “The Gospel According to Superman” in which I went over these similarities between modern and ancient myth, and the Bible.


  10. Christine Collins says:

    My God does not get weak when exposed to Kryptonite.


  11. Irene C says:

    I read the Superman comics since I was a child and and I’ve watched most of the movies, plus the original TV show. I’ve also grew up reading my Bible. I never saw this correlation. Of course, many years ago I read an article called “The Gospel According to Star Wars.” I love sci-fi movies and will probably continue watching them, BUT, there is only ONE Gospel and ONE Savior – Jesus.


    • I’m with you, Irene, I never noticed the correlation either. I’ve also been a fan of sci-fi for as long as I can remember and always will be so long as that genre continues to bear original and creative fruit, but they need to stop “borrowing” storylines from the life of Christ and stick to more original material. And yes, the Star Wars saga is one of the worst offenders; great entertainment, but the blasphemous twisting of the life of our Lord is so obvious that George Lucas might as well have called him Darth Jesus!


    • Roger says:

      Given the birth date of December 25.
      Born from a Virgin mother.
      The star of the east announced his birth and 3 wise men/Kings paid their respects.
      He performed miracles and cure illnesses.
      He is the son of God.
      Thru him one can attain immortal afterlife and salvation.
      Had 12 disciples that traveled with him.
      He died and was resurrected after 3 days.
      Who am i talking about?
      I am talking about..?
      Horus of Egypt 3000B.C.
      Dionyses of Greece 500B.C.
      Mithra in Persia 1200B.C. (Day of worship for this one is Sunday…)
      Attis of Greece 1200B.C.
      Krishna of India 900B.C.
      And Jesus Christ of Nazareth which is the most recent of all these religions.
      If you don’t know what B.C. stands for it means “Before Christ”.
      Why would the Christian religion which has its roots in the Roman empire(known for Paganism) have all these stories that are very similar to all the other Gods and Deity’s?


  12. Joe says:

    Sharia Law? Sharia Law will seem like a sunday afternoon at the beach when Jesus returns. To equate a ficticious ‘super hero’ with Jesus is akin to madness on steroids. Beyond that, I’m speechless, except to say that many of you alive today will witness His return.


  13. Alvin Hollins says:

    I always felt the eerie parallels between the Superman story and Jesus were more than interesting… And being that Superman’s creators were Jewish, might he have represented their long awaited Messiah… Speaking of Christlike movie references, look at the movie E.T. again – the whole movie parallels the Christ story from coming to earth; discovered by kids (disciples); hounded by authories; death and resurrection; ascension…


  14. taffyduff says:

    Lol Good call bobby90247 !!


  15. B says:

    This superman is not God and never will be.A sad comparison to the God I serve and I know the God I serve……


  16. John Aspray says:

    Umm…how do they bang the nails in? Big stone in front of tomb….no problemo. Mary Magdelene, same initials, just like Lois Lane and Lana Lang. Loin cloth disguised as underpants worn over leggings. No wonder he was born at Xmas time, his father was called Noel.


  17. Oscar Fayripz says:

    This is diabolical “IN YOUR FACE” humanism in contrast to redemptive, compassionate incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is LORD! Superman is NOT!


  18. tonic says:

    Jesus was super, and is, very, very, cool.
    Drawing similarities to Him though, to some comic hero, is maybe missing the message, He spent his life displaying, and was eventually murdered for.


  19. Jonathan says:

    As much as I love an exciting good versus evil action movie, the Christ comparison is inappropriate because it is inherently anti-Christ. Let me explain….. Jesus came to earth and did some amazing things but His crowing achievement was His obedience to Father God as expressed by His submission to death on a cross. Any other way of saving the day especially through ‘super powers’ is man’s way of trying to reach God in his own strength. There is only one way to the Father and that is Jesus Christ!!


  20. itsnotok says:

    Superman’s suit always had the colors of the old church. Hollywood and writers have always used Biblical terms and customs in their theatrical story’s. What ticks me off is they make money using God then spit in his face by putting out the filth later.


  21. nanoduck says:

    I have a feeling that we are being set up…brainwashed…prepared….for a big event, and millions will fall for it.


  22. jake says:

    perhaps Hollywood’s subliminal messages can do some good for once!


  23. niebo says:

    . . . And, no way but, yeah, wouldn’t you know: dies by CRYPTONITE, not by being crucified. How cool is that, huh? IF Superman were to be killed, I mean, you know? Or if he even could be, cuz he flies and stuff, so, he’s prolly ALOT harder to catch, and Jesus walked on water, so what; he walked EVERYWHERE so there is, like, NO suspense about whether or not the empire is going to catch him, cuz of course they catch him: he’s on FOOT! Cuz he NEVER flies! He is just Jesus, you know, NOT an angel, right? Plus, Superman is REALLY immortal, where Jesus is, you know, actually dead. At least, for, well, the time is debated, but for a little while, anyway, and up to but not longer than three days, and Superman is WAY stronger than that; plus, he has comic books and stuff, like a dillion movies already, and what does Jesus have? A Bible? ?? Like, there aren’t even any pictures, so who cares? You know? Right? So, yeah, well, it’s like, you know, easy . . . Superman is cooler than Jesus.

    At least until God squishes him into a puddle of splintered steel for his reprehensible blasphemies. But, whatever. Tweet it if you twitter!!!


    • tonic says:

      ” and what does Jesus have? A Bible? ??”
      Maybe he has you, and us, and all the other people around the world who simply get the message he died for.
      I want to scream it at the top of my voice, but I must not. So, he died because he cared for us, or was directed to be murdered by his father.

      Oh,…… and because he forgave all the wrong things we done.
      And love for Him has human imposed confines.


      • tonic says:

        You can love Him IF………….
        Something Jesus never displayed. But then again love is a special thing, and love of God is special, and might be the one emotion we have have stopped displaying as a community.


  24. I was under the assumption that the Jews do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah!!!!


  25. not for one second would I even think that the two are similiar in any way!!!


  26. Jonathan says:

    Aligning with today’s anti-Christ theme perfectly!

    Amazing to see these thing play out before our very eyes!


  27. Charles says:

    Unfortunately, a lot of ignorance in the comments section… that´s why the world is in such state. But blessings to the EX-PROTOCOL for bringing this to our attention. A pagan myth brought to life by Hollywood, a myth creator.


    • Irene C says:

      And you know this is a myth – How? You’re not going to like it if you find out that you’re wrong. At least “if” I’m wrong, I’ve had a good life and won’t lose anything – you’ll lost eternity.


  28. Dan67 says:

    He’ll do until the real Jesus comes along.


  29. Dennis E. says:

    The world is being conditioned to accept an alien savior. This is one of the thesis ideas of the new world order. One person who can bring all of us together. One person who has all the answers. One person we can put all our hope in and who will care for us and defend us and knows our best interest.


  30. Bill says:

    SuperMan? – yes he lived, still does – a retired football player – Ted Macdonald he played for Newcastle United Football Club in the 1970’s. Great player – went by the nick name – “SuperMac” so… there you have it SuperMan did and does exist. An mortal soul soon to perish in the grave(Hell) until the resurrection at the return of Jesus Christ Saviour of ALL Mankind!


  31. This will be just the latest in a long line of films that have taken the reality of Christ and twisted it into some blasphemous “story” to further line their pockets. Look at the Star Wars saga and how it twisted the life of Christ into the life and death of Anakin/Vader! Holloywood’s sins will catch up to it someday, and in my mind the sooner the better.


  32. Brad Hamilton says:

    People people. How can you complain about Hollywood essentially tributing to Jesus?
    “Superman is not Jesus!”
    No one said he was. It’s called a PARALLEL.
    And people saying it follows more of an anti-Christ model? You understand that Superman is not a real being, nor has anyone said he was right?
    Moses was not a vegetable, but no one seems to have a problem with Veggie Tales portraying him that way.
    If you want to complain that they are going to make money off a Jesus comparison and use that money to make filth, ok. But, making a movie that uses a fictional character that parallels Jesus’s own story and morals and self sacrifice…well I’ll take that as a win for Christ.


    • twclark66 says:

      I would suggest that this is purely subliminal programming and conditioning for the entrance of the Antichrist. Satan never had an original idea in his life. He wants to be like the most high. This is Luciferian doctrine which basically states Lucifer (good guy)(also “Superman”) wanted to illuminate Adam & Eve to a tyrant creator that was trying to hold them down and keep them in the dark as to their true god potential (gnostic belief). Superman comes out of the occult mythos which Hitler fostered with his Uberman. He is an Alien who breeds with a woman Lois Lane and will produce hybrids. Just remember that if you were to categorize Sci-fy from a Christian context, it would fall under vain imaginations. These are the man made traditions and stories that Jesus warned against following. I watch Sci-fy and enjoyed it growing up and I know now what I am viewing. It shows you the occult Hollywood programming that they want to disseminate throughout society. Satan is a counterfeiter and Hollywood creates many characters with Christ like counterfeit characteristics with the ultimate goal of deceiving the masses.


    • The problem, Brad, is that this type of “parallel” serves to condition people to accept any messianic individual who comes along working miracles and offering salvation, when we know from prophecy that such a person is soon to come along. There is only one true Messiah, which is Jesus Christ, and any substitute only leads to damnation.


  33. Lordminja@gmail.com says:

    Amazing parallels. Both are make believe and both will provide entertainment for millions. Both are designed to rake in your hard earned cash. Both have fans that get extremely preachy and will argue endlessly about why their make believe superhero is better than yours. The difference being of course no one ever murdered in the name of superman.


    • tonic says:

      Nor did anyone show compassion, empathy, kindness. love, tolerance, respect, forgiveness, in the name of Superman.


    • artboy80 says:

      Dear Lordminja,
      Please don’t call Jesus make-believe. He is not someone you can put with fantasy. Please read the source (KJ Bible), especially Matthew, and just maybe you will come to know who Jesus really is and what he did and is doing for YOU. You will be in my prayers. God bless!


  34. tonic says:

    Murder has many preferences.


  35. mikeloria says:

    The story of Superman shows love and sacrifice.A super role model that saves mankind from worldly destruction (not eternal separation from our creator). I see no problem making an analogy to Christ as long as it stops there and the differences are well understood.
    Jesus is the co-creator of the universe and if superman was real, he would be his creator as well. Jesus’s power is beyond compare. Someday when this great battle of Armageddon occurs, it will end with a simple raise of a hand and a single word. There will be no fight. It will be the hour of choosing from the father who will summons the son. Jesus is God, he is infinite and incomprehensible. His love is infinite and cannot be compared. Superman can only show some aspects of Christ.
    I would use this story/movie to show children about love, sacrifice, and having super power as a springboard for talking about Jesus. It must then be made clear that the power and glory of Jesus in incomparable.


    • Brad Hamilton says:

      Well said. Also, to add to my earlier comments, Superman having Christ parallels is essentially making him Christ-like. Not Christ. Christ-like. And if that’s wrong, then the entire Christian faith has been a farce. The word Christian means Christ-like. Striving to be like Christ, regardless of the fact that we will always fall short, should be the no. 1 goal of every human being.


  36. Caleb Boone says:

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

    Superman is not Jesus.

    Superman is not like Jesus and should not be discussed as if he were Jesus.

    Superman does not have his origins in Christianity.

    Superman derives from the German Uber-Mensch or Zarathustra:




    Zarathustra derives from Zoroaster:



    Those who compare Superman to Jesus have either forgotten or have chosen to ignore the well-known historical, philosophical, literary and religious origins of Superman.

    Sincerely yours,
    Caleb Boone.


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