34 Responses to Terror makes its way back to America; and this time, it’s different

  1. Let’s take a look at how many innocent people have been killed by american drones? I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of countries thought of americans as terrorists!


    • Elizabeth says:

      While that’s true, you are grouping all Americans in with the ones who wage war, or support the politicians who wage war, or sit around with a narrow view of the world. There are so many of us who don’t vote for either of the status quo parties, who don’t want to be known as the world’s bullies. I personally voted for Gary Johnson in 2012, and I personally don’t want to bomb any other country. I do understand there are people out there who want to destroy everything, and they should be punished and stopped. But not all people in every country, or every religion, are the same. I want everyone to be able to live their life in a peaceful way, I don’t look at people from other countries as ‘less than’ or worthless. I personally strive to be a compassionate person, and I am ashamed that I am viewed as an American bully, a bellicose and sheltered jerk just because that’s what the world sees of us on media and in the American tourists who are like that.

      I don’t sit around thinking ‘let’s blow them muslims up’, or ‘to hell with those starving Africans’. What I think is ‘I hope to see a day we can all live our dreams’, and ‘we can all be free to believe what we want without fear’. I do love my country, I know some amazing people in America, and I am working toward representing America in the Paralympics (equestrian), and I will be proud to do so. I want to show the world that America is not about drones, and bullies, and bellicose threats, but that there are many of us who are kind, and are strong, and overcome our hardships to be the best human being we can be…just like people all over the world are. Please don’t think all Americans are what you see on TV or the internet, it does not represent us all. There are so many of us who would rather hold your hand in friendship than hit you in hatred.


      • Michele B says:

        Beautiful and very well put. You go girl!


      • chrysler13 says:

        I’m getting tired of the world blaming the American people for their problems. The true is, there are criminal elements in the U.S. Federal government (i.e. Wall street, the Pentagon, the United Nations, FEMA, CIA, FBI, TSA, etc) that are actively trying to start a new confrontation, not only abroad, but in the home land as well. All these “drills” are just practice for when Martial law is eventually declared in this nation (and possibly Mexico and Canada too). Remember, there are people in the higher levels of government that are trying to see this mayhem through to the end, because if they don’t, they know they will be going to jail or maybe even killed for their crimes against humanity. Just go to Alex Jone’s Infowars.com. You’ll learn all you need to know about the New World Order.


      • Lisa S says:

        Beautifully stated Elizabeth! I wish you well and good luck! I will be cheering you on!


      • Theresa says:

        Well said! Good Luck in the Paralympics! I voted for Ron Paul.


      • Lucy says:

        Well said Elizabeth!!! I agree! Please anyone who reads this don’t put all Americans into one box. God bless.


      • robert says:

        The people of Africa are starving because they keep having children ,without concern on how to feed them …. The law of nature is you, dont reproduce if there is no food source ! Even the lowest forms of creatures conform to these rules ….This is why war is and will be with us , Any human that hates should be killed and sent to God to learn to love agian ! So stop the bleeding heart crap ! You reap what you sow !


    • prayntongues says:

      GW, that is an excellent point! How Is the United States perceived in the world today?considering the drone stealth missile attacks, invading and terrorizing countries for years.

      This article is feeding into what the gov’t wants us to be…afraid, so they can “protect” us with all these ridiculous “security” committees and measures that are a BIG JOKE, the borders are still permeable, and now drones will be “patrolling” everywhere and if you are marked as a “terrorist” (see definition of terrorist in the NDAA), someone can push a button and blow you up, all in the name for “the war on terror”.
      If they really wanted a secure America, they would have adopted Israel’s excellent security protocols instead of our current methods used by the TSA and DHS.


    • deon says:

      if you are innocent then you better watch who you are standing next too!


  2. richfish30 says:

    Empty streets of a big and beatiful city…a very sad picture.


  3. Puma says:

    I had no idea who are responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings. Some say Islamic terrorists did it while the others say North Korea did it.


  4. Bill Moylan says:

    A cultural shift is happening in the world, non more so than in the USA – made up of many. There for violence – not just in the USA will get more violent as the shoulders of this shift rub against each other. Erupting into WW111.


    • The Clash of Civilizations: WASHINGTON (AFP) – Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger warned that Europe and the United States must unite to head off a “war of civilizations” arising from a nuclear-armed Middle East.In an opinion column in the Washington Post, the renowned foreign policy expert said the potential for a “global catastrophe” dwarfed lingering transatlantic mistrust left over from the Iraq war. “A common Atlantic policy backed by moderate Arab states must become a top priority, no matter how pessimistic previous experience with such projects leaves one,” Kissinger wrote. “The debate sparked by the Iraq war over American rashness vs. European escapism is dwarfed by what the world now faces.” “Both sides of the Atlantic should put their best minds together on how to deal with the common danger of a wider war merging into a war of civilizations against the background of a nuclear-armed Middle East.” -Henry Kissinger/Yahoo News


      • Bill Moylan says:

        Funny you should mention that the USA and Europe (German led E.U.(SIC)) should help each other to overcome the rise of the rest. The problems in todays world came about at the end of WW11. Gen. Patton wanted to carry on through Russia – eliminating communisn if the USSR. This did not happen. Then the Korean war ended in a stalemate after Gen. MacAthur had wanted to nuke China; effectivley ending the Korean war, by making China refrain from its backing of the North Korean communist. This did not.
        Hence as Russia and China’s communist ideology was still in place. Vietnam came about. This defeat of the USA in this war had knock on effects throught South and Central America and Africa. As now Russia, China and North Korea supplied training, weapons and money for these colonial (goverments) to be over thrown. After the defeat of the USA in Vietnam and with the USA licking its wounds – communisn was able to do its destructive best in dismantling many colonial countries; Cuba (already gone before this point), Nicaragua, Angola, Mozambuiqe, Rhodesia and South Africa. Hence a large chunk of real estate as well as commodities was now lost to the western world. All these countries are now well inside the camp of Russia and China. The BRICS are organising to trade in its own currency, China’s ?). These country stand also together with the SCO nations (Shanghai Cooperation Organiastion) They all make up for a lot of people, military and economic power. Their hatred of the USA and UK is well known. The point you make about the USA and Europe, in effect Germany, coming together against thise mentioned above is fantasy – i know it has been mentioned recently – but you have to understand that; and clearly – that Germany is busy feathering its own nest inside of Europe. Strengthening its position of ultimate take every day. Germany wants to and will make war on its in its own time – without a collapsing bankrupt USA or UK. The apex of WW111 is Iran. If the USA could have taken them out, it would have already. As time goes by Europe will be the nations that will attack Iran. There is more…


  5. Too many questions have come up since this episode began. I think it is a false flag event, and martial law has been enforced in Boston. If this is only the beginning, hold onto your hats.


  6. MH says:

    So Aljazera is commenting on our news now. Strongly noted that the comment mentioned nothing of the connection of these new Boston terrorists as being Moslem…seemed Obviously lacking. And Maj. Nidal M. Hassan, an Army psychiatrist with loose connections to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula…another Moslem. Is there a pattern here, or is that stereo typing. Political correctness will take the west down.


    • Bill Moylan says:

      Aljazera gets its news from London,(London’s patsy) its is not a true voice of the people of the middle east, as this web site is one of the great sites for news and discuusion. It is best to ignore main stream propaganda with its journalist (propagandist) filling our heads with crap.


  7. John B. says:

    So let’s get this straight. 1) Federal and local law enforcement tell people in and around the area on the day of the marathon that they should “remain calm” that their presence is only part of a “drill”. 2) There are literally dozens and dozens of police, para-military, under cover federal agents, plains clothes cops and bomb detection people with bomb sniffing dogs and a couple of wannabe terrorists just walk up and place explosive devices at the finish line? What were the dogs doing, sniffing each other? 3) Then the perps leave the scene undetected and commence to go on a crime spree by stealing a car and robbing a 7-11? 4) Boston is under martial law and law enforcement is threatening reporters to turn off their cell phones or die. 5) Everybody still thinks everything is okay and we can still believe what the government tells us. Wake up people!


    • Magenta says:

      John B. I think people are waking up and can see that there is a pattern in these planned events. There are a small percentage of people who are trying to create chaos and confusion in the world, to control others through fear. Its a well used psychopath trick. My guess is that the puppet masters, NWO is behind all the staged events, and the current military aggression. We are being conditioned to seeing and accepting military and police states. Are we powerless to stop the greed and power plays that are so damaging and just considered collateral damage, to those who pull the strings? Personally, I am sick of hearing about the plight of homeless vets, neglected and abused children etc., while we watch world leaders living in decadence. All the while claiming to represent the people they are oppressing? We are paying these leaders to help themselves? Spraying us with chemtrails is not a conspiracy theory anymore, aluminum particles that they spray are very bad for us and the environment The government won’t even address this issue and tell us why they are spraying chemtrails so desperately. Then putting flouride in everything possible and telling us, its good for us? The FDA has never approved the use of flouride in water, for a reason. Hitler used it on prisoners to dumb them down and control them. Almost looks like we are intentionally being made sick. I don’t like what I am seeing in the world and wonder who is behind the destruction?


  8. Josh B says:

    It looks a lot like Martial Law in Boston right now…


  9. Daniel Hughes says:

    It does make everyone less-secure. But I am not sure how the overblown, militarized police response makes things any better. That looks as much like terror to me as the bombs did.


  10. Sarah says:

    Yes exactly. A nation of egoism and double standards, a controlled, brainwashed media, and a corrupt system of lies. (Mind you this can apply to almost all systems now!)
    Ask for compassion and forgiveness to all victims AND perpetrators wherever they may be. Sme people live with this sort of madness daily, isn’t everyone entitled to ‘liberty, happiness and freedom’?? Or is that just an American prerogative? Sickening


  11. Dennis E. says:

    Griffin Walker made a very creditable, thoughtful comment. Some Americans believe that the Drone program is out of control. They have had much practice over there and soon they will be over here?
    Ist of all, there can be no excuse for the actions taken by these two individuals in the past week to include the additional killing and wounding of enforcement officers. We cannot doubt that the roots of this incident and follow up are deeper that the general public has been told.

    Now, I think it would be important for the EP family and friends observe how this operation is being carried out. 1st of all, Fox news just reported at 4:15 PM that authorities in Boston has directed that all residents remain in their homes. The hunt for the remaining bomber is in Watertown,MA probably a subrub of Boston but there is about 9,000 enforcement (civilian and military) officers in this area and they have been going to selected homes in a search for this person or persons and maintain a perimeter. In other words as a reporter just stated, “A whole town is being held Hostage”. I don’t know what the gun laws of Massachusetts is, but if he tried to enter a home ilIegally, well the home owner could save the goverment several million dollars.

    Watch this operation. After it is completed, each department will conduct an after action review
    of polices and procedures. What worked will be improved on and what failed will be replaced by another procedure or enchanced training.

    “Never let a good crisis go waste”.

    Just think about the scope of the number of people being locked down just for this one person with no reported evidence of additional support elements. I can understand watertown, I cannot understand Boston, the subways, the buses…With that many enforcement officers, adequate security can be provided for those areas. This is also an on-going training exercise on the local, stare and federal levels. If weapons were ever confiscated from homeowners, this type of operation could be used.
    Also, as was printed in this post, our nation has many people here on visa’s passports and newly
    approved citizens who hate us and like this incident are awaiting orders to strike.
    If we start to have more incidents such as this, the public could pressure the goverment for more security. More security, less freedom of movement,less freedom of assembly. More opportunity for for a dictatorship to come to power, to rule………….

    Just my opinion……………


  12. manich says:

    An unprecedented shutdown of a major US city. Preparing the US citizens for a future Marshall Law/police state maybe?


  13. Rush Limburger says:

    Hmmmm, wonder if the blast in Texas which leveled a small town and killed only God knows how many will be investigated as thoroughly as the tragedy in Boston? Lockdown the town there to seize fleeing owners and managers perhaps?


    • lucille says:

      thats my thoughts exactly…political distraction? now the financial meltdown has lost its position, as the MOSTpervasive problem in the US, to ‘security”? as if


  14. Patty says:

    What now will all the people do while they are inside their houses? They will become more terrorized and broken because they will be watching the television. And the television will provide all their thoughts for them. So evil wins. God Bless the ones who begin at the beginning of the Bible and read it through to the end. Then the Light will rise in minds instead of fear and conciousnesses grow in a humble, proper Way. We know how the Story Ends…..Keep the Faith Y’all!


  15. TheOne says:

    I rather lose drones then troops. Bring on the drones. Oh and they weren’t all innocent.


  16. Michele B says:

    I have to agree, but the one doesn’t justify the other in my opinion… either way you look at it.


  17. noahgarza24 says:

    REALLY! look at the dictionary.
    definition of a terrorist.
    if u cannot understand.
    stupidity is bliss for alot of people.
    and im a american.
    not proud of it ether.
    Nor my skin color.
    ignorance is what blinds us.
    peace predictability.


    • joemozden says:

      Not proud to be American… Maybe because you’re to young to know what being an American is.


    • I can totally understand your not being proud to be an American at this point in time. Hopefully something will change, and once again you and every other American can be proud of your country. The old America was worth being proud of, this new America? Not so much. But hopefully good Americans will do something about what is happening.


  18. dubb says:

    Do people really think Boston was a cover up for something else a black swan or something I think people remember you can state a fact and still be a hypocrite Boston was on lock down because turf was still danger and the police did a good job my opinion


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